Chapter 83: Moon Jade Pavilion

On the other side, Moon Jade Pavilion.

This pavilion, floating atop one of the three immortal mountains of the Kunlun Immortal Sect, does not have overly extravagant and luxurious buildings. Instead, it consists mostly of ordinary pavilions and towers of moderate height.

These buildings are scattered among the peach trees, appearing faintly in the mist.

At this moment, on a cloud-covered area at the mountaintop, there is a spacious platform.

To the left is an endless sea of clouds, with several sturdy pine trees growing at the edge of the cliff. A stone table is placed a little further inside.

Two people are sitting across from each other at the stone table, engaged in a game of chess. The situation on the chessboard is unclear, showing signs of tension.

The chess players are a middle-aged man and an old man.

The old man is dressed in plain white clothes, with white hair and three strands of long beard in his left hand. His eyes are half-closed, and his face is wrinkled, but he looks kind and benevolent. He exudes a strong aura of an elder.

His Daoist name is Zi Yang, and his given name is Sun Shenji. He is the direct disciple of Fairy Yue Yao from the past and is currently the master of Moon Jade Pavilion.

The middle-aged man is dressed relatively more splendidly, wearing a high-quality Apex Level blue robe adorned with exquisite decorations. He has a slightly wealthy appearance, with a square face and prominent flesh.

He doesn't look like a cultivator but rather resembles a wealthy landlord from the mortal world, emitting a sense of vulgarity that doesn't match the surroundings.

Although his temperament is not impressive, his status in the Immortal Gate is one of the top-notch individuals.

He is the current Peak Master of Heavenly Authority Peak, Zhang Changli. His attainments in the Dao of Talismans are among the best in the Immortal Gate.

Zhang Changli is currently holding the white pieces and, after looking at the complex chessboard in front of him, he directly throws down the white piece in his hand and waves his hand, saying, "Playing chess is indeed not suitable for me. It's too refined, and it makes me uncomfortable."

Perfected Being Zi Yang is not surprised by the other party's reaction. The fact that he managed to play half a game of chess already surprised him. He casually waves his wide right sleeve, and the chessboard on the table disappears, replaced by a teapot now on the tabletop.

"Speak, what brings you here to find me?" Perfected Being Zi Yang asks calmly.

Zhang Changli immediately smiles and eagerly pours a cup of tea for Perfected Being Zi Yang, saying, "I just came to see you, my senior, even if there's no specific reason. In terms of seniority, you are my senior uncle. As a junior, I should come to visit you often."

Perfected Being Zi Yang maintains his benevolent expression and calmly gazes at the cunning Heavenly Authority Peak's Peak Master in front of him.

"Senior uncle, drinking tea and such is boring. Today, I have prepared an entertaining show for you, senior uncle." After pouring the tea, Zhang Changli adds with even more enthusiasm.

"Entertainment?" Perfected Being Zi Yang's eyebrows slightly furrow, sensing a bad premonition.

Suddenly, Zhang Changli claps his hands lightly, and seven women appear from the endless sea of clouds on the left side of the cliff. They are dressed in uniform green dancer's robes.

Their robes flutter above the sea of clouds, and the silk ribbons hanging from their hands also dance in the wind. They are barefoot, with fair soles stepping on the sea of clouds.

Then, they start floating and gracefully dancing in the air, their postures enchanting and graceful, instantly raising the atmosphere.

Perfected Being Zi Yang watches the scene before him, his expression slightly changing. He turns his head and sees that the tea on the table has disappeared, replaced by fine wine and delicacies.

Zhang Changli is now drinking and eating heartily, his gaze fixed on the women who are serving dishes. He resembles a pleasure-seeking hedonist who is completely indulged.

"What are you doing? Moon Jade Pavilion is a place of tranquility. Your actions are simply an insult to refinement!" Perfected Being Zi Yang speaks righteously, his three strands of beard fluttering in the wind.

"Senior uncle, how can you say it's an insult to refinement! These ladies are all respectable people. They are one of the most famous singing and dancing troupes in the Great Zhou Imperial City. Their dance moves are something that many people can't even dream of seeing!"

"Why do I feel like their dance steps resemble those of the Five Moon Pavilion?" Perfected Being Zi Yang's righteous gaze lingers on those dancers for a while before asking.

"Your eyesight is impressive, Shishu! No wonder you are my Shishu!" Zhang Changli clapped the table heavily, as if he had found a kindred spirit.

Perfected Being Zi Yang coughed lightly, almost unable to maintain his dignified appearance.

Zhang Changli poured him another glass of wine and said, "Shishu, taste this exquisite wine that cost me a great deal of effort to buy."

"We cultivators should not indulge in such worldly pleasures, it is vulgar! Truly vulgar!" Perfected Being Zi Yang waved his sleeve in frustration, then turned his gaze to the dancing girls and continued, "Disperse quickly, the talismanic path of your cultivation should not be used in this way!"

"Only you, Shishu, can see that," Zhang Changli praised without hesitation. After the dancing girls finished their performance, he lightly waved his right hand, and they turned into golden light and dissipated.

Finally, they gathered together and became a golden talisman paper, drifting down into the mortal world beneath the sea of clouds.

Perfected Being Zi Yang finally relaxed a little, returning to his appearance as an old immortal. The scene was truly impressive, almost overwhelming for an elderly person.

He looked at Zhang Changli with a stern face and said, "As the leader of a peak, you actually use your Great Dao for such frivolous acts. I heard rumors of your absurd behavior in recent years, but I didn't believe it until now."

"Shishu, that's not fair. If I didn't pursue these worldly desires as you say, how could I have achieved success in the talismanic path?" Zhang Changli retorted.

"Know this, whatever I like, I can imprint it on my talisman paper. Afterwards, I can enjoy the scene as if it were real anytime, anywhere."

"How real is it?" Perfected Being Zi Yang asked instinctively.

"It's as real as it gets. Before the spiritual energy disperses, it's no different from a Perfected Being. I can do anything," Zhang Changli confidently explained.

He wasn't bragging. As the leader of the Kunlun Immortal Sect's talismanic path, his cultivation in talismanic arts had already reached its peak.

Many impossible things became possible under his talisman paper. The dancing girls from earlier were just imprints. It was difficult to distinguish between what was real and what was not.

The talismanic path was ever-changing, capable of turning decay into wonders.

Of course, the reason why Zhang Changli steadfastly pursued this path was not just because he liked these worldly pleasures. He was a man with aspirations.

Perfected Being Zi Yang's face twitched slightly, then he sighed deeply. "If you have something to say, say it quickly and leave. Don't disturb my peaceful place any longer."

"To be honest, Shishu, I came to see you for a small matter." Zhang Changli patted his plump belly and smiled. "It's for my daughter. She has already condensed her Dao Foundation for some time now, and her quality is quite good. I was hoping Shishu could bestow her with a good Law Weapon or something similar. It's just a small matter, nothing else."

"Small matter?" Perfected Being Zi Yang's eyebrows furrowed again.

"It really is a small matter, Shishu. My daughter, Zhan Wei, is exceptionally talented, even better than me. Shishu, you even held her when she was a child, and you've seen her once since she grew up," Zhang Changli quickly added.

Perfected Being Zi Yang's expression softened slightly. "Zhan Wei doesn't practice the talismanic path, she follows the Six Yao arts. Her talent is indeed remarkable. She is currently a disciple of Yi Li, and it was his request."

"Heh." Zhang Changli slapped his thigh in anger. "That old thief Yi Li is always pretending. If he really had the intention, he would have come long ago."

(Regarding the plot issue, the idea of the Three Luri Thunder Technique singing was indeed a random idea, hahaha. Originally, I thought whoever was affected would sing, leading to the demise of the antagonist. But when I was writing, I got it mixed up. However, it's not a big problem. If I want to use it in the future, I will choose a suitable scene, hahaha, to avoid awkwardness.

Also, after discussing with the editor, I plan to extend the preparation period for the new book by two weeks.

So for this week and the next, I will update two chapters per day, allowing everyone to read more for free. The word count has really become too much, which is not friendly for the new book period.

As always, I ask everyone to support and follow the new book, hehehe.)

(End of this chapter)

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