Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 70 Shangguan Changge (Please Follow Up)

Chapter 70: Shangguan Changge (Seeking to Continue Reading)

Xu You simply nodded lightly, and after the steward respectfully withdrew, he pushed open the gate of the courtyard and entered.

The courtyard was deep and tranquil, with clear moonlight shining on the steps.

Xu You walked to the side of the pavilion, standing with his hands behind his back, gazing at the moon in the sky.

He could faintly hear some commotion from outside the courtyard, but he patiently waited.

After an unknown amount of time, Xu You, who was lost in thought, suddenly heard a magnetic female voice behind him.

"Are you Xu You?"

The voice startled Xu You, and he immediately turned around. If the other party could silently approach him from behind, their cultivation level must be much higher than his.

And indeed, that was the case. Standing behind him was an elegant and noble woman, whose true strength was difficult to discern.

She was dressed in a deep red palace gown, with her hair piled up high and adorned with ornaments.

Her demeanor and appearance seemed to be in her early forties, with traces of the passage of time between her eyebrows, but her skin was delicate and fair, showing no signs of aging.

Considering her overall temperament, she was definitely not young, but her maintenance was excellent, and it was impossible to tell her true age from the outside. She looked very young.

This didn't look like the appearance of a ninety-year-old celebrating their birthday, but rather the appearance of a newlywed young woman.

It had to be said that these powerful female cultivators maintained themselves very well, leaving hardly any traces of time.

She walked gracefully, taking light steps towards Xu You, exuding a myriad of charms under the moonlight.

However, when her gaze fell on Xu You, especially on the inconspicuous wooden hairpin in his hair, her eyes became very complicated.

Xu You respectfully bowed and said, "Junior Xu You, I have seen Senior Shangguan."

"You are not Mo Feng's disciple, but Changsheng's disciple, right?" Shangguan Changge stopped in front of Xu You, her magnetic voice carrying a hint of softness.

Hearing the other party directly calling Li Changsheng by his name, Xu You had a clear understanding.

But he pretended to be ignorant about the other party's realization of his inheritance.

At this moment, Shangguan Changge reached out her fair hand, intending to touch the wooden hairpin on Xu You's head. Xu You instinctively took two steps back.

Seeing this, Shangguan Changge paused her right hand in mid-air, then sighed softly before saying, "Since you are carrying Changsheng's wooden hairpin, you must be Mo Yuhuang's disciple.

Although I don't know why she let you be her disciple, I won't speak to others about it. You can rest assured."

Xu You paused for a moment, then smiled sincerely and said, "In response to Senior Shangguan, I did indeed inherit the position of the Palace Master. I did not intentionally conceal it from Senior."

Shangguan Changge nodded lightly, and then her gaze continuously scrutinized Xu You, very carefully! Like a radar, making Xu You feel extremely uncomfortable.

His scalp felt numb. The gaze of this "old woman" in front of him was really intimidating, it was bone-piercing. The pressure was really great.

After a moment, Shangguan Changge finally withdrew his gaze and looked at the empty courtyard, his eyes seemingly lost in memories.

Obviously, he had a deep friendship with Li Changsheng back then.

Thinking of this, Xu You's expression also became somewhat nostalgic. He had heard rumors about his master's romantic past when he was young, and now it seemed to be true.

"Senior Shangguan, this is a birthday gift my master asked me to bring to you." Xu You took out the gift box and handed it to him.

Shangguan simply accepted it without opening it, and then said to Xu You, "You don't have to call me senior, let's keep it formal."

"It's better to call you senior." Xu You smiled and clasped his fists.

This was the etiquette that needed to be observed in the Zhou Mansion.

Shangguan Changge smiled and looked at Xu You with a touch of emotion.

"Not only do you resemble Li Changsheng in appearance, but even your way of speaking is similar. It's no wonder you inherited his mantle."

Xu You modestly smiled, "Senior overpraises me, I still have a long way to go."

"Since you are a friend of the past, I should give you a meeting gift." Shangguan Changge pondered for a moment, then took out a small golden bell and handed it to Xu You, saying, "This is a low-level replica of the Great Thunderclap Monastery's treasured Bell of Divine Sound. It is sufficient for your current strength, as cultivators below the Fifth Realm cannot break through it. You saved Huo Lianyi the night before yesterday, and I should thank you for that. Consider this Law Weapon as a token of gratitude."

Xu You looked somewhat astonished at the golden bell in Shangguan Changge's hand. Although his words made it seem like the small golden bell was worthless, Xu You was knowledgeable enough to know the true value of this replica of the Bell of Divine Sound.

How could a replica of the treasured possession of one of the Five Sects, the Great Thunderclap Monastery, be cheap?

If he were to sell it, he didn't know how much money he would get. No, no one would even think of selling it! This kind of life-saving defensive Law Weapon was the most popular existence.

"What's wrong? Don't like it?" Seeing Xu You's hesitation, Shangguan Changge asked with a faint smile.

"No, no." Xu You quickly waved his hand. "Senior, this item is too precious. I don't deserve it."

"Just take it." Shangguan Changge said decisively.

After hesitating for a moment, Xu You finally mustered up the courage to reach out and accept the replica Bell of Divine Sound. To be honest, it felt like holding a hot potato. Once he accepted such a good thing, he would owe a huge favor.

But Shangguan Changge clearly didn't have such a mindset, which made Xu You even more conflicted.

Seeing Xu You accept the golden bell, Shangguan Changge took out an iron token with the words "Western River" engraved on it and handed it to Xu You, saying, "This is my husband's token. I know that Immortal Gate disciples often go on missions. If you encounter any trouble in Western River County, you can seek help at any official point. Of course, you can also do so in other counties of Great Zhou. They will also give my husband face. Take it, although it may not be of much use to you, it will be convenient for you in many situations."

(End of Chapter 3!)

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