Chapter 95: Sending You a Little Note

Xu You walked into the Moonlight City along with the crowd, and everywhere he looked, there were strange and bizarre sights. The Great Dao was already countless, and the branches that extended from it were even more numerous.

This led to a stark contrast in customs and "peculiarities" among the cultivators in the Immortal Cultivation World. As a city for cultivators, Moonlight City naturally had its fair share of oddities.

Xu You walked along the main road, interestedly observing everything around him. This was his first time in a city like this for cultivators, so it was quite eye-opening.


The door of a brothel on the side of the road shattered, and a cultivator was sent flying out, followed closely by several thugs from the brothel who started attacking him.

Xu You stopped in his tracks and quickly realized that the cultivator had eaten the "Tyrant King Chicken."

Indeed, this was unacceptable. It not only violated public order, but the cultivator also wanted to freeload.

Within moments, law enforcement officers arrived and took the cultivator away.

Before leaving, the cultivator shouted, "I am a disciple of the Sword Sect! You idiots can wait for me!"

Upon hearing this, the surrounding area became noisy, and the actions of the law enforcement officers became somewhat lighter.

Xu You, who was watching from the sidelines, was quite satisfied with the speed of their response. Moonlight City truly deserved its ranking as the third most civilized city.

Just as Xu You was engrossed in watching, he suddenly felt some movement around his waist. He immediately lowered his head and saw that there was a piece of paper there that he didn't know when it had appeared.

Xu You's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately looked around vigilantly, but in the vast sea of people, he didn't find any suspicious individuals.

Who would use such an ancient method to pass a note? An enemy? An ally? Is it related to this mission?

Xu You's mind raced, and at the same time, he carefully opened the note. On it, there were crookedly written words.

"The moonlight is beautiful tonight. I hope to meet you outside the city at Cold Mountain Monastery."

After reading these words, Xu You was initially dumbfounded.

He read it over and over again, and it was indeed just an ordinary piece of paper with ordinary handwriting, nothing special about it.

At that moment, there were only three possibilities.

First, this note was written by a woman who admires him.

Xu You has always been confident in his appearance, and he has received notes like this before. Although it was his first time in Moonlight City, it was normal for some little fairy to secretly admire him.

But the handwriting was like a worm, so it couldn't possibly be a woman's handwriting. He immediately ruled out this possibility.

Could it be Nantong? Just thinking about it sent shivers down Xu You's spine.

The second possibility was that this was written by someone from a certain power and was likely related to his mission this time. Due to certain special reasons, they could only use this ancient method.

The third possibility was a prank.

Regardless of which possibility it was, Xu You's only thought now was to ignore it.

Come on, he is cautious and prudent. How could he believe in such a whimsical thing?

Not going and ignoring it was the best answer.

Xu You directly threw away the note and left this place with big strides.

At this moment, in a small alley two streets away from Xu You, a graceful figure stopped running and gently patted her chest, exhaling a sweet breath.

She was wearing a light yellow long dress, with her long hair slightly tied up and secured with a hairpin, giving her a simple yet mature charm.

The kind that was pure and harmonious.

A pair of eyes sparkled like stars, and her face was filled with a triumphant expression.

If Xu You were here, he would immediately recognize her as Luo Qiaoqiao.

Yes, the note just now was personally written by Luo Qiaoqiao and secretly placed on Xu You.

If you're wondering how Luo Qiaoqiao ended up in Moonlight City and why she would send a note to Xu You, it all started a few days ago.

Three days ago, in the Joyous Union Sect.

On a beautiful and vibrant mountain peak, Luo Qiaoqiao, dressed in a long skirt, sat by the window. The fragrance filled the exquisite chamber as the mountain breeze gently blew. Delicate ornaments hung from the beams, tinkling softly.

The scattered sounds mirrored Luo Qiaoqiao's current state of mind.

Resting her chin on the window sill, her gaze unfocused, she looked out at the sea of flowers beyond the window.

Although the flower sea was splendid and the scenery breathtaking, none of it entered Luo Qiaoqiao's eyes.

Her mind was dizzy, and there was only one figure swaying back and forth.

Xu You.

Yes, it had been two days since he returned from Xichuan City.

Luo Qiaoqiao realized that she couldn't concentrate on cultivation like she used to, not even on the flowers and plants she had always loved.

Slowly, Luo Qiaoqiao leaned most of her body against the window sill, resting her cheek on her arm. Her right hand absentmindedly tapped on the window ledge with her jade finger.

The first twenty years of Luo Qiaoqiao's life were simple. She grew up in a wealthy family and joined the Joyous Union Sect during her teenage years.

Because of her outstanding talent, she was personally taken in by Venerable Yun Yanjin and became his only true disciple, receiving careful guidance.

Life held no surprises for Luo Qiaoqiao anymore, as she truly lacked nothing.

It wasn't until she met Xu You in Luofeng City recently that ripples appeared in her plain cultivation life.

Especially during the battle outside Xichuan City with the members of the Demon Alliance, it could be said that their lives were intertwined.

People say that there is great terror between life and death, and she experienced it, but she also experienced another kind of terror.

That was when Xu You risked his life twice to save her, causing her heart to beat involuntarily.

That feeling fascinated her and she often missed it.

Looking back now, she herself didn't know why she had different feelings towards Xu You.

Although he was handsome, the Joyous Union Sect was not lacking in good-looking male disciples. Yun Yanjin had once told her that if she liked any man in the future, she just needed to inform him.

And he would be hers at night.

Luo Qiaoqiao had never made such a request, nor had she ever had such thoughts.

She always believed that she should be strong like her master in the future, becoming a powerful woman, leaving matters of romance aside.

But now, it seemed that this lofty goal needed some adjustment.

Xu You's smile and stubbornness lingered in her mind.

"Ah, so annoying!"

Luo Qiaoqiao, feeling somewhat embarrassed, slammed the window sill heavily and picked up the nearby flower arrangement, tearing it apart and throwing it away.

Then she sat on the window sill, muttering to herself with her long legs swinging softly.

That infuriating man!

When a young girl's heart starts to stir, it knows no bounds.

Like a raging torrent, violent yet gentle like a spring breeze, it converges into the voice of longing.

"Damn it! We've only known each other for such a short time, why is this happening!"

Luo Qiaoqiao tried hard to think, but helplessly realized that she didn't know why, there was no reason at all.

"Who are you cursing?" Suddenly, a mature woman's voice came from behind.

Luo Qiaoqiao was startled, almost losing her balance on the window sill. She turned around and saw her master standing there, not knowing when she had arrived.

Luo Qiaoqiao's face flushed with embarrassment, unsure how much of her muttering the other person had heard.

(End of this chapter)

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