Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 61 (Please Read) The Moral Sword Talks About Good Years

Chapter 61 (Seeking to Continue Reading) - The Abundant Year in Moral Sword

As everyone knows, the strongest combat power of the Joyous Union Sect lies in the strong members of the "Huan" generation. Countless strong individuals have been buried under the hands of the "Huanxi Venerable's Rakshasa Hand."

When Li Fengsheng saw the Rakshasa Hand, he hesitated and temporarily stopped activating his own Divine Ability.

This young girl in front of him, who possesses the Rakshasa Hand Divine Ability bestowed by the Huanxi Venerable, is definitely not an ordinary disciple of the Joyous Union Sect. She must be a disciple of the Huanxi Venerable.

If he were to kill her and the Huanxi Venerable found out later, he would meet a miserable death no matter where he fled. The Huanxi Venerable is unscrupulous and has a large influence.

It is said that under her golden scissors, countless treasures have been buried.

He is loyal to the Demon Alliance and serves the Alliance, but he is not willing to risk his life.

During his moment of hesitation, Luo Qiaoqiao unceremoniously formed hand seals, and the Rakshasa Hand directly overwhelmed Li Fengsheng.

In the blink of an eye, a trace of ruthlessness flashed across Li Fengsheng's face.

Damn it, even if I lose my courage, so be it.

Without hesitation, he continued to activate his Divine Ability and launched an attack.

The collision of black and red created a huge shockwave that spread for dozens of miles around.

Wave after wave of immense energy caused Xu You's flying boat to sway and nearly collapse.

"Let's go!" Luo Qiaoqiao spat out a few mouthfuls of blood. Forcing the activation of the Rakshasa Hand had caused her serious internal injuries.

Xu You no longer hesitated and immediately urged the flying boat to speed away.

Li Fengsheng, who was in the center of the explosion, was momentarily stunned. He shook his head and was about to pursue, but Wang Tanxiao had already arrived by his side in a hurry.

"What the hell just happened? Who was that?"

"There's a little bug who is a disciple of the Joyous Union Sect's Huanxi Venerable. Damn it, she had the Rakshasa Hand to protect her, and I fell for it," Li Fengsheng explained.

"Chase after them! Kill them!" Wang Tanxiao's expression changed a few times. "If they escape and word gets out that it was us, it will ruin our plans. We won't have a good outcome when we return. I'm not afraid of that Huanxi Venerable!"

The two immediately made up their minds and chased after Xu You without any hesitation.

"Luo Senior Sister, they're chasing us. There's no time to explain. Please forgive me if I offend you later," Xu You said, as the speed of the Sixth Realm cultivators did not allow for much talking. He directly took out the blazing Moral Sword and consecutively sent five red Sword Qi attacks behind him.

Li Fengsheng took the lead and looked at the five Sword Qi attacks coming towards him with a cold smile.

Child's play!

He didn't even bother to dodge and let these Sword Qi attacks land on him.

He didn't feel anything from the first attack, nor the second. He felt a little something from the third, and the fourth attack started to feel wrong.

When the fifth attack landed on Li Fengsheng, he stopped in confusion, inadvertently blocking Wang Tanxiao, who was filled with killing intent, beside him.

In that instant, Li Fengsheng felt an extreme sense of guilt in his heart.

Why did he have to kill such a young and vibrant person?

It's a sin. How could he have such murderous thoughts?

Even his fierce expression softened, becoming kind and gentle, like a great benevolent person.

Even the curvature of his smile at the corner of his mouth was filled with goodwill.

"What are you doing?" Wang Tanxiao asked in confusion, then slightly stunned.

Li Fengsheng in front of him seemed to emit a Buddha's light, piercing his blood-stained soul.

"Don't make a fuss!" Wang Tanxiao said with a stern face.

"Wang Brother, let go of your murderous thoughts and turn back while you still can," Li Fengsheng said gently.

"Fuck, have you gone crazy?" Wang Tanxiao exploded with profanity, looking at the other person in disbelief.

He didn't know what Li Fengsheng was up to now, but it didn't matter, we'll talk about it later. What needs to be done now is to kill.

With this in mind, Wang Tanxiao wanted to continue chasing, but Li Fengsheng firmly grabbed his wrist and wouldn't let him move.

"Wang Xiong, don't create more sins, turn back while you still can."

"You go back to your mother, did you eat your defense?" Wang Tanxiao was almost going crazy, he broke free directly.

Li Fengsheng grabbed him again.

He broke free again, and Li Fengsheng grabbed him again.

He broke free again, and Li Fengsheng still grabbed him.

Their struggle was accompanied by Wang Tanxiao's furious curses.

"Li Fengsheng, are you fucking crazy?"

"Ah ah ah, wake the fuck up, I'm your father!"

"Fuck, have you killed enough people?"

"Huh? Wang Xiong, what are we doing?" After a moment, Li Fengsheng looked a bit confused.

"What are we doing? What the fuck are you doing? Let go of me!" Wang Tanxiao had already lost control.

"Oh, okay." Li Fengsheng quickly let go.

Wang Tanxiao gradually regained his sanity and looked at Li Fengsheng, who was starting to return to normal, and quickly said, "You fucking chase after him."

As he spoke, he was about to chase forward, but a red Sword Qi fell on Li Fengsheng from a distance.

"Wang Xiong, turn back while you still can!" Li Fengsheng grabbed Wang Tanxiao's wrist.

"?" Wang Tanxiao's expression froze, ".Fuck your mother, ah ah ah ah ah ah."

The two of them started fighting again.

Every now and then, a red Sword Qi would enter the scene to cheer on Li Fengsheng, just like an immortal Saint.

On the other side, Xu You, with a flushed face, mechanically swung the moral sword in his hand, slashing at Li Fengsheng again and again.

Once locked on, the Sword Qi would automatically track the opponent, and as long as the opponent was still in a moral state, just one more sword strike would continue the attack.

But the gap in strength between the two was too great, and Xu You could only keep striking to buy time to escape.

He had already struck more than ten swords since the beginning, and he felt like he was about to explode.

At this moment, the surging blood in his body was beyond words, at least enough for eight women.

But fortunately, Xu You's flying boat was of high quality and extremely fast, allowing him to escape hundreds of miles in a very short time.

And the perception range of a cultivator in the Sixth Realm was about this distance.

After calculating the distance, Xu You directed the flying boat to fly to the right. It would be foolish to escape in a straight line, so he cleverly changed direction.

Only then did he stop swinging the Sword Qi. Without that breath supporting him, he lay on the flying boat drenched in sweat, gasping for breath.

"Are you okay?" Luo Qiaoqiao asked with concern, wanting to approach.

"Stay away from me!" Xu You shouted.

Luo Qiaoqiao was first stunned, then she seemed to remember something, and a blush instantly appeared on her face.

She remembered the backlash of Xu You's Sword Qi when dealing with Xue Beishang last time, which turned him into a monster controlled by desire.

The Sword Qi she used last time was much less severe than this time, so she could imagine the situation now.

But Xu You had overestimated his own willpower. He could hold on last time, but now he couldn't hold on at all, especially when he smelled the fragrance emanating from Luo Qiaoqiao.

His mind was instantly occupied by absolute desire, and he pounced on Luo Qiaoqiao like a hungry wolf.

(End of the chapter)

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