Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 76 My Dear Brother Is Waiting For My Good News (Please Follow Up)

Chapter 76: Brother, Wait for Good News (Seeking Continued Reading)

Daoist Qingyun no longer had any trace of the immortal aura he had just displayed, his face devoid of black qi and filled with a menacing air.

He stepped over the white bones and walked into the inner courtyard, where some young Taoists sat cross-legged on the ground, their faces numb and lifeless.

In the small courtyard on the right, there were cages filled with young maidens. These maidens were in tattered clothes, their faces filled with panic and endless fear.

Daoist Qingyun paused his steps and scanned the cages, then walked up to one of the cages and opened it, pulling out a young maiden in her prime.

A gentle smile appeared on his face as he lightly stroked the girl's hair with his right hand. Then, he gently rotated his hand, and vitality gushed out from the girl's crown.

All of it was absorbed by Daoist Qingyun into the palm of his hand. The girl's face and body visibly withered, and within moments, even her flesh and skin disappeared, leaving only bones on the ground.

As if no one had seen this horrifying scene, the young Taoists continued to sit cross-legged, while the other maidens in the cages remained numb and fearful.

A satisfied expression appeared on Daoist Qingyun's face, as if he was savoring the "deliciousness" he had just experienced.

After a while, the contented Daoist Qingyun continued walking forward. After passing through a long corridor, he arrived at a decent courtyard.

The courtyard was filled with black qi, a bone-chilling Monster Qi.

Daoist Qingyun spoke in a gentle tone to the black mist, "Fellow Daoist Qinghu, the task has been completed."

As Daoist Qingyun's voice fell, the black mist in front of him gradually dissipated, revealing a massive figure sitting on the ground.

This person appeared to be in his thirties, wearing a coarse linen robe with dense black hair on his chest and a beard covering his face. There was a character "王" (king) between his eyebrows.

Then, the burly man opened his eyes, and his gaze was surprisingly clear and out of place. He stood up, towering at nearly two meters tall. His strong and tall figure was quite imposing, like a fierce tiger.

Indeed, he was a tiger demon in human form. When Monster Cultivators of a higher level transformed, they would retain some of their own characteristics.

For example, the character "王" between the eyebrows of the burly man.

His cultivation was powerful, reaching the Late Stage of the fourth realm.

"What's the situation?" Qinghu asked eagerly.

Daoist Qingyun explained, "Four people have arrived, one from Taiyi Sect, and the other three seem to be from Kunlun Immortal Sect. Only one of them has reached the Late Stage of the fourth realm, while the other two are in the Early Stage of the fourth realm, and one is in the third realm. They are not a concern."

"Good, there's really only one person at the Late Stage of the fourth realm. That's reassuring." Qinghu laughed loudly, his laughter matching his burly figure, making him appear particularly foolish.

"But how can you be sure that those people won't enter this Taoist temple first and go to the village that was destroyed? Can you tell me now?" Qinghu asked.

Daoist Qingyun continued to explain, "The disciples of the Immortal Gate have strength beyond ordinary people, so naturally they can see the slight flaws we deliberately revealed in the Taoist temple. Discovering something strange about the temple, their rich experience in battles would prevent them from rashly entering dangerous situations. Instead, they would be more inclined to personally investigate the village where the incident occurred. And Fellow Daoist Qingyou has long been waiting in the village, taking advantage of the situation. Those Immortal Gate disciples won't be too vigilant towards the village."

Because at this moment, they must be more concerned about the strangeness of Qingyun Temple, so they will relax their guard over the village. Coupled with the strength of Qingyou Fellow Daoist, if he hides his intentions, they will definitely fall into his trap.

In the end, even if they really come in, it will only bring more trouble and difficulty. With you here, when Qingyou comes to support, we can still resolve it.

"But wait, if they find something strange about the temple, even if they don't come in directly, what if they seek help from Immortal Gate?" Qinghu first realized this, and then expressed his confusion.

"Disciples of Immortal Gate have their pride, and Immortal Gate has its rules. Under normal circumstances, disciples will not seek help directly."

"You seem to understand those Immortal Gate disciples very well, but I still don't quite understand the overall situation. Can you explain it to me in simpler terms?"

Qingyun Daoist fell silent and carefully looked at the tall and strong Qinghu. He gave a very certain answer, "It's very difficult."

"Hahaha, alright, I won't ask anymore. You humans are too complicated, not interesting at all." Qinghu shook his head and continued speaking with the black fur on his chest swaying.

"We trust you to handle things. Among the Three Saints of Qingyun, you have the sharpest mind. Qingyou and I will naturally listen to your ideas."

Upon hearing the words "Three Saints of Qingyun," Qingyun Daoist's face showed rare discomfort and awkwardness.

There was no way around it. He really disliked this title of a bandit. It gave him a naked sense of embarrassment, but he couldn't resist Qinghu and Qingyou. After all, he was the weakest among the three.

"Now that the news of the Demon Lord's revival is spreading, the high-level members of the Demon Alliance have been active in the Hengling Mountains. It seems they are planning to join forces with the Heng Alliance.

The prosperity of the Demon Alliance is a sure thing, and this is the best opportunity for us to join the Demon Alliance.

As long as we kill the disciples of Kunlun Immortal Sect and Taiyi Sect, it will be our best declaration of loyalty.

There is a high probability that we will be directly accepted by the high-level members of the Demon Alliance, and we won't have to live in fear on the outskirts of the Hengling Mountains every day.

But I don't know how true the rumors of the Demon Lord's revival are." Qingyun Daoist pondered.

Qinghu said in a low voice, "It doesn't matter if it's true or not. We have already gone too far down this path. Those scoundrels in Xichuan City have already noticed us.

If it weren't for your quick thinking, informing Taiyi Sect about the massacre in the village and temporarily deceiving Xichuan City, we would have escaped long ago.

It's all our fault for being careless and accidentally sacrificing the entire village, causing the ghostly aura to rise and making it impossible to conceal.

Otherwise, why would we be in such a passive situation, hiding behind the facade of Qingyun Temple? At the very least, we could have lived carefree for another ten years without having to hastily use the disciples of Immortal Gate to join the Demon Alliance."

"Qinghu Fellow Daoist, if we join the Demon Alliance, you must warn Qingyou Fellow Daoist that we can no longer act recklessly like this, or we will suffer a great disaster sooner or later." Qingyun Daoist said coldly.

"Naturally." Qinghu patted his chest and agreed in a carefree manner.

"Qinghu Fellow Daoist, please go to Qingyou Fellow Daoist now. I believe those disciples of Immortal Gate will arrive soon. With the two of you and Qingyou Fellow Daoist's ghost domain, it won't be difficult to kill them.

I will destroy all the traces that Qingyun Temple can leave behind, and then we will meet up and enter the Hengling Mountains together! But you still need to be careful, there is a Late Stage fourth realm body cultivator there, don't underestimate him." Qingyun Daoist concluded.

"Alright, it just so happens that this is my area of expertise. Dealing with a mere human body cultivator is a piece of cake. Brother, wait for my good news." Qinghu laughed heartily, his palm the size of a fan patting Qingyun's shoulder, and then he turned into a black mist and drifted away.

(Only two chapters today, I'm very tired. Take it easy. Feel free to criticize anything other than the length. Kisses.)

(End of this chapter)

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