Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 96 My Teacher Will Help You Get Xu You. Joyous Union Sect?

Chapter 96: Did I help you bring Xu You to the Joyous Union Sect?

"I didn't scold anyone," Luo Qiaoqiao shook her head in response.

"It's Xu You," Yun Yanjin said casually.

"No, impossible, it's not. Who is Xu You? I don't know him. Master, don't say random things," Luo Qiaoqiao jumped off the windowsill, denying it three times.

"Mo Yuhuang's disciple, the one who was on a mission with you in Xichuan City a few days ago. He has a strong build and a handsome appearance," Yun Yanjin said calmly as she saw Luo Qiaoqiao getting anxious.

"Oh, him. I almost forgot," Luo Qiaoqiao said indifferently.

"Do you know one of his characteristics?"


"Every time he acts tough, his nose always wrinkles slightly," Yun Yanjin reached out and pinched Luo Qiaoqiao's delicate nose as she said so.

The gesture was intimate, clearly indicating that the relationship between the master and disciple was not ordinary.

Luo Qiaoqiao turned her head away, her ears blushing slightly.

"Do you have a crush on him?" Yun Yanjin also walked to the edge of the windowsill and sat down.

Her plump buttocks clearly displayed a more enticing curve than Luo Qiaoqiao's just now, a level that only a strong man could easily resist.

This is how mature women are, with their full and voluptuous features far surpassing those of young girls.

"How is that possible? We've only met a few times," Luo Qiaoqiao continued to argue cunningly.

Yun Yanjin stretched lazily, "If it's not the right person, meeting thousands of times would be in vain. When you meet the right person, once is enough."

Luo Qiaoqiao froze, she didn't expect Yun Yanjin to say such things to her.

For so many years, she had never heard Yun Yanjin discuss emotional matters with her. Subconsciously, she thought her master disliked such topics.

That was also the reason why she had vehemently denied it earlier, afraid that her inner thoughts would anger Yun Yanjin and cause her to do something to Xu You.

But Yun Yanjin's reaction now surprised her.

"What's wrong? Did I hit the nail on the head?" Yun Yanjin chuckled softly.

Luo Qiaoqiao guiltily lowered her head and remained silent.

"Come sit here," Yun Yanjin patted the empty space beside her, and Luo Qiaoqiao obediently walked over and sat down.

The image of a mature woman and a young girl sitting side by side was extremely beautiful. They were master and disciple, but they looked more like a glamorous mother and an innocent daughter chatting.

"For girls, it's like this. If you lose the ability to be moved, what's the use of having a thousand different charms? Being moved is what represents being alive," Yun Yanjin looked at the sea of flowers outside the window as she spoke.

Luo Qiaoqiao's gaze followed, curiously looking at her master.

Indeed, she had never heard or heard from others about her master's emotions. In her impression, her master had always been alone all these years.

And from what others said, she had indeed been single all these years. How did she manage to feel so sentimental?

"I have never opposed your questions about men and women, or rather, the dual cultivation method you are currently practicing is beneficial to you," Yun Yanjin withdrew her gaze and looked into Luo Qiaoqiao's eyes.

The latter once again lowered her head, unable to meet her gaze.

"Do you like Xu You?"

"I don't know."

"Then it means you do."

"But he's not from the Joyous Union Sect."

"Who said that disciples of the Joyous Union Sect can only cultivate together with disciples of the Joyous Union Sect?"

"Master, I never said I wanted to cultivate together, what are you talking about?" Luo Qiaoqiao impatiently swung her legs.

If you really wanted, I could bring Xu You to our Joyous Union Sect, but since you're so unwilling, then let's forget about it," Yun Yanjin said indifferently.

"What? Xu You is the only disciple of Mo Jianxian, how could he come to our Joyous Union Sect?" Luo Qiaoqiao quickly replied.

"Isn't it because you don't want to?"

"I'm just curious," Luo Qiaoqiao continued stubbornly.

Yun Yanjin slowly said, "Forcing him to come won't work. Mo Yuhuang is a person with a small mind, I'm afraid she will cause trouble for the Joyous Union Sect. But I have another way."

"What way?" Luo Qiaoqiao couldn't contain her curiosity and excitement anymore.

"You don't need to know about it. Children shouldn't know too much. Just rest assured, I will make Mo Yuhuang willingly give Xu You to you," Yun Yanjin smiled.

"What do you mean 'give'? Master, what are you saying?" Luo Qiaoqiao blushed slightly and squirmed uncomfortably.

Yun Yanjin looked at his well-behaved disciple and continued, "But there's one thing you need to know. The true inheritance of Xu You comes from the predecessor Li Changsheng."

"Who is Li Changsheng?" Luo Qiaoqiao asked in confusion.

Yun Yanjin explained slowly, "You're young and don't know about the past. Just know that Li Changsheng is Mo Yuhuang's master and was one of the most prominent figures in Shenzhou at that time. Wherever he went, all eyes were on him. He left behind countless legends. He was the pillar of Kunlun Immortal Sect, which only happens once every few hundred years."

"So amazing!" Luo Qiaoqiao looked at Yun Yanjin with admiration. "Then isn't this a good thing?"

"Good?" Yun Yanjin sneered. "I respect him as a senior in terms of cultivation and right and wrong, but when it comes to character, I am quite disgusted. He owed countless debts of love back then, deceived many innocent women in Shenzhou, including my master."

Yun Yanjin paused for a moment and concluded, "In short, you only need to know that Li Changsheng's character in matters of love is very poor. I don't know if it's because of practicing the Nine Yang Immortal Technique or if it's his true nature. I can't guarantee what Xu You, who inherited his legacy, will learn."

"He definitely won't, Master, don't worry." Luo Qiaoqiao blurted out without thinking. She had personally experienced Xu You's gentlemanly demeanor. Even in that situation, he maintained his gentlemanly manners and never crossed any boundaries. It was not just once, which was enough to show how good his character was.

Luo Qiaoqiao couldn't guarantee anything else, but she was very confident about this point.

"Oh? Are you so sure?" Yun Yanjin looked at Luo Qiaoqiao with a smile that was not quite a smile. "It seems that something else happened between you two that night. Otherwise, you wouldn't have fallen for him in just a few days. It will also solve my doubts."

"How is that possible, Master!" Luo Qiaoqiao became anxious. "I have a clear conscience with him. Besides, if I really encounter someone who is unfaithful in love, I'll just cut him off!"

As Luo Qiaoqiao spoke, she made a scissor gesture with her hand.

Obviously, she had been influenced by the teachings of her master, Venerable Huanxi, in the Joyous Union Sect. Luo Qiaoqiao believed that if she encountered a playboy, she would just cut him off. Why keep such a dirty person?

Yun Yanjin patted his disciple's head. "Although that's what you say, if you really fall for him, even if Xu You is a scoundrel, you wouldn't have the heart to do such a thing. I'm afraid that when he sweet talks you a little, you'll lose your own judgment. Girls are easily deceived when it comes to emotions."

"It's impossible, I'm not that kind of person."

Yun Yanjin smiled and didn't say much. The young girl was naive about many things. He just said, "Since there's no problem with that, Xu You is indeed a good partner for you. He has a good appearance and talent in cultivation, and his path of cultivation is broad. You two are a perfect match. Let me ask you one more question, if you really have feelings for him, should I set a trap for Mo Yuhuang?"

(End of this chapter)

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