Chapter 60: Joyous Union

"Ah, it's just a small matter," Wang Tanxiao waved his hand and said, "Once that disciple from Five Moon Pavilion is captured, we'll take her to the depths of the Hengling Mountains and kill her."

"Why do we need to personally handle such a trivial matter that was assigned to us?" Li Fengsheng asked, puzzled.

Wang Tanxiao explained, "The purpose is simple: the people from Joyous Union Sect want to have the disciple from Five Moon Pavilion, who was invited by Zhou Wujin, captured and brought to the Heng Alliance. They probably want to create some chaos in the southwestern border of Great Zhou."

"But don't you think that the disciple from Five Moon Pavilion is insignificant? She's just a cultivator at the Three Realms level. Moreover, even I can see through such a crude setup. Joyous Union Sect isn't stupid, how could they not see through it?" Li Fengsheng questioned.

"Li Xiong, sometimes the simplest conspiracies can have the greatest impact. And don't underestimate the role that low-level cultivators can play. This is just a pivot point. With this pivot point, it will be much easier to carry out subsequent actions. Besides, do you think that Huo Lianyi is just a simple Three Realms disciple? Her musical cultivation is among the top among the young disciples of Five Moon Pavilion. Moreover, her mother is the only daughter of Huo Louzhu, the owner of the Water Smoke Tower in Five Moon Pavilion. Do you still think it's simple?" Wang Tanxiao explained.

"Huo Louzhu? That promiscuous woman who can play the immortal music?" Li Fengsheng exclaimed.

"That's right."

"Wow! If people find out, we'll be in big trouble. I've heard that she seeks revenge for even the smallest grievances, and women tend to be petty."

"That's why the Alliance chose to target Huo Lianyi. The trouble caused by her will naturally be borne by Joyous Union Sect and the Heng Alliance, with the endorsement of the Great Zhou Dynasty. What does it have to do with us? Don't worry, just be more discreet when we carry out the plan," Wang Tanxiao reassured.

"With Huo Louzhu's temperament, she will definitely stir up trouble in Western River County, Joyous Union Sect, and the Heng Alliance. Do you still think it's a small matter now? We need to be present to ensure that nothing goes wrong," Li Fengsheng nodded in agreement.

At that moment, Li Fengsheng suddenly said, "I heard that Black Obsidian Venerable is currently in the Heng Alliance, representing the Demon Alliance in negotiations with the Heng Alliance. I don't understand why they would do something like this at this time. If it's discovered, won't Venerable be imprisoned?"

"The orders from above are their considerations. Why bother with so many details?" Wang Tanxiao replied.

"With you here, everything will naturally fall into place," Li Fengsheng laughed heartily, "Hehehehe."

"Stop laughing, someone's coming," Wang Tanxiao narrowed his eyes and looked into the darkness ahead. A figure was shooting towards them.

Soon, the figure landed. It was a middle-aged woman wearing the clothes of Joyous Union Sect, carrying Huo Lianyi on her shoulder.

At this moment, Huo Lianyi's eyes were lifeless, her eyes completely black. After throwing Huo Lianyi to the ground, she stood there obediently, like a puppet.

Wang Tanxiao was very satisfied. His simple kidnapping plan had been executed flawlessly.

But soon, his smile faded as he suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction they had come from.

"Li Xiong, two little bugs are coming. Go deal with them, quickly," Wang Tanxiao said.

"Leave it to me," Li Fengsheng nodded slightly. With his cultivation level, he could naturally sense the two people approaching from afar. He turned into black smoke and disappeared from his original position.

When he reappeared, he was standing alone in the distant sky, his eyes coldly fixed on the young couple in front of him.

Xu You and Luo Qiaoqiao abruptly stopped, their eyes filled with shock as they looked at the black-robed man who had suddenly appeared in front of them.

They had been following Luo Qiaoqiao's senior sister, keeping a considerable distance and concealing their presence. Even a cultivator at the Fifth Realm level wouldn't be able to sense them from such a distance.

They had been cautious, but the person who appeared in front of them completely stunned them.

It was a powerful cultivator at the Sixth Realm level, and it was obvious that he had come specifically for the two of them.

Xu You stared at Luo Qiaoqiao beside him with wide eyes, his expression clearly conveying his disbelief. Wasn't it said that it was absolutely impossible for a powerhouse of the sixth realm to commit such a kidnapping?

This can't be a joke!

Mirror Flower Water Moon!

In an instant, Xu You clapped his hands heavily, and hundreds of chilling Sword Qi emerged, flickering with a cold and eerie aura under the night sky.

Then, these hundreds of Sword Qi flew towards Li Fengsheng.

At the moment when the Sword Qi descended upon the opponent, Xu You decisively grabbed Luo Qiaoqiao's wrist and retreated.

He immediately summoned his flying boat and flew away at an extremely fast speed.

At the moment Li Fengsheng arrived, Xu You had no intention of confronting him at all. His only thought was to escape as quickly as possible.

The opponent was filled with demonic energy, and his whole being exuded a murderous intent. There was no point in staying.

Damn it, a cultivator of the third realm fighting against one of the sixth realm. I don't even know how to write the word "death."

Luo Qiaoqiao was somewhat astonished by Xu You's quick reaction, especially by the hundreds of powerful Sword Qi he summoned in an instant.

This had already exceeded her understanding and imagination. Looking at the hundreds of Sword Qi, each containing the cultivation of a late stage third realm, if she were to face them, her only option would be to flee in panic.

Wait a minute, isn't Xu You following the Daoist path?

What's the deal with this Sword Qi? How did he create such fierce Sword Qi?

Compared to Luo Qiaoqiao's immense shock, Li Fengsheng remained calm, but he was also somewhat surprised as he looked at the Sword Qi before him.

A cultivator of the third realm being able to summon such magnificent Sword Qi also broke his understanding. However, he wasn't too shocked. In his eyes, these Sword Qi were skillful, but nothing more than the strength of a child.

Compared to the shock from the Sword Qi, he appreciated Xu You's reaction more.

Being decisive and intelligent at such a young age, he was a good seedling.

It can only be said that the pressure in the Immortal Cultivation World is immense right now, and each generation of young people is stronger than the previous one.

Li Fengsheng lightly waved his right hand, causing a huge wave of energy to rise in front of him, instantly dispersing all the hundreds of Sword Qi before him.

Then, he reached out with his right hand, and a massive black palm descended from the sky, directly grabbing towards the fleeing Xu You.

Xu You turned his head to look at the opponent's swift movement, and then at the black giant palm above his head. The Divine Ability pressure of a cultivator of the sixth realm made it difficult for him to breathe.

"Be careful!"

Luo Qiaoqiao reacted immediately, pushing Xu You behind her. Then, she took out a beautifully crafted red jade talisman.

She quickly crushed the jade talisman and bit her tongue, spraying a bit of blood onto it.

Soon, the jade talisman emitted a buzzing sound, and a strong magical fluctuation spread from it. An endless surge of blood energy gathered along the fluctuation.

Finally, a huge blood-colored palm formed in the sky, its pressure not inferior to Li Fengsheng's Divine Ability.

"Rakshasa Hand?" Li Fengsheng exclaimed in surprise, his face first filled with fear, but then he felt that something was off.

This Rakshasa Hand was completely different in power from what he had witnessed before.

Years ago, Li Fengsheng had the privilege of witnessing the Rakshasa Hand once. It was the unique Divine Ability of the Joyous Union Sect's Venerable Bliss, unparalleled in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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