Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 88 "Xu Baoyu" And "Mo Keqing" (Please Follow Up)

Chapter 88 "Xu Baoyu" and "Mo Keqing" (Seeking to Continue Reading)

Not long after Bai Genshuo left, the gate of Xu You's courtyard was pushed open again, accompanied by a fragrant breeze.

Xu You looked up and saw Mo Yuhuang swaying in.

"Master, is there something you need?" Xu You asked curiously.

"Accompany me on a trip." Mo Yuhuang bent down and pinched Xu You's cheeks.

Two mountains seemed to be hanging upside down, swaying and dazzling. Xu You, who was drinking tea, saw this magnificent scenery and sprayed it out.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and turned his head to spray, but some of it still splattered on Mo Yuhuang's collar.


"Let me wipe it for you, Master." Xu You instinctively stood up in fear, wanting to reach out, but his hands froze in place.

Mo Yuhuang also slowly stood up, looking at Xu You with a smile that wasn't really a smile.

"Where does Master plan to go?" Xu You could only continue to ask with a stiff scalp.

"The shore of the North Sea." Mo Yuhuang didn't mind what happened just now, stretched lazily, and became even more magnificent.

"Why go there?"

"To sever the karmic thread."

Only then did Xu You realize that there was such a thing waiting for him. Previously, Mo Yuhuang teased him about whether he wanted an older woman.

It seemed that Mo Yuhuang's friend, who was bound by Li Changsheng as a marriage, had come out of seclusion.

"Okay." Xu You obediently nodded.

He also wanted to sever the karmic thread with this aunt who was thirty years older than him and whom he had never met before as soon as possible. After severing it, Mo Yuhuang would be able to reward him even better.

Teach him more profound knowledge.

Mo Yuhuang placed her right hand on Xu You's shoulder and, in a trance, brought him to the sky. Then, she lightly raised her right hand, and a luxurious flying boat shot out from her sleeve.

The flying boat had three layers, with carved beams and painted rafters. It was filled with luxury and adorned with dazzling decorations. Just looking at it made Xu You, at his current level, feel frightened.

Even commanding this flying boat would require a cultivator at the Heavenly Dao Realm or above.

This was the flying boat Mo Yuhuang usually used when she went out, and its value could be described as astronomical.

It was probably equivalent to working for two hundred years without eating or drinking based on Xu You's current earning ability.

Mo Yuhuang brought Xu You to the third floor, where there was a beautiful large room with good ventilation and even more luxurious interior decoration.

In the center was a three-meter-wide luxurious couch, with red curtains hanging above it. When the mist passed through, lying on it felt like lying among the clouds.

Mo Yuhuang directly lay half on it, supporting her cheek with her left hand, and her slender thighs crossed together, faintly visible.

The curves were so exquisite that they could only be seen in fiction, making it hard to look away.

Looking at his master lying on such a large bed, with the mist passing through, Xu You had a vague feeling of being in a dreamlike state, as if he were Jia Baoyu wandering in the ethereal realm. And Mo Yuhuang had become Qin Keqing.

At this moment, Mo Yuhuang exuded more femininity than Qin Keqing.

"Why are you standing there? Come and sit with your master. Massage my shoulders." Mo Yuhuang beckoned to Xu You.

Only then did Xu You come to his senses and could only sit down next to Mo Yuhuang, gently kneading her slender shoulders with his hands.

Listening to the comfortable sound of his master's hum in his ears, Xu You felt even more helpless. If this continued, he wondered if he would break from resisting every day.

The flying boat began to speed up, much faster than Xu You's own. It suddenly accelerated to such a fast speed that Xu You almost fell out of his seat. Fortunately, he had the handrails to hold onto tightly.

When he stabilized and looked down, he realized that he had left many red marks on his master's fair shoulders.

Mo Yuhuang glanced at Xu You and raised an eyebrow slightly, "Did you do it on purpose?"

"It was unintentional." Xu You remained calm and continued to gently serve Mo Yuhuang with his hands.

"Ah, that's enough strength. It's too much for me." Mo Yuhuang continued to close her eyes, her voice soft and tender.

"Alright." Xu You exerted even more effort, then glanced outside and asked in confusion, "Master, isn't this the wrong direction to the North Sea?"

"Before going there, we need to go to another place first."


"The Demon Alliance, Qingmu Sect."

"Why are you going to the territory of the Demon Path?" Xu You's eyelid twitched, and he instinctively pinched his hands.

"Be gentle, don't be so rude." Mo Yuhuang snorted.

Xu You smiled awkwardly and sat up straight tactically.

"I received a message from Yan Jin earlier, and I know about your situation in Xichuan City," Mo Yuhuang said, changing his posture.

Xu You thought for a moment before daring to confirm that Mo Yuhuang was referring to Luo Qiaoqiao's master, Yun Yanjin, also known as the Joyful Venerable.

"Is your relationship with Master Yun Yanjin very good?" Xu You curiously asked.

"Well, we've known each other for many years. When two beautiful people meet, it's natural to have a better relationship," Mo Yuhuang said naturally.

Xu You couldn't refute this statement. After all, he had indeed met both of them, and using the term "beautiful people" to describe them was too ordinary.

"So, why are you going to Qingmu Sect this time?"

"To seek revenge."


"Is it because Yun Yanjin didn't tell me about this that you didn't mention it? Even when two cultivators at the Sixth Realm bullied you, you didn't come back to find me? Do I mean so little to you?" Mo Yuhuang looked at Xu You, anger brewing between his eyebrows.

"No, Master has always treated me well, and I've always known that," Xu You replied.

"Known? If it weren't for your good luck, you might have died there. It's not shameful to seek help from your elders in important matters. It's only shameful if you die," Mo Yuhuang said.

"I understand, Master. I'll remember next time," Xu You said, feeling touched. "But Master, is it not good for you to go and cause trouble alone?"

"Why not?" Mo Yuhuang said domineeringly. "Those who bully Mo Yuhuang must be punished, no matter how far they are!"

"Alright, then be careful, Master," Xu You said, looking at his furious Master, feeling even more moved. It would be a lie to say that he wasn't touched.

Sometimes, Mo Yuhuang was really good to him. His Master's love filled him up.

Damn, it made him feel secure.

In a secluded area of a high mountain with dense forests, many buildings were built along the mountain, predominantly in black, with various evil carvings on them, giving people a sense of awe.

However, many places were now in a state of collapse, which diminished the majesty of the mountain gate.

This was where Qingmu Sect was located.

Qingmu Sect was a sect subordinate to the Demon Alliance organization.

Among the subordinate forces of the Demon Alliance, there were five sects that were the most famous, named after the Five Elements. The person in charge was the Five Great Flag Masters, who had a formidable reputation in the demonic path.

At this moment, the flag master of Qingmu Sect, Mu Woxing, was sitting in the main seat with a black line on his face. His aura was somewhat weak, and his face was purple and green.

His left hand was bound with bandages, with traces of blood seeping through.

Mu Woxing had a middle-aged appearance, and his eyes were filled with hostility. The combination of his long-standing authority and his current state made him look somewhat ridiculous.

Speaking of which, his experiences in the past two days had been quite tumultuous.

Drinking wine and embracing concubines had been the main theme of Mu Woxing's life in these deep mountains and old forests.

As the weakest among the five sects, Qingmu Sect, and realizing that there was no hope for improvement, Mu Woxing had considered retiring and living a carefree life here.

But his beautiful life was shattered a few days ago.

A powerful cultivator directly attacked Qingmu Sect, and Mu Woxing went out to fight, only to realize that the opponent was Huo Louzhu, the famous master of the Five Moon Pavilion.

He naturally knew about this woman who was extremely petty and vengeful.

Wanting to have a proper conversation to see if there was any misunderstanding, the other party didn't say a word and attacked directly.

Although Mu Woxing's strength was at the bottom among the five flag masters, he could still fight Huo Louzhu on equal terms.

But that crazy old woman fought like a madwoman, not caring about her own life. In the end, Mu Woxing was forced to fight until he vomited blood, with injuries all over his body. The entire place was in chaos.

During that time, he interrogated Wang Tanxiao and Li Fengsheng about their whereabouts.

After a whole day, Huo Louzhu, who couldn't get any answers, finally left in a huff.

(End of this chapter)

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