Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 82 The Heart Of The Swordsman

Chapter 82: The Heart of a Sword Master

The rescued girls and Taoists all bowed and thanked Shi Caifeng, then gradually left the courtyard.

After a while, the courtyard was empty, and everyone had left, leaving only Xu You and the other two.

Taiyi Sect is truly worthy of being a major sect of the Daoist tradition. Shi Caifeng's demeanor and cultivation are truly exemplary.

After finishing up here, the three immediately returned to the village.

When they arrived, they found that the village was no longer there. The ground was full of various pits, and the surface looked like it had been plowed three times, as if it had been hit by a meteor shower.

There were two bodies lying on the ground, one was the ghost cultivator Qingyou, and the other was a giant White Tiger corpse several zhang long.

Zheng Qiang stood beside the White Tiger corpse with his bare chest, his aura still billowing, his skin red. Even from a distance, one could feel the terrifying power hidden beneath his physical body.

This man's aura could probably instantly evaporate an ordinary ghost cultivator.

Xu You felt regret in his heart at this moment. He didn't expect that they had all died. He was one step too late, otherwise he could have made up for it!

"Senior Zheng, are you alright?"

"No worries, all the thieves have been killed." Zheng Qiang's chest rose and fell slightly, obviously having expended a lot of energy.

As he spoke, he took out a set of new clothes from his storage ring and put them on. Judging from his familiar appearance, it seemed that he had done this many times before. One could imagine that every time he fought, Zheng Qiang's clothes would burst.

"How did things go on your end?"

"Everything has been resolved."

"Well done." Zheng Qiang praised, then directly skinned and deboned the huge White Tiger in front of him with his bare hands.

Finally, he took out a crystal-clear white tiger vertebra and two bright red tiger tendons.

He handed these three things to Xu You and said, "These are the most precious materials from this demon tiger's body. Junior Brother, take them and go to an artifact refining shop in the sect to make two handy Law Weapons."

"This demon tiger was still quite powerful, with well-trained muscles and bones. This time, Junior Brother played the leading role, so I'll give these to you."

Xu You hesitated for a moment, shaking his head and refusing, "I can't accept this. Senior Brother, you were the one who killed it, I can't take it."

Zheng Qiang smiled faintly, "I cultivate the Martial Dao and never use any Law Weapons. Just take them."

Seeing Zheng Qiang's unwavering determination, Xu You could only accept these three things. He didn't say much in thanks, but he would remember Zheng Qiang's kindness in the future.

All he could say was that his Senior Brother Zheng was truly an excellent Senior Brother.

Afterwards, Zheng Qiang carefully recounted the intelligence he had just obtained from the two interrogated individuals.

Qing You, Qing Hu, and Qing Yun became acquainted twenty years ago. They had been wandering outside all this time, but later offended a formidable enemy. In order to seek refuge, they came to this remote area.

They joined forces to occupy Qing Yun Temple and killed all the original inhabitants. They have managed to keep it hidden all these years, occasionally slaughtering some Independent Cultivators and mortals as their source of sustenance.

Their lives have been relatively carefree, and they even refer to themselves as the Three Saints of Qing Yun. However, a few days ago, they went too far and directly massacred the village. The overwhelming ghostly aura could not be concealed.

They also heard that some high-ranking members of the Demon Alliance were conspiring with the Heng Alliance in the depths of the Hengling Mountains. After considering their options, they decided to directly target disciples of the Immortal Gate, kill them, and present their heads as a pledge of allegiance to the Demon Alliance in the depths of the mountains.

The grudge between the Demon Alliance and the Five Sects and Seven Schools has lasted for many years. Therefore, they believe that offering the heads of Immortal Gate disciples may be the best way to gain recognition within the Demon Alliance.

Thus, the Three Saints of Qing Yun became more audacious and carried out their plan.

Originally, their plan was well thought out. With the support of the Ghost Domain and setting traps, their chances of success were high. However, they encountered the Divine Song Xu You and could only swallow their pride.

After understanding all this, Xu You felt somewhat helpless. He realized that in the eyes of Demonic Cultivators, the identity of an Immortal Gate disciple was highly sought after.

This was also the case when he was at the Fragrant Floating Garden. Two cultivators from the Connected Tranquility Valley wanted to use him as a source of blood. Now, it was the same situation here, where they were trying to use him as a pledge of allegiance.

However, seeing how accustomed Zheng Qiang and the others were to such situations, Xu You estimated that this kind of thing happened frequently.

"In any case, the situation here has been resolved. Fortunately, we did not bring shame to Taiyi Sect," Zheng Qiang concluded.

"Thank you all. On behalf of Taiyi Sect, I sincerely thank you for your help. We will report this matter to the sect and reward you all," Shi Caiyi expressed her gratitude.

Naturally, Xu You and the others did not say much. After exchanging a few polite words, they went their separate ways.

At Vermilion Bird Peak, Xu You sat cross-legged in his Dao Hut, meditating.

After returning to the Immortal Gate with Zheng Qiang and Zhang Wei, they exchanged contact information and each returned to their respective peaks.

During a deeper conversation on the way, Xu You learned that besides being a true disciple of Yi Li, Zhang Wei was also the only daughter of the Heavenly Authority Peak's peak master, Zhang Changli.

Heavenly Authority Peak was the only peak in Kunlun Immortal Sect that focused on talisman cultivation. Zhang Changli's talisman cultivation level was unparalleled in the sect.

He was known as the Perfected Being of Heavenly Talismans and had a formidable reputation in the Divine Continent.

However, his only daughter, Zhang Wei, had no interest in talisman cultivation. Instead, she directly crossed over to another peak and became a disciple of Crimson Serenity Peak, where she practiced the art of Qimen Divination.

After learning this, Xu You gained a new understanding of the cold and aloof Senior Sister Zhang.

Despite having the support of two powerful peak masters, she remained low-key and showed no signs of her true abilities.

In the future, there will be a chance to deepen the friendship with Senior Sister Zhang. Both the Fu Dao and Qimen Divination techniques are extremely powerful auxiliary methods.

Furthermore, the trip to Xichuan City has been quite fruitful for Xu You.

The incident involving Huo Lianyi has earned him a lot of goodwill. After returning to the Immortal Gate, the sect also rewarded him with three hundred Kun coins.

He also received two hundred Kun coins for the Qingyun Sect matter.

The tendons and bones of the Late Stage Tiger Demon in the Four Realms are quite valuable.

Not to mention the priceless Divine Weapon, the Fanyin Bell, given to him by Shangguan Changge.

At this moment, Xu You opened a storage bag in front of him, which he had taken from Qingyun.

The first thing he found was a small bag containing nearly a thousand Shenzhou coins.

Shenzhou coins are a widely circulated currency in the Five Continents and can be used anywhere.

The exchange rate with Kun coins is roughly two to one, which means he can exchange them for nearly five hundred Kun coins!

Xu You's eyes lit up immediately. It seemed that Qingyun Daoist's savings were all here, and now they were all cheap for him.

With a smile on his face, Xu You took out all the immortal coins and put them in his pocket without leaving a single one. He could understand the happiness of those Demonic Cultivators. This feeling of getting something for nothing was quite nice.

By doing so, he had increased his wealth by another two thousand. Xu You planned to save more and open a shop on the Heaven-Connecting Peak in the future.

With Azure Lotus around, there might be various divine treasures available in the future. Running a shop as the exclusive agent for sales could be a long-term profitable venture.

After suppressing the surprise of unexpected wealth, Xu You continued to search through the bag. Most of the items were books and secret techniques left behind by Qingyun Daoist.

Xu You wasn't interested in them, but he still collected them. These things could be exchanged for Kun coins at the Sutra Pavilion of the Immortal Gate.

The Sutra Pavilion of the Kunlun Immortal Sect contained everything, including the cultivation methods and divine abilities of these Demonic Cultivators. So, exchanging these demonic cultivation methods and divine abilities could earn corresponding Kun coins.

Finally, there were three tokens lying quietly inside.

Xu You took them out and examined them carefully.

After a while, he suddenly realized that these tokens were the fake identities prepared by Qingyun Daoist.

Deep in the Hengling Mountains was a paradise for evil cultivators. Anyone other than disciples of the Heng Alliance or casual cultivators who entered would face the pursuit of the Heng Alliance.

The Heng Alliance had many rules and regulations. It was like a small world of its own.

One of the rules was the use of identity tokens.

These tokens were like passes, officially issued by the Heng Alliance. Holding this pass meant that one was part of the alliance.

Inside the Hengling Mountains, one could move around freely without being questioned.

These tokens were prepared by the Three Saints of Qingyun in case they needed to escape.

These official certification tokens for the Hengling Mountains were rare and almost impossible for righteous cultivators to obtain. The Heng Alliance had strict control over them.

The Three Saints of Qingyun must have paid a great price for them.

Xu You couldn't be bothered to think about how they obtained them. He simply kept them, thinking that they might come in handy someday.

After extracting everything from Qingyun Daoist, Xu You continued to immerse his mind in his spiritual soul, preparing to extract his residual soul.

[Active Skill: Swordmaster's Heart]

[The truth lies only on the edge of the sword. Only with the courage of a dragon can one become a Swordmaster! This Divine Ability can enhance Sword Intent, clarify Sword Heart, and allow everything to be turned into a sword.

When fighting with sword techniques, Swordmaster's Heart can enhance one's sword cultivation. It becomes stronger when facing strong opponents and weaker when facing weak opponents.

With Swordmaster's Heart activated, there will be no more sword cultivators in the world!

However, when the Sword Intent is too domineering during activation, the essence in the body will temporarily lose its vitality.]

As the Divine Ability exchange was completed, Xu You suddenly gained insight into another Divine Ability.

He savored this divine technique carefully.

Indeed, it could be described as a divine technique. It could be directly applied to sword techniques.

It provided comprehensive enhancements and improvements during fights, a qualitative leap. Xu You particularly liked the aspect of becoming stronger when facing strong opponents.

As for becoming weaker when facing weak opponents, he simply didn't need to activate it.

This was a divine technique tailored for strong opponents!

Seeing this side effect, Xu You was initially stunned, but then he thought cunningly, isn't this a technique for scumbags?

He could simply inject some essence and activate the Sword Qi when infusing it. That would work, right?

Hmm, it was a pity. Xu You wasn't a scumbag for the time being, so he probably wouldn't have the chance to use this divine technique.

(End of this chapter)

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