Chapter 77: Ghost Domain

Xu You and his group, who had been rushing all the way here, stopped at a small plain about thirty to forty miles away from Qingyun Temple.

On the left side, there was a large expanse of mulberry fields and rice paddies, with thriving crops. On the right side, the village was quiet like a secluded valley.

The village was of ordinary size, with rows of farmhouses connected together, presenting a typical appearance of a village in Great Zhou. However, not even the sound of chickens or dogs could be heard.

Under the clear sky, a torrent of ghostly aura pervaded the entire village, rendering it eerie and sinister.

Xu You looked into the distance and judged from the intensity of this malevolent aura that the ghost cultivator responsible for this must have considerable strength.

Under normal circumstances, even a sixth realm ghost cultivator would rarely dare to commit such an outrage within the jurisdiction of the main city of Great Zhou County.

Therefore, the current situation puzzled Xu You. How could this ghost cultivator dare to massacre the village? Either they were truly foolish or they had some other reliance.

Thinking of this, Xu You leaped lightly and landed on the edge of the village, closely examining the nearby ghostly aura.

The other three also approached. Zhang Wei gently waved her wide sleeve, gathering some of the ghostly aura. Then, the Tai Chi pattern on her robe mysteriously rotated, absorbing the gathered ghostly aura completely.

After a moment, Zhang Wei pondered and said, "The ghost cultivator who committed this act is probably at the Late Stage of the fourth realm, with a strength close to perfection. Judging from the density of the residual ghostly aura, the villagers were used as sacrifices to refine soul-devouring artifacts."

"You mean this ghost cultivator killed so many souls to refine ghost artifacts?" Zheng Qiang asked.

"Yes, that's basically it," Zhang Wei explained slowly. "Refining artifacts with soul sacrifice is one of the relatively ancient traditions in ghost cultivation. However, it has long been prohibited by the joint efforts of the Five Sects and Seven Schools. For thousands of years, this cruel method has been gradually isolated from the cultivation world. Ordinary ghost cultivators wouldn't dare to commit such a serious crime, otherwise they would be hunted down by the joint forces of the Five Sects and Seven Schools."

"So, how can a Late Stage fourth realm cultivator dare to do such a thing?" Zheng Qiang surveyed the surroundings and asked coldly.

"That, I don't know. I thought they were just killed before, but now I realize they were sacrificed in such a cruel way. It seems that the problem with Qingyun Temple cannot be ignored. Such a serious piece of information cannot be omitted when reporting," Zhang Wei continued to explain.

"We must bring this ghost cultivator to justice for such a cruel act," Zheng Qiang's face was filled with determination. He had been influenced by Kunlun Immortal Sect since childhood. After so many years of accumulation, he had already taken protecting the mortal world as his duty. He would kill any such cruel demonic cultivator he encountered.

Shi Caifeng stood obediently on the side, listening attentively to the professional analysis.

At this moment, she only had one thought: disciples of Kunlun Immortal Sect really knew a lot.

"Huh?" At this moment, Xu You suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

"What is it, Junior Brother Xu?" Zheng Qiang asked before finishing his sentence.

Suddenly, a terrifying suction force came from the village, catching them off guard. They were all sucked into the village.

At the same time, a large amount of black mist surged out from every corner of the village, completely covering the entire village and isolating it from the outside world.

From the outside, it appeared as if there was an inverted black curtain, with no perception of what was happening inside the village.

In the black mist, Xu You's heart trembled slightly. Within it, he felt as if his perception had been stripped away, unable to distinguish the direction around him, only aware of his own presence.

This black mist was exceptionally gloomy, filled with a chilling ghostly aura that not only stagnated his cultivation, but also continuously consumed it.

"Are you all okay?" In the black mist, a loud voice resounded from all directions. The voice was clear and distinct, entering Xu You's ears. It was Zheng Qiang who had spoken.

However, Xu You didn't know where he was.

"It's alright."

Zhang Wei was the first to respond loudly, followed by Xu You and Shi Caifeng.

"This is the Ghost Domain, there must be a ghost cultivator presiding over it. Be cautious, I will try to break through it."

In an instant, Zhang Wei determined the environment they were currently in. She didn't intend to "conspire" so openly, but there was no other choice. Although this Ghost Domain was not very powerful due to its incompleteness, breaking through it was not a simple matter. If one were to forcefully consume a large amount of cultivation without proper precautions, they would easily suffer backlash.

She was the only professional here, so she could only take the risk and shout out these words, then break through as quickly as possible.

Because when she shouted these words, the ghost cultivator behind them would definitely target her first. But at this moment, Zhang Wei couldn't care too much.

Her fellow disciples were by her side, and she had to do her best to protect them.

While speaking, Zhang Wei formed hand seals with both hands. The Taiji diagram on her robe projected a golden Taiji shadow upwards, which then rapidly rotated at an invisible speed.

Golden light immediately radiated around her, dispersing the surrounding black mist.

"Hehehe." A cold and mocking laughter came from the black mist. "Indeed, disciples of the Immortal Gate, you do have some insight. But now that you've fallen into my trap, how dare you act so recklessly!"

As the cold voice resounded, a black claw formed by the condensed black mist attacked Zhang Wei from behind with lightning speed.

At this moment, Zhang Wei had the Taiji diagram above her head and was standing on the Eight Trigrams formation. It was as if she had eyes on her back. When the black claw attacked, she shouted.


Suddenly, the light on her robe burst forth, and the wide sleeves sprayed out a golden small bell. The Eight Trigrams formation on her robe emitted a radiant light, and the golden small bell expanded in the wind, directly covering Zhang Wei's body.

The black claw landed on the small bell, producing a crisp collision sound. The tremendous impact stirred up the boiling black mist around them.

The golden small bell stood firm like Mount Tai, while Zhang Wei inside it had a pale face, her green hair fluttering, her expression cold.

She formed hand seals with her right hand and directly grabbed the black claw with her left hand. Uttering mysterious incantations, the place where her hand touched the black claw instantly turned red, melting the black claw directly.

Then, she calmly let go of it, her expression still cold as she slightly raised her head to look at the dense black mist. There was no victorious joy on her face; she knew that everything had just begun.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. Zhang Wei remained calm and composed, unparalleled in elegance. With her cultivation at the early stage of the Fourth Realm, she forcibly resolved an attack from a late stage ghost cultivator in the Fourth Realm.

Of course, she naturally suffered some backlash inside her body, as the gap in cultivation level was still significant.

This scene was clearly seen by Xu You on the other side.

As soon as he entered the black mist and noticed that his perception was obstructed, Xu You immediately activated his Divine Ability, the Barrier-Breaking Eye. This Divine Ability was still formidable, as it could directly penetrate the essence of this so-called Ghost Domain.

(End of this chapter)

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