Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 63: A Girl’S Heart Beats Like A Mountain And A Tsunami (Please Follow Up)

Chapter 63: When a Girl's Heart Moves, It's Like a Mountain Roaring and the Sea Surging (Seeking to Continue Reading)

But after escaping, there seemed to be some fragmented memories that couldn't be recalled. How is it that I'm fine now?

Did the heavy backlash just pass?

Xu You looked around and saw Luo Qiaoqiao's graceful figure standing in front of him with her back turned. Seeing her neat appearance, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Thank goodness I didn't make a mistake.

The one I made a mistake with absolutely cannot be Luo Qiaoqiao. As the saying goes, he has an absolute fear of that golden scissors.

"Um... Senior Luo, what's the situation now?" Xu You asked, his voice hoarse and dry.

Hearing Xu You's voice, Luo Qiaoqiao's body trembled slightly. At this moment, she still had her back turned to Xu You and didn't dare to turn around.

The reason was simple. Her hands were trembling now, and her face was even more flushed. Her calm heart erupted like a volcano again with Xu You's awakening and questioning.

Just thinking about the scene where she was held in Xu You's arms earlier, her whole body couldn't help but soften again. She was still forcing herself to stand upright, how could she have the presence of mind to respond?

Her mind was filled with Xu You's scent, his breath, and his large hands.

When a girl's heart is still, it's calm, but once it moves, it's like a mountain roaring and the sea surging, with tumultuous waves.

Xu You was puzzled as to why Luo Qiaoqiao was ignoring him. He slowly stood up and asked in a low voice again, "Senior Luo, did I do something wrong just now?"

"No, absolutely not. What are you thinking?" Luo Qiaoqiao replied anxiously, her voice getting higher with each word.

Xu You completely froze there, this reaction...

Did I really do something despicable just now?

No, that's not right. I really can't remember. Xu You's expression became somewhat stiff, and for a while, he didn't dare to speak. The two of them were stuck in this awkward situation.

Luo Qiaoqiao also realized that the atmosphere was not right. The pride of a young girl made it impossible for her to show weakness here.

She deftly took out a Clear Heart Pill with her right hand and swallowed it directly. After a while, when the pill's power circulated, her blushing heart gradually calmed down.

The blush on her face also gradually faded away, except for her body feeling a bit inexplicably weak, she was able to communicate normally.

She took a deep breath and slowly spoke, explaining the current situation and her thoughts.

Seeing that Luo Qiaoqiao's voice was back to normal, Xu You finally breathed a sigh of relief. He squeezed out a smile and walked to Luo Qiaoqiao's side, saying with a smile, "Indeed, going against the norm is the best way, Senior Luo did nothing wrong."

"Hmph, I make a living with my brain." Luo Qiaoqiao took the opportunity to turn her head slightly, not daring to look at Xu You.

At this moment, Xu You was completely relieved. It seems that there wasn't anything major just now.

The backlash from the Moral Sword was really annoying. There would always be fragmented memories afterwards. In the future, he would have to use it cautiously.

"Senior sister, how did you treat the backlash I just had?" Xu You continued to ask.

Since playing poker was ruled out, Xu You asked directly. He wanted to know the method so that there would be no sequelae when using the sword in the future.

"You don't remember anything?" Luo Qiaoqiao turned her head in surprise to look at Xu You.

"Yeah, I forgot. I really don't know," Xu You scratched his head.

At this moment, Luo Qiaoqiao didn't know how to describe her feelings. She was afraid that Xu You would remember the details, but she was even more afraid that Xu You wouldn't remember anything.

She had just suffered such a big loss, and this man didn't remember anything!

It was really too much!

Tch, ungrateful fellow!

Luo Qiaoqiao inexplicably became very angry and said in an annoyed tone, "I don't know! I don't care how you're doing."

Xu You's smile froze again. Although he was clever, he didn't have much experience in matters between men and women.

He forced a dry smile and continued, "Senior Sister, I was thinking if you have any good methods, please teach me. So that I can suppress the backlash when I use the sword next time."

"Why do I care if you can suppress it or not!" Luo Qiaoqiao instinctively retorted, then suddenly realized something.

If she wasn't by his side next time, and another girl was, wouldn't that be...

As soon as she thought of this possibility, Luo Qiaoqiao immediately came up with a negative answer in her mind. No, absolutely not!

She directly took out a bottle of pill and handed it to Xu You, "This is the Clear Heart Pill, it's useful for suppressing the backlash."

Xu You's eyes lit up, and he immediately took the pill. This was like Divine Medicine to him. But this thing must not be cheap. It wouldn't be appropriate to take it for free after just selling Luo Qiaoqiao's pill.

"Senior Sister, how much does this cost?"

"It's free, just take it, stop being so long-winded." Luo Qiaoqiao waved her hand directly.

Xu You couldn't say anything when he saw this, so he could only accept the pill for free and make sure to repay Senior Sister Luo in the future.

"Um, this pill shouldn't be taken in large quantities at once." Luo Qiaoqiao hesitated for a moment, and finally reminded him.

"Why?" Xu You asked curiously.

"If you take too much, it will have certain side effects on men."

"What kind of side effects?"

Seeing Xu You's curiosity, Luo Qiaoqiao leaned over again and whispered, "If you take too much, you won't be able to... you know, perform in bed."

Xu You stared at the Clear Heart Pill in his hand with wide eyes.

Damn, he thought it was a Divine Weapon, but he didn't expect such a big side effect.

"Got it, Senior Sister."

Xu You responded, and the two fell into silence again. Luo Qiaoqiao pretended to look ahead seriously, and Xu You didn't want to disturb her.

After a while, Luo Qiaoqiao pointed to a small mountain peak and said, "We're here."

After going around in circles, they finally arrived. Xu You immediately became serious. Luo Qiaoqiao's Senior Sister was also at the mid-stage of the Fourth Realm, not to be underestimated.

As the flying boat descended over the small mountain peak, Xu You and Luo Qiaoqiao were somewhat stunned when they saw the situation below.

There were two women fighting below.

Luo Qiaoqiao's Senior Sister was being ridden by Huo Lianyi. The former was surrounded by a layer of green light, which seemed to suppress the latter's cultivation and strength.

The aura had actually dropped to the early stage of the Third Realm.

The latter was slapping the former's face one after another, pulling her hair and tearing her clothes, using a series of female-exclusive combat skills.

Before coming, Luo Qiaoqiao was very worried about Huo Lianyi's safety. After all, Huo Lianyi was not strong, and she was such a weak and pitiful little girl.

Now looking at the scene in front of her, Luo Qiaoqiao was a bit confused.

How did her idol become like this?

"Did we come to the wrong place?" she asked.

"Yes," Xu You replied, then immediately flew down with Luo Qiaoqiao.

The situation below had changed. Luo Qiaoqiao's Senior Sister suddenly burst with power and completely restored her cultivation, sending Huo Lianyi flying. But she didn't go all out, obviously showing mercy.

Otherwise, with Huo Lianyi's cultivation, she could have died on the spot.

Luo Qiaoqiao also realized this and immediately stood in front of her Senior Sister, forming hand seals. A light shield rose from the ground and blocked the opponent's attack.

(End of this chapter)

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