Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 59 Something Unexpected Happens When Listening To Music

Chapter 59: Unexpected Changes at the Music Appreciation Event

Of course, such situations have occurred before, but those were only foolish acts committed by obsessed male fans.

However, the black-clad woman just now was clearly different.

So, at the first moment, the audience below the stage did not think in that direction. Instead, they were eagerly anticipating what Huo Lianyi was going to do.

It wasn't until the other staff members on stage started to panic that people slowly began to feel that something was wrong, and then chaos ensued. However, by that time, some time had already passed.

But Luo Qiaoqiao was not like those audience members. The moment the black-clad woman displayed her escape technique, Luo Qiaoqiao immediately stood up.

"What's wrong?" Xu You asked as he stood up as well.

"No time to explain, let's go!" Luo Qiaoqiao left the venue at the first opportunity and flew towards the direction the black-clad woman had left.

Although Xu You didn't understand, he quickly followed at the fastest speed.

When Xu You caught up with Luo Qiaoqiao, she explained, "The black-clad person's escape technique is the core escape technique of our Joyous Union Sect, called the Phoenix Shadow Escape. Only disciples of the Joyous Union Sect can learn it."

"Are you saying that the black-clad woman might be the senior sister who defected?" Xu You asked.

"Most likely," Luo Qiaoqiao nodded lightly. "There are only six or seven female disciples of the Joyous Union Sect currently working in Xichuan City, and it's impossible for them to do such a thing. The only one who fits is the defected senior sister."

Xu You suddenly realized, "I see. But why did she capture Huo Lianyi?"

"I don't know," Luo Qiaoqiao shook her head.

Xu You pondered, "Your senior sister shouldn't be looking for female blood to cultivate, and even if she had a conflict with Huo Lianyi, she wouldn't openly make a move like this. There is only one explanation: could it be that the demonic path made her do it? Wasn't your senior sister implanted with a demonic seed? It's very likely that she was compelled to do this."

"That makes sense, but why would the demonic cultivators do this?" Luo Qiaoqiao was puzzled.

Xu You continued, "Your senior sister is, after all, from the Joyous Union Sect, representing the Joyous Union Sect. What would happen if people found out that the Joyous Union Sect was targeting the May Pavilion?"

Luo Qiaoqiao was stunned, "Are you saying that the demonic alliance wants to use this to provoke the relationship between the Joyous Union Sect and the May Pavilion?"

"It's just a guess," Xu You replied. "From the perspective of the sect, two disciples wouldn't be able to provoke their relationship. It can only be said that this matter probably involves a larger organization and premeditation. Otherwise, there would be no reason for such a sudden and pointless event. I have reason to suspect that it is related to the demonic alliance."

"So I suggest we act with caution. If there are indeed people from the demonic alliance waiting for us, it might not be easy for the two of us to handle," Xu You advised.

Luo Qiaoqiao replied, "I have to go to find out the truth. And there's no need to worry too much. My master gave me a treasure. Unless there is a cultivator of the sixth realm, I can bring my senior sister back."

"I'm lucky, I won't fail."

"But you shouldn't follow me. If something happens later, I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of you," Luo Qiaoqiao said.

"Luo Senior Sister, you're wrong. I won't abandon our friendship in times of trouble," Xu You said firmly. "Rest assured, I will never hold you back. Besides, you have the Divine Weapon to protect you. What do I have to fear?"

Luo Qiaoqiao looked at Xu You, who had a determined expression on his face, and didn't say anything, just nodded lightly.

The two of them kept a certain distance from the black-clad woman, not letting her notice that they were following, but the tracking line was not broken, closely following her.

And so, they raced out of Xichuan City. Once they were out of the city, Xu You immediately summoned his flying boat and shot off with Luo Qiaoqiao.

Just as Xu You and Luo Qiaoqiao were in hot pursuit, the atmosphere at the live music event in Xichuan City suddenly changed.

The person in charge of the Xichuan City office, stationed there by Wuyue Xuan, arrived at the scene as soon as possible.

Among the audience, there were those who were knowledgeable and recognized that the technique used by the cultivator who kidnapped Huo Lianyi was the unique escape technique of the Joyous Union Sect, known as the Phoenix Shadow Escape.

Once the news spread, the person in charge of the Joyous Union Sect at the Xichuan City office also arrived promptly.

The Minister of the Demon Suppression Department in Xichuan City personally came to investigate under the orders of City Lord Zhou Wujin.

Huo Lianyi was invited by Zhou Wujin, and if something happened, he had to give an explanation!

For a while, the bustling Xichuan City became even more lively. Such a heinous incident happening in front of everyone would not be tolerated.

Hundreds of miles outside the western city of Xichuan City lies a continuous range of mountains.

In the southern region of Great Zhou, there is a Transcendent Level mountain range that spans several counties, known as the Hengling Mountains. This mountain range is filled with countless high mountains, and its depths are almost uninhabited.

Within this vast mountain range, many evil sect members have gradually gathered.

Especially in the depths of the Hengling Mountains, ordinary cultivators would not venture inside. Various powerful birds, beasts, and demonic cultivators reside there.

The Hengling Mountains are not only famous in the Great Zhou Dynasty, but also one of the infamous "Sacred Lands" of evil and demonic forces in the entire Middle Earth Continent.

Because the Hengling Mountains are too vast and magnificent, it is impossible to completely eradicate the various filth inside, which spreads like wild grass.

Over the years, a Transcendent Level organization composed of evil and demonic forces called the Heng Alliance has formed within the Hengling Mountains.

Their strength is extremely formidable, and they are the rulers of the mountains. No force dares to easily provoke the Heng Alliance by entering the Hengling Mountains.

At the western end of the Hengling Mountains, this is already the final stage of the undulating mountain range, with a height of no more than a thousand zhang. Compared to the main body of the mountain range, it is considered small.

This small section of the Hengling Mountains falls within Western River County, only a few hundred miles away from Xichuan City.

At this moment, on a small hilltop in this area, two middle-aged men wrapped in black robes stood with their hands behind their backs, looking towards Xichuan City.

These two men are senior members of the Scarlet Gold Hall under the Demon Alliance, Wang Tanxiao and Li Fengsheng.

They are quite famous within the Demon Alliance, but their manners are extremely poor. They can't even speak without using foul language.

These two have been close brothers who have relied on each other for so many years in the Demon Alliance, helping and supporting each other.

Being a hall master in the Demon Alliance is considered a high-ranking position. The fact that these two hall masters personally oversee the operation is enough to show the importance of the matter.

The kidnapping case that just happened in the city was planned by the two of them, or more accurately, guided by Wang Tanxiao.

This Hall Master Wang skillfully used human nature to create this kidnapping case, where the female disciple of the Joyous Union Sect openly abducted Huo Lianyi at the music event.

It was a completely hidden act, with enough time difference for the disciples of the Joyous Union Sect to bring the person here.

Having been in the jianghu for so many years, Wang Tanxiao has always adhered to a combination of recklessness and meticulousness, with a high success rate.

"Wang, your fucking brain is still useful." Li Fengsheng said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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