Chapter 7: Thunderstorm

"Immortal, what are you doing?" Lady Lingxiang covered her red forehead, her voice filled with a sob.

This blow really hurt her.

Xu You's expression froze upon seeing this. Lady Lingxiang was an ordinary and common person.

He had thought she might be a monster, otherwise how could she be so young? Moreover, why would a monster come after her for no reason?

He had underestimated the situation.

"Lady, who did this to you?" County Magistrate Wang heard his wife crying from inside the room and immediately rushed in.

Seeing his wife's head swollen from the blow, he felt heartbroken.

Xu You became even more embarrassed. In Xu You's original understanding, he thought it might be a popular story similar to those in the Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio.

For example, the lady being a monster, falling in love with the scholar County Magistrate Wang, and then the rat monster seeking revenge.

But when the story became reality, Xu You realized he had been reckless. Dealing with monsters too often made it difficult to distinguish between humans and monsters.

However, Xu You was certain that the rat monster was after Lady Lingxiang.

He clasped his fists and said, "Apologies, County Magistrate Wang. I just wanted to confirm if your wife is a monster. Lady, please tell the truth. I know that monster is after you. If you lie, I will not spare you!"

"Immortal, how could I not know if my wife is a monster?" County Magistrate Wang took the initiative to continue the conversation with a sob in his voice.

Over the years, for the sake of his wife, he had lost his official position and his family's wealth. Which family could guarantee not offending one or two monsters? Could the immortal guarantee never offending a monster in his lifetime?


Xu You looked at County Magistrate Wang's emotional speech.

I am not a god or a monster.

This couple truly had deep affection for each other.

Xu You thought for a moment, retracted the pig demon whip, and sat down at the table, asking, "Offending a monster? Tell me, what exactly happened?"

County Magistrate Wang narrated the story.

The facts were simple and absurd. Over thirty years ago, when Lady Lingxiang was still a little girl, the rat monster would often come to her house to harass her.

At that time, the rat monster was just a lowly little monster, and it had taken a liking to Lady Lingxiang's grandmother.

Yes, it had fallen for her grandmother, a charming woman in her forties.

Due to its weak strength, it didn't even dare to show itself and would hide in the corners of the house, secretly observing Lady Lingxiang's grandmother's happiness.

Later, the rat monster left to cultivate, wanting to become stronger and openly possess Lady Lingxiang's grandmother.

It had been twenty years since then, and Lady Lingxiang's grandmother had long passed away.

But Lady Lingxiang had grown up and become a new young woman, bearing a striking resemblance to her grandmother.

In its sorrow, the rat monster poured all its love for Lady Lingxiang's grandmother onto Lady Lingxiang.

However, at that time, Lady Lingxiang had already married County Magistrate Wang, who was just a scholar. The two of them were deeply in love.

How could Lady Lingxiang possibly be interested in the ugly rat monster?

But she and County Magistrate Wang were ordinary people, completely helpless against the rat monster. They spent a lot of money to hire several cultivators, but the rat monster managed to escape every time.

In the end, they had no choice but to move and hide, constantly relocating for many years.

Finally, they settled in Qingshui County and enjoyed a few years of peaceful days, but who would have expected the rat monster to find them again, leading to Xu You's involvement.

The story was simple, but after Xu You finished listening, his brain felt overwhelmed.

So, this rat monster had been a loyal lapdog for so many years.

So, was this rat monster deeply in love or just perverted?

To some extent, could it be considered pure love for the rat monster?

No, wait, did the rat monster love Lady Lingxiang or her grandmother?

What does it mean to transfer the love for a grandmother to her granddaughter?

What role did he play in the lives of Lady Lingxiang and her family?

Xu You's brain was smoking and he came to a conclusion, this is just like "Thunderstorm"!

This is much more difficult to solve than a math problem in the postgraduate entrance examination.

After a long time, Xu You rubbed his forehead and asked, "Since you have known that rat demon for so long, why didn't you say anything when I first arrived? And why did you act like you didn't know anything?"

County Magistrate Wang whispered, "I was afraid that the immortal master would not care about this matter due to past grievances. The previous demon suppression departments of the government were all perfunctory. That's why my wife and I discussed pretending not to know anything, hoping that after the immortal master exterminated the demon, we could live a peaceful life."

Xu You smiled and said, "How can the government compare to our Immortal Gate? In the future, you must not have this kind of mindset. Our Immortal Gate unconditionally exterminates demons."

"Thank you, immortal master," County Magistrate Wang expressed his gratitude.

"I didn't expect him to find this place and cause so many casualties," Lingxiang said guiltily.

After a while, Xu You sighed and said, "What you said is one-sided. I have to prove that you, Madam, are indeed a good person before this matter can be considered resolved. After all, the two of you deceived me earlier."

"How do we prove it?" the couple asked in unison.

"County Magistrate Wang, please leave for a moment. I need to be alone with your wife. I have a way to test her," Xu You said.

County Magistrate Wang hesitated for a moment, recalling how his wife was made to cry earlier, how could he not do as he wished?

"County Magistrate Wang, don't you want your wife to be killed by other monsters in the future?" Xu You added.

There was no other choice now. County Magistrate Wang gritted his teeth, got up, and bowed, "Please discern, I will guard outside."

Xu You naturally knew what County Magistrate Wang was worried about. Anyone would worry about such a beautiful and delicate wife.

But who was he, Xu You?

A righteous gentleman!

How could he commit such a despicable act?

"Wife, lie down," Xu You said when there were only two people left in the room.

Seeing Xu You's unquestionable expression, Madam Lingxiang could only obediently turn her back and lie down.

"Wife, endure it," Xu You took out a pig demon whip and lashed it.

Outside the room, County Magistrate Wang leaned against the door frame, gently closed his eyes, and listened to the sound of whipping and his wife's sobbing from inside.

After a while, Xu You's voice came from inside, "County Magistrate Wang, please come in."

County Magistrate Wang immediately pushed the door open and saw Xu You sitting on a chair with the whip in his hand. His wife's clothes were neat, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Then he bowed.

"Immortal master, how is it?"

"Your wife is indeed sincere and has not harmed anyone's life," Xu You nodded and explained, "This whip is special. It can determine whether someone is good or bad, whether their heart is kind or evil."

"It's alright, it's alright," County Magistrate Wang let out a long breath, quickly helped Lingxiang up, and exclaimed, "Wife, why is your body so hot? It seems like..."

County Magistrate Wang couldn't continue his words.

Xu You coughed lightly and continued, "Although the matter is resolved now, I don't know if that rat demon has any accomplices."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu You directly took out a jade talisman and threw it over, saying, "This is my identity token. Keep it. If any monsters come to seek revenge on you in the future, smash it, and I will come as soon as possible."

County Magistrate Wang and Lingxiang were overjoyed. It was already a pleasant surprise to be able to save their lives, but they never expected that Xu You had also thought about their future safety.

The two of them knelt down together and expressed their gratitude.

Xu You just waved his hand, "I am not a compassionate person. You, a couple who have been loving each other for more than twenty years, have never abandoned each other even with a Great Monster by your side. Pure love warriors deserve a good ending."

"What are pure love warriors?"

"It doesn't matter, County Magistrate Wang. Treat your wife well in the future. The two of you should continue as before and avoid any more troubles. Live the rest of your lives peacefully," Xu You chuckled.

County Magistrate Wang was about to express his thanks again, but when he looked up, he couldn't see Xu You's figure anywhere.

He rushed out of the door, only to see Xu You riding a sword and flying away in the wind, his figure faintly visible, elegant like a celestial being.

At this moment, County Magistrate Wang felt that Immortal Master Xu was different from any other immortal master he had seen before. He was so refreshing.

County Magistrate Wang stood still, deeply bowed in the direction Xu You had left, feeling grateful and sincere, unable to get up for a long time.

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(End of this chapter)

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