Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 89 This Is My Only Beloved Disciple

Chapter 89: This is My Only Disciple

Exhausted, Mu Wuxing almost couldn't catch his breath. He hadn't had the chance to investigate the situation yet when Lord Huo left and someone else came knocking on his door.

Venerable Yun Yanjin, just like Lord Huo, had a notorious reputation in the Divine Continent for being ruthless and cunning.

Mu Wuxing's heart skipped a beat, but he hadn't even had a chance to explain himself when Yun Yanjin unleashed a barrage of powerful spells.

As the leader of the sect, he could only grit his teeth and endure.

The consequences were predictable. With his cultivation not yet fully recovered and his body depleted from years of indulgence, he struggled under Yun Yanjin's pressure.

In the end, half of the sect was destroyed, and even the funds that were supposed to be used for enjoyment were taken away before Yun Yanjin left, leaving behind a message and handing over Wang Tanxiao and Li Fengsheng.

Afterwards, Mu Wuxing learned the truth of the matter and found out about what had happened in Xichuan City.

Wang Tanxiao and Li Fengsheng were members of the Chijin Gate and had no connection to him. How could he tolerate being dragged into this unjust disaster?

He immediately demanded that the Chijin Gate hand over the two hall masters, but the answer he received was that they didn't know where the two had gone into hiding.

Whether it was true or not, the two sides began to argue and stall.

"Master, how are you now?" a hall master below asked Mu Wuxing with concern.

"It's nothing," he shook his head. "Damn it, these two crazy women."

The hall master said, "There's a cause for every grievance, and we must make the Chijin Gate compensate for the severe losses suffered by our Qingmu Gate. Wang Tanxiao and Li Fengsheng, those idiots, must also be handed over."

"These women are unreasonable. Why did the Chijin Gate come to us for what they did?" Mu Wuxing felt bitter. As the leader of the Demon Alliance, being beaten up by two women in front of the disciples was too humiliating.

"At the time, there was another disciple of Kunlun Immortal Sect's Mo Yuhuang who escaped from under Wang Tanxiao's control. But luckily, I heard that Mo Yuhuang has been addicted to gambling these years and hardly pays attention to the affairs of the sect. She probably won't come looking for trouble with us. Even if she does, with her strong personality, she will definitely go directly to the Chijin Gate," the hall master laughed.

Mu Wuxing also smiled slightly, "That's good news indeed. Let the Chijin Gate suffer on their own. Mo Yuhuang is a fierce woman. I would retreat if I saw her."

As they spoke, the leader and the hall master exchanged a smile, filled with a sense of relief.


Suddenly, a tremor shook the outside, and the chilling residual Sword Qi swept into the hall. Accompanying it was a lazy voice from above.

"The person in charge, come out."

Mu Wuxing stood up abruptly, almost spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Damn it, a public toilet! Come and go as you please!"

"Leader, you can't fight anymore, or someone will get hurt!" the hall master quickly stood up to stop him.

But Mu Wuxing turned into a streak of light and soared into the sky, even flipping over the roof. He was extremely angry now!

In the sky, a three-story exquisite flying ship floated.

Xu You obediently followed behind Mo Yuhuang with his hands tied. Just now, he had witnessed the Sword Qi that Mo Yuhuang had summoned barehanded.

The brilliance was a power that Xu You couldn't comprehend at the moment. Looking at the Sword Qi surging between the towering mountains and steep peaks on the ground, Xu You felt, for the first time, the overwhelming strength of his master.

Excessively powerful.

This was the strength of a heavenly expert, the strength of a sword immortal!

Soon, a middle-aged man covered in bruises arrived in front of Mo Yuhuang with an angry expression.

He was about to vent his anger, but when he saw that the woman in front of him was Mo Yuhuang, his expression froze, and he lowered his head to glance at the lingering terrifying Sword Qi below.

Mu Wuxing took a deep breath and forced a smile.

He admitted that he was scared.

It's not embarrassing to be scared in the face of Mo Yuhuang, who has a renowned reputation.

Based on his previous experiences, Mu Wuxing immediately spoke, "Master Mo, the person you are looking for is from the Chijin Gate. I am also searching for those two individuals. If I find them, I will definitely hand them over to you for resolution. I will not show favoritism. Of course, Master Mo has come a long way, and the journey must have been tiring. I have a treasure called the Gengmu Jiuzhi, which I would like to present to Master Mo as a gift."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mu Wuxing opened an exquisite jade box and floated it in front of Mo Yuhuang. Inside, the Gengmu Jiuzhi emitted a medicinal fragrance, clearly indicating that it was an Apex Level Spirit Medicine.

Xu You looked at Mu Wuxing in astonishment.

The leader of the Demon Alliance, at least a seventh realm Apex Level expert, why does he seem so humble?

It's one thing to be covered in injuries, but now he's presenting gifts with such skill, making people feel sorry for him.

At this moment, Mo Yuhuang couldn't directly take action either. She was a reasonable person, and if this person immediately presented a treasure and she attacked, it would affect her reputation.

"Who caused these injuries?" Mo Yuhuang asked.

"Huo Louzhu and Huanxi Venerable, it's all a misunderstanding," Mu Wuxing continued to force a smile and briefly explained.

Xu You suddenly realized the reason behind the other party's skillfulness.

"You know your place," Mo Yuhuang's expression slightly eased, but she also said with difficulty, "But you almost injured my disciple. He is my only beloved disciple."

Xu You looked at Mo Yuhuang with a slightly stiff expression. Why didn't he realize that Mo Yuhuang loved him so much before?

"I understand, I understand." Mu Wuxing took out a red stone and handed it over, feeling the pain, "This is the Fire Marrow Spirit Crystal produced exclusively by the Penglai Immortal Sect, as an apology."

Mo Yuhuang nodded with satisfaction and openly accepted this valuable material. She took Xu You and left on the flying boat.

Mu Wuxing let out a sigh of relief as he watched the flying boat go further away. His face instantly turned ugly and gloomy.

He spat and muttered, "Damn, old woman."

As soon as he finished speaking, a purple figure shot towards him at lightning speed, accompanied by an extremely cold Sword Qi.

The air stagnated, the clouds churned, and the space where it passed almost twisted and collapsed.

Mu Wuxing looked at this terrifying scene and shouted, "Master Mo, please wait!"

Mo Yuhuang, who came with the Sword Qi, sneered, "I can hear the commotion from a hundred miles away. Why are you barking like a dog?"

"It's a misunderstanding, let me explain, ah."

A scream from Mu Wuxing came from high above, piercing and heart-wrenching. It was unclear how far it spread. He fell from the sky under Mo Yuhuang's pure Sword Qi, crashing to the ground, his life or death unknown.

Only then did Mo Yuhuang sneer and swiftly return to the boat.

Xu You in the flying boat felt a moment of confusion. Mo Yuhuang disappeared and then reappeared. After a while, Mu Wuxing's screams could be faintly heard.

"Master, what's going on?"

"That bastard called me an old woman. Am I old?"

"In the prime of your life!" Xu You praised with certainty.

(End of this chapter)

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