Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 8 My Mature And Charming Master

Chapter 8: My Mature and Charming Master

Vermilion Bird Peak. Xu You hurried back to his own Taoist hut before sunrise.

The Taoist hut was made entirely of spiritual bamboo and was quite peaceful. Xu You sat cross-legged directly on the bed. His thoughts once again immersed in his soul.

The matters of Qingshui County and Sanfu County were already in the past for him.

Now, what was important was the reward from that rat.

Familiar with the process of activation, Xu You spread out his palm after a moment.

Surprisingly, it was a one-time spirit pet talisman, vividly depicting the appearance of the raging rat demon.

[Pure Love Angry Mouse]: [Can summon a three-stage Late Stage earth rat demon. If the enemy is unfaithful in love, the anger of the rat demon doubles, and its strength increases several times. If the user is like this, they may be counterattacked by the rat demon. Use with caution. (The power of the talisman will be exhausted after three uses)]

This... is indeed the anger of a pure love warrior?

A pure love warrior charging for love.

Although the rat was wicked in many ways, it was indeed not picky in terms of emotions.

From its perspective, did he become a bull-headed person? Did County Magistrate Wang become a yellow-haired person?

Xu You looked at the spirit pet talisman in his hand and fell into deep thought.

Spirit pet talismans were considered expensive talismans in the cultivation world. They were imprinted with the strength of some powerful spirit pets by high-level cultivators and could be summoned for battle at critical moments.

They were usually used by the children of wealthy families to save their lives.

The one Xu You currently had in his hand was also quite valuable, and its abilities were much stronger than ordinary spirit pet talismans.

He was still a righteous gentleman now, with Primordial Yang still intact, and he hadn't even started double-dealing. When using it, he didn't have to worry about being counterattacked.

In the future, when encountering hostile scumbags, using it might have a miraculous effect!

This confirmed it, Azure Lotus was really not serious.

Xu You silently put away his thoughts and formed the next plan for cultivation in his mind.

He would use Azure Lotus to earn cultivation resources and then use them to enhance his cultivation, building a positive internal cycle of cultivation.

Cultivation was currently the top priority, and he needed to enter the fourth stage as soon as possible.


Xu You felt a slight vibration in his waist. He took out a palm-sized jade talisman of a greenish-blue color, and a short message floated up. It was sent by his master, Mo Yuhuang, asking him to come over.

This green jade talisman was a communication talisman with a high level of development. It could leave messages and make calls within a certain range. Almost every disciple of the Kunlun Immortal Sect had one, making it very convenient.

Xu You put down the communication talisman and got up to leave.

Vermilion Bird Tower was where Mo Yuhuang, the master of Vermilion Bird Peak, and Xu You's master, resided.

Xu You went straight to the top floor, where a graceful figure stood outside the corridor.

"Master." Xu You slightly bowed and greeted.

The outer corridor was spacious, with nothing else except the railing. Mo Yuhuang half leaned on the railing, gazing into the distance.

A faint fragrance wafted into Xu You's nose and mouth. He looked up, and a woman with a slightly coquettish style caught his eye.

She wore a light veil, and the purple fabric concealed her enchanting figure. Leaning against the railing, she appeared even more graceful.

Especially the two slightly heavy objects pressing against the railing, causing the sword pattern on the purple robe in front of her chest to distort into a fat-headed sword.

A slender waist was partially exposed, and the smooth curve of the flat abdomen was extremely alluring. The navel, shaped like a seam, added a touch of sexiness.

Further down are those straight and plump long legs, faintly visible under the mountain breeze, crystal clear and translucent, as white as beautiful jade.

Xu You finally shifted his gaze to the other person's face, with soft and smooth black hair spread on the thin quilt.

The delicate eyebrows were lightly scattered, and the alluring eyes flowed with laziness.

The lips were moist and rosy, slightly thick in the perfect amount, gently parted to reveal a glimpse of white teeth, quite sexy.

The nose stood tall and carried a warm touch, the finishing touch, and when combined with the exquisite facial features, it created an enchanting beauty.

A woman with a strong and mature appearance, thoroughly experienced.

Every part of her body exuded maturity and charm.


Xu You still remembers the scene when he first met Mo Yuhuang when he was young.

It can even be described as a rebellious act of defying teachers and ancestors.

Xu You is a gentleman and naturally wouldn't have such thoughts. His gaze silently fell on Mo Yuhuang's chest, where a three-inch golden sword was embedded in the fair skin.

This is Mo Yuhuang's flying sword, capable of shaking the heavens and earth.

It's understandable, being nurtured between these two fair and beautiful mountains and rivers all day long, it must be formidable.

"Hmm?" Mo Yuhuang lazily stood up, the purple silk on her shoulders sliding slightly, her round and slender shoulders dazzling in the sunlight.

In her left hand, she held a glass of fresh milk. Mo Yuhuang liked to drink fresh milk, complementing her form with form.

As she stood up, she took a sip, her tender tongue circling the white residue on her lips.

Although Xu You noticed that his gaze was not in the right place, Mo Yuhuang didn't think there was anything inappropriate. She just reached into the gap and took out the three-inch golden sword, saying, "Still want to learn swordsmanship?"

Her voice carried a seductive tone, making people feel tingly.

"Yes, I want to learn." Xu You raised his head proudly.

Currently, he only had a basic understanding of sword control techniques. He knew nothing about swordsmanship.

In these past few years, he had been focused on improving his cultivation, spending most of his time in seclusion.

"You can't."

"Master, you've never let me try, how do you know I can't?"

"Who said that? When you were asleep before, I tried it."

"When was that?" Xu You fell into deep reminiscence.

"Oh, what Law Weapon is this whip of yours?" While Xu You was lost in thought, Mo Yuhuang curiously took off the pig spirit whip from his waist.

"Master, please don't." It was too late to stop her, so Xu You could only stare as Mo Yuhuang studied and waved the whip.

"Doesn't seem to have much power, what's it for?" Mo Yuhuang asked, puzzled.

"It's nothing, just a Low Level Law Weapon," Xu You explained somewhat nervously.

Mo Yuhuang had always been a very curious woman. She put down her cup, spread out her palm, and casually flicked the whip. Just one flick, her movement slightly paused.

After a moment, Mo Yuhuang seemed to make a soft sound, and then her moist legs tightened imperceptibly. Only then did she casually throw the whip back to Xu You.

"What a useless Law Weapon."

Xu You took the pig spirit whip, seeing that Mo Yuhuang's expression was normal, he relaxed a little and didn't dare to hang it on his waist, so he put it away.

"By the way, you have a great opportunity." Mo Yuhuang, who had recovered, walked to Xu You's side and placed her arm generously on his shoulder.

These slightly intimate actions may be presumptuous for a master and disciple, but Xu You has gotten used to it.

After more than three years of being together, Xu You has gradually built up an immunity to his master's charm.

When he killed the female pig demon earlier, he remained calm and unaffected, relying on the training of these past few years. Ordinary seductive women wouldn't stir any waves in Xu You's heart.

Xu You knows that Mo Yuhuang's seductiveness is just a facade. He also knows what lies beneath.

His master... it's hard to put into words.

"What's the matter?" Xu You's heart starts to feel wary, and he directly asks, "Did you gamble with someone again?"

"Who allowed you to speak to your master in that tone!" Mo Yuhuang's face turns stern, like a mountain.

Faced with such immense pressure, Xu You can only helplessly wave his hand.

Mo Yuhuang stretches lazily, her voluptuous figure accentuating her charm. "I suddenly remembered that this matter can't be discussed here. Let's go to your Dao Hut."

Mo Yuhuang places her hand on Xu You's shoulder, and he feels a moment of dizziness. When he opens his eyes, he finds himself in his own Dao Hut.

Faced with this terrifying Divine Ability, Xu You has become accustomed to it.

Mo Yuhuang walks around the room in a carefree manner, her plump figure exuding allure.

As she walks, her moist thighs rub against each other, creating a tantalizing friction.

The room is dimly lit, and seeing such a stimulating scene, Xu You, full of youthful vigor, can only sit cross-legged on the bed, afraid to stand up.

After a while, Mo Yuhuang walks to the side of the bed, her hands pressing lightly on the back of her ample buttocks as she sits down, creating a solid pressure on the bed.

The astonishing curve of her buttocks and slender waist is even more arousing.

It's as if they are perfectly ripe, like heavy fruits that would release juice with a squeeze.

Of course, Xu You doesn't dare to squeeze, he just calmly watches his master.

"This room feels a bit cold, lacking some warmth," Mo Yuhuang observes Xu You's typical bachelor's dwelling and speaks for the first time.

Xu You looks at her, puzzled.

"Have you ever felt that this room lacks a mistress?" Mo Yuhuang turns her head to look at Xu You, her eyes filled with a seductive gaze.

Xu You discreetly moves his body backward, becoming even more cautious as he watches Mo Yuhuang.

Mo Yuhuang also moves closer, her thighs pressing against the bed, displaying astonishing fullness.

If she were wearing black stockings, just this fullness alone would captivate all men in the world.

Since he is at home, Xu You is currently wearing a simple white robe.

Mo Yuhuang admires Xu You's chest with shining eyes, praising, "You've developed quite solidly."

"Master, what are you doing? Please restrain yourself." Xu You grabs Mo Yuhuang's wrist in fear, preventing her from touching him further.

Mo Yuhuang's face reveals a mature woman's smile, and her voice is gentle as she asks, "You're eighteen now, right?"


"Do you like older women?" Mo Yuhuang continues to ask, "Do you like women of my age, for example?"

"Ah?" Xu You shakes his head in fear, afraid that he might shake his head too slowly, "I don't like it, Master, please don't sell me."

He really suspects now whether Mo Yuhuang lost everything in gambling outside and then sold him to some old witch.

Being addicted to gambling is one of Mo Yuhuang's bad habits, not only is she bad at gambling, but her luck is even worse.

Xu You can't help but worry.

Mo Yuhuang has a well-known reputation as a famous ink artist, with many young fans who wouldn't dare to do anything without her. She has an extremely outgoing personality.

As for other outrageous reasons, Xu You couldn't imagine. He knows his master very well, and Mo Yuhuang doesn't seem like that kind of person at the moment.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Mo Yuhuang scolded, pinching Xu You's face with both hands. "You're such a good boy, your master loves you too much. No one can take you away from me."

Xu You breathed a sigh of relief for the time being. As long as he wasn't sold, everything was fine. He let Mo Yuhuang's tender hands knead his face.

His mouth and nose were filled with the unique fragrance of Mo Yuhuang, but Xu You didn't have the mood to savor it now. He simply asked, "Master, what do you really want to do?"

"Well, there's a marriage that needs you to settle," Mo Yuhuang stopped her hands and said so.

"And you said you didn't sell me!" Xu You angrily raised his voice.

"That's not my business," Mo Yuhuang shrugged. "It was promised by the old man back then."

The old man is Mo Yuhuang's master, Li Changsheng, and Xu You's master's master.

The title Vermilion Bird Master is the leader of the Vermilion Bird Hall where Xu You is located in the Kunlun Immortal Sect. He has been missing for decades, and his life or death is unknown.

The Kunlun Immortal Sect has five halls, dividing the Immortal Gate into five regions.

The central region is named Kunlun, and the other four regions are named after the four symbols. Xu You is in the southern Vermilion Bird Hall, on the main peak called Vermilion Bird Peak.

Each hall has four peaks, totaling twenty peaks. These twenty peaks are the core mountains of the Kunlun Immortal Sect.

Together with other peaks with different functions, they form the vast Kunlun Immortal Sect.

Mo Yuhuang's master is Li Changsheng's disciple.

Li Changsheng had three disciples before, but none of them truly inherited his mantle. Xu You is considered the one who inherited his mantle.

The old wooden hairpin on his head is the only thing left by Li Changsheng in the Immortal Gate.

Later, Xu You learned that Mo Yuhuang brought him to the Kunlun Immortal Sect not only because of his handsome appearance that could be easily noticed in the crowd.

It was more because of his physique, the Nine Yang Spirit Body, a rare and special cultivation spirit body in the Immortal Cultivation World.

Only the Nine Yang Spirit Body can cultivate Li Changsheng's Nine Yang Immortal Art.

So, Xu You was brought up the mountain by such a coincidental opportunity, and his identity is quite special.

Strictly speaking, his relationship with Mo Yuhuang is not simply that of master and disciple. He could even call her senior sister if he wanted to.

Of course, Xu You has never called her that.

He likes to call Mo Yuhuang "master," which brings him a hidden sense of pleasure due to his identity.

Xu You respects the path of the master.

So far, Xu You is Mo Yuhuang's only true disciple.

Furthermore, when Li Changsheng was young, he was famous throughout the Divine Continent. With his absolute strength, outstanding appearance and temperament, and his unrestrained and romantic lifestyle, he accumulated countless debts of karma. In simple terms, Li Changsheng had quite a few "ex-girlfriends."

Now that Li Changsheng has been gone for so many years, if Xu You were to travel down the mountain with his name, he would be exposed and killed on the first day.

Therefore, Xu You only recognizes Mo Yuhuang as his master, prioritizing safety.

However, Mo Yuhuang is a pure sword cultivator and doesn't understand things like the Nine Yang Immortal Art. The other two disciples of Li Changsheng haven't seen Xu You since he entered the mountain three years ago. They have been outside all this time.

For the past few years, Xu You's cultivation has mostly relied on his own exploration.

(P.S. Please consider Mo Yuhuang as the master in this story. The reason for setting up the terms "master" and "senior sister" is to facilitate future interactions with the editor. In my perspective, I will refer to Mo Yuhuang as senior sister, not master. Let's be flexible and clever in dealing with the editor.)

(End of this chapter)

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