Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 69 You Won’T Find A Taoist Companion Like This

Chapter 69: You Won't Find a Dao Companion Like This

"Plan?" Xu You thought for a moment. "Probably just to cultivate well and improve my cultivation."

"That's it?"

"Huh? This is very important. The Great Dao Era is so dangerous, cultivation definitely needs to be the top priority." Xu You paused.

"Hmph, boring." Luo Qiaoqiao looked away, feeling somewhat angry for some reason, and then bit down hard on the candy figure in her hand, making a crisp sound.

Xu You was speechless. How could becoming stronger be boring?

So cool!

Of course, he didn't plan to argue. The brains of boys and girls have fundamental differences.

"Are you planning to just keep wandering around with me like this? Don't you plan to do something else?" Luo Qiaoqiao continued to ask.

Xu You thought seriously for a moment, then asked, "Like what fun things?"

"You don't understand anything. Going out with a girl is just like this, not understanding anything. You won't be able to find a Dao companion in the future." Luo Qiaoqiao raised her voice.

"Then I won't look for one."

"Not looking? Remaining single for a lifetime?"

"Then I'll find someone who understands everything. She can guide me, and everything will be solved." Xu You gave another answer.

Luo Qiaoqiao's expression froze, and she sarcastically said, "Wow, you're really amazing."

"It's nothing, it's nothing." Xu You modestly waved his hand.

"Let's go! Goodbye!" Luo Qiaoqiao stuffed the remaining food in her hand into Xu You's hand.

"Hey, why are you angry?" Xu You looked at the food in his hand and asked.

"I'm not!" Luo Qiaoqiao's voice grew louder, and she walked forward with firm steps.

Xu You immediately gave the food in his hand to a child playing nearby, then quickly caught up.

"Sister, what are you doing?"

Xu You wanted to catch Luo Qiaoqiao, but her movements were incredibly elusive, and he couldn't even touch her.

Even if he managed to catch her, she would instantly break free with immense strength.

At this moment, Xu You was lost in thought. He remembered a sentence he had read before.

An angry girlfriend is harder to handle than a pig during Chinese New Year.

Luo Qiaoqiao surpassed that.

Wait, she's not my girlfriend!

Thinking of this, Xu You stopped chasing and slowed down, watching Luo Qiaoqiao walk further away.

He stood there alone, looking around absentmindedly, and finally stopped in front of a troupe performing tricks.

Just as he was engrossed in watching, he heard an angry voice in his ear.

"So you just don't care and casually leave me behind, huh?"

He turned his head and saw Luo Qiaoqiao's face full of anger, looking at him.

"This is really delicious. I've eaten three already. I saved it specifically for you." Xu You handed her a steaming hot pancake.

Luo Qiaoqiao snorted coldly, but still took the pancake and bit into it heavily, accompanying Xu You to watch the tricks.

After a while, Xu You reluctantly left the area. This time, he walked in front, leading Luo Qiaoqiao to sit down by the riverbank.

This river runs through the city of Xichuan, not particularly wide, only a dozen or so zhang, with many courtyards lining both sides of the river. Occasionally, a small boat would float by on the river.

For a long time, Luo Qiaoqiao leaned on the embankment, watching the scenery of the river and the setting sun in the distance.

Luo Qiaoqiao sat with much more elegance, occasionally holding her hair that was blown by the river breeze. She glanced at Xu You, who was relaxing.

Her heart became inexplicably calm, and her anger from earlier slowly dissipated, with a slight smile on her lips.

"Yes, that's it. Sister, don't move, I'll draw a portrait for you," Xu You said loudly, pulling out a piece of paper and a charcoal pencil from somewhere.

Luo Qiaoqiao turned her head to look at Xu You, somewhat surprised at the tools in his hand. "You can draw?"

"A little, just a little. Sister, maintain the pose you had earlier, and I'll draw for you," Xu You said seriously.

His serious expression made Luo Qiaoqiao also take it seriously. Girls are like that. When someone draws them, they will persist in holding difficult poses for a long time without complaining of fatigue.

Xu You spread out the paper and charcoal pencil, his face filled with seriousness. He continuously asked Luo Qiaoqiao to change into various poses, and she instinctively complied.

In this way, as the sunset in the distance was about to disappear from the river's surface, Xu You clapped his hands in satisfaction. "Done."

Luo Qiaoqiao eagerly took the paper, but her expression quickly turned from sunny to cloudy.

On the paper was a crooked and distorted pig-headed girl.

It couldn't be more abstract.

Xu You burst into laughter, slapping his thigh. After "appreciating" it for a while, Luo Qiaoqiao raised her head and looked at Xu You expressionlessly.

His smile gradually faded, his face stiffened, and finally he coughed lightly. "Sister, let me explain, I... ah."

In the end, Luo Qiaoqiao couldn't control her temper and gave him a beating.

By the riverside at sunset, Xu You fled with his hands raised, begging for mercy.

That night, Xu You walked alone towards the inner city.

After beating Xu You, Luo Qiaoqiao felt refreshed and walked away.

Xu You's waist still hurt a bit. The girl didn't hold back at all, not knowing what that area meant to a man.

Passing feces.

When Xu You leisurely arrived at the Lord's Mansion, the sky was already slightly dark.

The Lord's Mansion was extremely large, with decorations for a grand celebration hanging on the outer walls. The entrance was bustling, with mortals and cultivators lining up to enter the mansion.

Xu You silently stood at the back of the line, patiently waiting. After waiting for almost half an hour, it was finally his turn.

The receptionist was busy writing down the information of the guests. Xu You directly said, "Kunlun Immortal Sect Vermilion Bird."

Before he finished speaking, the receptionist immediately looked up and stood up, pointing respectfully to the small door on the right. "Madam has given instructions. The Immortal Master of Kunlun Immortal Sect is an esteemed guest. Please go that way. Madam will personally receive you shortly."

Xu You was taken aback for a moment, looking at the empty side door, feeling slightly suspicious. But he didn't say anything and just walked towards the side door.

There was a steward-like person waiting there. Xu You directly said, "Kunlun Immortal Sect Vermilion Bird Hall, Vermilion Bird Peak. Xu You, representing my master, has come to offer birthday wishes."

"Follow me." The steward was also a cultivator. After leading Xu You inside, he immediately closed the side door.

This made Xu You even more suspicious. It seemed like this so-called side door was specially opened for him.

Xu You was very clever and basically confirmed the relationship between Madam Zhou and Li Changsheng.

Otherwise, how could a disciple of a close friend receive such a high-level reception? It should be noted that many important people came to offer birthday wishes this time.

Thinking of this, Xu You's gossip fire burned even more fiercely.

The residence of a person of great power can only be described as dazzling, vast and boundless.

Xu You followed along countless corridors, and finally, the steward stopped in front of a relatively quiet courtyard and said, "Please wait inside, young friend. Madam will come here after seeing other guests."

(End of this chapter)

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