Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 94 (Please Read) Moonlight City [Thanks To Master Pan For The Reward! ! ]

Chapter 94 (Seeking Recommendations) Moonlight City [Thanks to Pan Shao for the Lord's reward!!]

The last person to condense the Nine Yang Dao Foundation was the core leader of the Eight Saints of Kunlun, during the Great Dao era over three thousand years ago.

He led the Kunlun Immortal Sect out of the darkest moment.

For thousands of years, no one else has achieved this.

Li Changsheng originally condensed the Eight Yang Dao Foundation and was considered the most powerful descendant of the Nine Yang in a thousand years. He became famous throughout the Divine Continent and was extremely charismatic.

After realizing all this, Xu You naturally had a deep reverence for the Dao Foundation.

He didn't think he was a genius in this aspect. His current goal was to protect the seventh and fight to the death for the eighth.

The difficulty of this is not just talk. It requires the right timing, location, and people. It's not just about talent, but also about luck and opportunities in the era.

So when Mo Yuhuang said she would bet with someone else, Xu You immediately felt that his master had lost her mind.

She wouldn't lose as a gambler. Who would?

The fourth realm is crucial for any cultivator of the Great Dao.

As one of the main Great Daos, the Daoist tradition has a deep understanding of this through its accumulated history.

Cultivators with high talent can naturally break through this major obstacle. It's not a big problem for disciples who can enter the Kunlun Immortal Sect based on their talent alone.

The difference lies in the quality of the Dao Foundation, which affects future growth and strength.

Therefore, when facing the issue of Dao Foundation quality, many external aids have been researched.

These external aids are all natural treasures and elixirs. Depending on the specific path of cultivation within the Daoist tradition, different things need to be prepared when breaking through.

For example, the most common Four-Square Dao Foundation path can be assisted by items such as the Linked Flower, Amber Gall, and Four-Square Pill.

Many disciples rely on the enhancement of these elixirs.

However, Apex Level disciples don't bother with these flashy things.

It is well known that relying on elixirs is not as good as one's own talent.

It's like taking a blue pill that allows you to compete with a strong man like Haian. But this comes at the cost of overexerting your body.

Therefore, cultivators with ideals and pursuits won't randomly rely on elixirs. At most, they will use two things for assistance.

One is the Beast Core, and the other is a herb called Dao Heart Lotus.

After multiple verifications, it has been found that only the primordial power contained in a Beast Core willingly given by a Monster Cultivator without any loss of primordial power can provide the purest help during the condensation of the Dao Foundation without any adverse effects.

But it is best if the Beast Core is willingly given and has no loss of primordial power.

Forcibly taken Beast Cores are impure and emit harmful aura to the cultivator's primordial power. Using such Beast Cores is harmful and useless. So finding such Beast Cores is not easy.

In this regard, Xu You is already satisfied. When he promised to help the Green-haired Turtle, it willingly gave him a Beast Core that was intact and full of primordial power.

It is a Supreme Grade Beast Core that could fetch a sky-high price on the market.

The Dao Heart Lotus has a mild nature and allows Daoist cultivators to perfectly harmonize with heaven and earth and attain a clear state of mind. It is a Supreme Grade Divine Medicine that can enter the Dao Heart.

But obtaining the Dao Heart Lotus depends on fate. It grows in random places, and once discovered, its price will definitely be maliciously inflated.

Fresh Dao Heart Lotus is extremely expensive.

The next goal is clear. While preparing to enter the Dao Realm, Xu You will also pay attention to news about the Dao Heart Lotus.

If he can obtain it, Xu You is confident that he can reach a higher level. If he can't, then so be it. Xu You doesn't plan to waste too much time and will still break through.

So the next step is to continue refining his cultivation and reach the peak of the third realm before entering the fourth realm.

When Xu You returned to the Immortal Gate, it was already bright outside. He didn't go back to his own Dao Hut to cultivate.

He planned to relax a bit and have some fun.

He heard that a certain shop in the underground of Baitong Peak recently imported some quite exciting videos. Xu You planned to criticize them.

However, as soon as he landed, a jade talisman flew into his hand.

This communication talisman was sent to Xu You by the Vermilion Bird Palace. He picked it up and glanced at it briefly. There was a cooperative mission that required Xu You to go on a trip.

This kind of situation is normal. In Immortal Gate, in order to prevent disciples from slacking off and staying at home, tasks are regularly assigned to them as part of their training.

It is an unavoidable task, but the Kun coins rewarded for actively distributing these tasks are higher.

Looking at the talisman in his hand, Xu You felt somewhat helpless. It was also a hard life.

On the flying boat, Xu You sat cross-legged, holding the communication jade talisman against his forehead, carefully reading the content of the mission.

This time, it can be said that the distance is far and the mission is important.

First, he needs to go to Jiuyou County. Jiuyou County is adjacent to Western River County, located in the southwest of Great Zhou, and is one of the nine counties.

The natural environment of this county can be considered the worst among the nine counties of Great Zhou, so the number of common people is far less than the other eight counties. However, on the contrary, the number of cultivators is much higher than other counties.

Because of its abundant mountains, rivers, and ancient lakes, it has attracted many cultivators, whether they are independent cultivators or sect forces or family forces. The number is the highest.

And the most important thing is that the southern region of Jiuyou County is a lawless area, where "lawless" refers to the Kunlun Immortal Sect, Taiyi Sect, and Sword Sect.

Because the boundaries of the core forces of these three major sects overlap in this area, the southern part of Jiuyou County is very sensitive.

Usually, the three forces do not engage in dirty tricks, but many times it is inconvenient to handle things in this area.

This has also led to the fact that the vast southern region of Jiuyou County is filled with various forces, both overt and covert.

It has become a place for handling conflicts between forces, not peaceful at all. Although the cultivation environment is free, it is relatively harsh.

The location of Xu You's mission this time is the core city in that area, Moonlight City.

A very artistic and romantic name, forming an extreme contrast with reality. It is a city of cultivators, where only cultivators reside.

The specific form of the mission is still a cooperation, and the specific number of people is unknown. It is not only disciples from the Vermilion Bird Palace, but also disciples from other palaces. This is also the common practice when Immortal Gate assigns missions.

Not only does it advocate cooperation among disciples within the palace, but also cooperation among disciples from different palaces.

The specific details of the mission were not clearly stated in the jade talisman, only that it was likely related to the Demon Alliance, and the specifics could only be known after arriving at the Immortal Gate office in Moonlight City.

After putting down the jade talisman, Xu You focused on piloting the flying boat and headed to Moonlight City at the fastest speed.

Late at night, in the southern part of Jiuyou County, Moonlight City.

After a whole day of flying, Xu You arrived at his destination.

Looking down from high above, the huge Moonlight City is actually a mountain city, built along the mountains, with undulating terrain. Surrounding it are towering mountains.

Mortals simply cannot climb into this city by their own strength.

The entire Moonlight City is magnificent, with brilliant lights inside, as bright as daylight. The entire immortal city is protected by a large formation.

The airspace here is restricted, and cultivators can only enter through the city gate.

Xu You turned the flying boat around and landed not far from the city gate before walking over.

There are cultivators coming and going around, wearing the attire of various sects, making it lively.

At present, the public security in Moonlight City is quite good, although it is a "lawless" area. But with the leadership of the three major sects and the cooperation of several forces, law enforcement is still quite effective.

There are not many foolish cultivators causing trouble here.

When the top ten safest cities in Great Zhou were selected before, Moonlight City ranked third, indicating its high level of security.

(Thanks to Pan Shao for the Lord's reward and support. There will be a big chapter update after it is released!!)

Thanks to the following babies for their current rewards: [月半十六], [rainiii], [近山], [无浪何欢], [拉斯蒂涅], [东方无非], [kook], [两岸潮生], [233不对劲], [anhun], [叶落花花], [白语shiro], [你吃不吃蛋糕], as well as several babies with numerical IDs and several babies who rewarded with hundreds of coins. Thank you all, muah!

(End of this chapter)

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