Chapter 62: Just... reluctantly, I guess


Faced with Xu You's sudden pounce, Luo Qiaoqiao didn't react in time. By the time she did, her whole body was already enveloped by Xu You's broad chest.

Xu You held her tightly, as if using a hoop to describe it.

Then, Luo Qiaoqiao immediately felt weak, never having been embraced like this by a man before. How could her young heart handle it?

If it were someone else, Luo Qiaoqiao would have already fought back and killed the person. But for some reason, she didn't have the strength to resist Xu You.

Perhaps it was because Xu You had saved her life that she felt this way, or perhaps it was because she had realized that Xu You was a true gentleman after their few encounters.

He had never offended her in the face of such a severe backlash, enduring it all.

Now, she was at her limit. If she were to push him away, wouldn't she be endangering his life?

But even so, Luo Qiaoqiao still tried her best to push Xu You away.

She admitted that she didn't dislike Xu You and even had some goodwill towards him, but it hadn't reached this level.

She was struggling to think of other ways to help him besides dual cultivation.

As a young girl, Luo Qiaoqiao simply didn't understand.

But soon, she realized that she had underestimated the impact of this situation.

Looking at Xu You, who was hugging her like a bear, feeling the closeness, Luo Qiaoqiao slowly lost her rationality.

And Xu You, with Luo Qiaoqiao's soft fragrance in his arms, his mind had long been filled with desire, and his masculine instincts began to take over.


Luo Qiaoqiao exclaimed again. Just as Xu You's hand began to wander, she suddenly regained her senses.

That tingling sensation made her blush, and a voice in her heart told her that she couldn't continue like this, so rashly, so valuelessly.

She was a disciple of the Joyous Union Sect, and her Primordial Yin body couldn't be violated. Otherwise, her cultivation would plummet, and her foundation would be greatly damaged.

Luo Qiaoqiao suppressed her emotions and immediately rummaged through her storage ring, searching for medicine.

Disciples of the Joyous Union Sect always carried some clear-minded pills to prevent being consumed by desire while cultivating.

But those pills were specifically for her cultivation method, and she didn't know if they would work in Xu You's situation.

But at this point, Luo Qiaoqiao had no other choice. She took out three clear-minded pills and pried open Xu You's mouth, placing them inside.

Soon, the effects of the pills became apparent. The burning heat and redness on Xu You's body gradually subsided, and his movements became less frantic.

Luo Qiaoqiao felt relieved. She gently pushed Xu You away and laid him down on the boat. Then, she unbuttoned his shirt to let the cool breeze in.

Xu You's breathing slowly calmed down.

As Luo Qiaoqiao breathed a sigh of relief, she looked at her disheveled clothes and hair, feeling a sense of embarrassment rise within her again.

She touched her slightly flushed cheeks and didn't dare to look at Xu You. She quickly got up and tidied her clothes and hair.

Furthermore, the danger hadn't been resolved yet. Although they had escaped the perception range of the two sixth realm cultivators, there was no guarantee that they wouldn't be found later.

Their speed of escape was far inferior to the others, and there was a high probability of being found separately by the two cultivators.

Luo Qiaoqiao's brain was working rapidly, and suddenly her eyes lit up. The most dangerous place is the safest!

My senior sister must have stayed behind to guard Huo Lianyi. Those two cultivators from the Six Realms won't return so quickly after chasing me outside.

They must think that I'm going back to Xichuan City, so they will search in that direction.

So now I'll directly counter-attack and go back.

Perhaps there's a chance to catch my senior sister and save my idol.

Worst case scenario, if something really goes wrong, Xu You's Sword Qi can still save me. At worst, I'll reluctantly help Xu You resolve the backlash.

Luo Qiaoqiao has always been bold and meticulous. After carefully considering this decision, she found it reasonable. Blushing, she commanded the flying boat to fly back from the side.

On the other side.

Wang Tanxiao and Li Fengsheng, two big men, leaned against each other, panting heavily and sweating profusely.

Wang Tanxiao lost control earlier, and the two of them had a big fight.

Now Li Fengsheng has fully recovered and is looking at his good brother with guilt on his face.

He reached out and placed his hand on Wang Tanxiao's shoulder. "Brother Wang, you..."

"Don't fucking touch me, you bastard. Get lost." Wang Tanxiao reacted instinctively and took a step back.

"I'm back to normal, Brother Wang, don't worry." Li Fengsheng quickly explained.

Wang Tanxiao looked at the other person with a black line on his forehead. If it weren't for their long-standing friendship, he would have killed him long ago.

"Damn it, if I catch that kid, I'll definitely torture him. I don't know where he got that strange Sword Qi that can affect my mind.

This kid must not be spared, he must be killed!"

Getting excited, Li Fengsheng, unable to control his demonic nature, laughed out loud, "Hehehehe."

"What the fuck are you laughing at?" Wang Tanxiao angrily shouted, "Is it time to laugh now?"

Li Fengsheng's smile froze on his face, and he nervously asked, "What should we do, Brother Wang?"

"What should we do? Split up and search for them! If we still can't find them after two hours, we'll retreat immediately. Without Huo Lianyi, people from all sides in Xichuan City will definitely come looking for us.

Finding us here is only a matter of time, especially with the fighting just now, which shortens the time even more.

If Zhou Wujin comes later, both of us will be dead." Wang Tanxiao said angrily.

"Dead? How can we see the Buddha if we're dead?" Li Fengsheng asked in confusion.

Wang Tanxiao's expression froze, "So you fucking think I'm joking with you?"

"No, I'm sorry." Li Fengsheng felt apologetic and became even more anxious, asking, "But what if we really can't find those two kids? It won't be good if they spread the news."

"What are you afraid of without evidence? Do you believe that two cultivators at the Third or Fourth Realm will say they encountered us and then left unharmed? The Alliance will naturally push it off and delay, and it won't have anything to do with us." Wang Tanxiao continued angrily.

"Just deny it, if we really can't find them, then we can't find them. Sending Huo Lianyi to the Hengmeng is barely completing the mission. Be more careful later."

"Okay, Brother Wang, I will find these two people!" Li Fengsheng nodded firmly and took the lead to shoot forward.

Wang Tanxiao rubbed his temples, feeling angry at being played by the two young kids, but also helpless towards his brother who had always been loyal.

Why didn't he realize before that his brother was so stupid?

Wang Tanxiao sighed and chased after them in another direction.

On the other side, Xu You slowly opened his eyes and looked at the speeding stars in the sky. He sat up in a daze.

His head was aching, and he felt extremely weak, as if after a great battle. He couldn't remember what happened just now for a while. It took him a while to recall everything.

(End of this chapter)

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