Who told him to rush up there?

Chapter 222 Goodbye Wendy

The next morning, Eli and his party got up early, had a simple breakfast and prepared to set off.

Because there was a very long distance to walk, the Elf Forest was densely vegetated and shaded by trees, and it was impossible to ride horses or drive cars. Unless the team was a strong team with all members above the Saint level, they could fly directly there. Otherwise, no matter which country you were an ambassador from, you had to walk obediently when you arrived near here.

Before they set off, Grand Duke Moko came to see them off and sent them directly to ten miles away from the city before reluctantly saying goodbye. As a king of a country, he was able to do this, which really showed that he attached great importance to them.

After that, Eli led the delegation to continue to the Elf Forest, and it didn't take much time to reach the outskirts of the Elf Forest.

Although there were many civil servants in the team, the path in the Elf Forest was not difficult to walk on. It seemed that someone had carefully maintained it, so there was no need to cut through thorns all the way.

Eli was the first to walk in front, followed by Prince Charles and Prince Leighton. Even those with low strength in the delegation behind him would not be unable to bear such a short distance, so the journey was relatively smooth.

After walking for a long time, they came to the depths of a denser forest, where huge trees stood tall and towering into the clouds. The branches and leaves of the trees almost blocked out the sun, so that the road ahead seemed a little dim and gloomy.

Eli subconsciously scanned with his soul and found that there was a large tree in the woods in front of him, and one of them was a druid...

A little further away, there was a druid, and another was also a druid...

As the most important vassal state of the Elf Empire today, the territory of the Druid Kingdom is within the territory of the Elf Empire. As they gradually went deeper into the Elf Empire, they were also likely to enter the territory of the Druid Kingdom.

"Are you guys basking in the sun? If you have nothing to do, why not give us a ride? Some of us may not be able to walk very well."

Elai walked to a tree that looked extremely sturdy, patted its bark with his hand, and then spoke to it.

The members of the delegation, including Prince Charles and Prince Leighton, were all confused. They didn't know who Lord Eli was talking to. Could it be that there were elves hiding in this forest? It's impossible that such a huge tree was transformed by a druid, right?

"As expected of Saint Eli, your eyesight is really extraordinary. Even I, an old man, can't hide it from you."

Amid the rumbling sound, the towering tree in front of Eli turned into a two-meter-tall old tree man. The skin on his face was wrinkled like dry bark. Although it didn't look very beautiful, the druids never cared about appearance. Anyway, with their racial characteristics, no matter what they looked like, everyone was willing to interact with them.

The Druids, who are very close to nature, are born with a strong affinity. They exude the breath of nature all the time. As long as they are not their hostile race, no one will have a bad idea about them when they meet them for the first time.

Seeing the giant tree that covered the sky and the sun turned into a human form, Prince Charles and Prince Layton were both stunned. You know, although the Druids' transformation is magical, it is very difficult to grow up. At first, they can only transform into things of their own size. After that, they can become bigger and stronger through step-by-step training.

Like the towering giant tree just now, it is definitely impossible for a saint of the Druids to transform. How long have they entered the Elf Forest and they can actually encounter a saint of the Druids?

No, it shouldn't be an accidental encounter. From what the saint said, he seemed to be waiting here on purpose. Could he be sent by the Elf Empire to welcome them?

"Meet Saint Eli."

At this time, several giant trees in the distance also turned into tree people. Although they were not as powerful as the druid saint in front of Eli, they were all existences that had one foot in the holy realm and were all semi-saint-level strongmen.

"You guys are here, so you shouldn't really come to bask in the sun, right? If you have something to say, please speak directly."

Elai felt that these druids had no ill will towards them, but they didn't seem to be a team coming to welcome them, so he asked this question.

"I have heard of Saint Eli's great name for a long time. Today, I see that he is indeed very powerful. The old man doesn't hide anything. I heard that Saint Eli once killed Saint Mu En, a traitor of our tribe, on the battlefield. The old man happens to be his brother."

After the druid saint finished speaking, Eli had no reaction, but the other members of the delegation immediately became alert.

Although it is rare to hear that the Druids, who are the sons of nature, seek revenge, there are always bad people among the good people. Since the younger brother of this Druid Saint can be a traitor, it is hard to guarantee whether the brother who is a traitor is a good Druid.

"It is true, but what you said is not quite accurate. The situation at that time was that Saint Mu En had been demonized. In order to avoid casualties and investigate him, I could only hurt him, but he was so deeply possessed by the devil that he even committed suicide rather than be captured alive. After his death, his body and devil soul were taken away by the Holy Son of Noah of the Church of Light. I have never heard of any news related to him since then."

Elai recalled the situation at that time and told the Druid Saint in front of him as clearly as possible. Saint Mu En died indirectly in his hands, but he did not think there was anything wrong. The demons should be killed, and the traitors who were possessed by the devil should be killed even more.

It is impossible that he would be spared just because he has a brother with the strength of a Saint-level Supreme Being in his hometown? There is no such a cheap thing!

"I know Mu En's strength. After he turned into a demon, I'm afraid even I may not be his opponent. Saint Eli was able to injure him and force him to commit suicide. His strength is truly amazing."

The Druid Saint stroked a strand of plant root-like beard and nodded to show that he recognized Eli's strength.

When Eli heard this, his expression remained unchanged. Although he didn't know what the old man in front of him was doing, his strong strength made him not worry about any changes. After all, he was just a Saint-level strongman. He could suppress such strength with a backhand, and he was not afraid of any waves from him.

"Saint Eli, don't worry too much. The old man has no ill intentions. I just want to know how my useless brother died. When his soul tablet was shattered in the clan, we thought he died at the hands of the devil. But after hearing the news of his rebellion, the clan was inevitably a little surprised. Later, my clan sent elders to the Holy Mountain of Light to ask for Mu En's body. Although they were rejected, the Holy See of Light still allowed my elders to go and check it out and confirmed that Mu En had indeed been possessed by the devil."

"Today I waited here on purpose, not to cause trouble for Saint Eli, but to inform Eli on purpose. Saint, our Druid clan has believed in the goddess of nature for generations. There has never been a traitor in the past thousand years. Mu En's possession of the devil is purely his personal matter. Our clan will give an explanation to all the clans. I hope Saint Eli, who has seen the Druid traitor with his own eyes, can put aside the past and not look at our clan differently in the future. "

Speaking, the Druid Saint bowed deeply to Eli. Eli did not dodge this, but accepted it calmly, because he could do what the other party asked. The Druid clan is indeed the most determined anti-demon people. After all, the Druids who are close to nature and the demons who destroy everything are born in contradiction and are mortal enemies who cannot coexist.

The rebellion of Saint Mu En has puzzled him so far. It seems that Druids like him can only be a special case. It is impossible that the other clans are fighting against the devil, and the Druid clan, which is most hostile to the demons, betrayed first?

He has his own experience in the previous life as a proof. The Druid Kingdom was destroyed by the demons before the Dawn Empire.

Of course, the same is true for the Elven Empire.

"I believe in the firm belief of the Druids, and will always regard the Druid Kingdom as a loyal ally of the Dawn Empire."

Elai first said seriously, and then when he saw a smile on the other party's wrinkled face, he added two more sentences.

"But since you are all here, can you please send my subordinates off? They are weak, and it is quite difficult to travel through this dense forest for a long time."

After speaking, Eli pointed to the weakest few people in the delegation. They had almost exhausted their physical strength along the way. If they continued to walk, they would definitely drag down the large army.

"Leave this small matter to us, Mu Ken, leave it to you."

Elai's request was not a big deal, and it was just a piece of cake for the Druids who were good at transformation.

At the command of the Druid Saint, a half-saint Druid behind him twisted his body and turned into a roc in the blink of an eye. He spread his wide wings and uttered human words from his mouth: "Get on the bird!"

The roc transformed by the half-saint Druid is not an ordinary roc. Its size is comparable to that of a plane on Blue Star. Not to mention Eli's delegation, even another group of the same size can fit on it.

The roc's back is broad and flat. Eli directed the people to climb up one by one. When the last person got on the bird, Eli patted the bird's legs and signaled that it could take off.

As for him... Can't I fly?

With the local druids leading the way, Eli doesn't even need to release his soul to explore the way. He just needs to fly with them.

The semi-saint druid flew very fast. The journey that was originally planned to take nearly a day was completed in less than 20 minutes. As the roc landed, Eli saw the capital of the Elf Empire from afar.

This political and cultural center of the Elf Empire is called the capital, but in fact it does not even have real city walls. To put it bluntly, it is a huge settlement shrouded in green vines and should not be called a city.

But the elves are born like this. Like the druids, they are also extremely close to nature, so they all live in tree houses that have been reasonably modified, from the Queen's high priest to ordinary elf archers.

This so-called capital has no palace, and even no decent streets. If it were not for the fact that the Elf Empire has had some exchanges with other countries in recent years, they would not even bother to repair the very few buildings in the "city".

These buildings are specially used for temporary residence of the delegations of various countries. Because the Elf Empire is relatively closed, the countries do not even have embassies in the Elf Empire. Usually, they have to send messengers to communicate. Unless necessary, the Elf Empire does not welcome outsiders to enter.

If this festival is not very special and it is necessary to invite people from various countries to participate, the Elf Empire would not allow so many foreigners to visit at the same time.

"The center of the Elf Empire is in front, which is a no-fly zone. Please follow us and walk slowly."

When all the members of the delegation got off the bird, the Druid Saint who had been flying with them before made a "please" gesture to Eli and others, and then took the lead to lead the way.

They took a good rest on the big bird along the way, and the rest of the journey was not far, so the delegation followed the Druid masters into the city quite easily.

From the sky, the capital of the Elf Empire looks like a makeshift team. Now entering it from the ground, it is suddenly discovered that it is really a makeshift team.

Such an important capital city, its gate is a tree hole, which can only accommodate four or five people walking side by side at the same time, and it does not look like the second most powerful country on the continent.

After entering the city, the road is just an ordinary dirt road, but it looks very clean, and even if you step on it heavily, it will not stir up dust.

There are not many pedestrians in the city, almost all of them are beautiful elf girls. Eli's performance at the moment is okay, but many young people in the delegation are staring at them, and they are reluctant to miss any passerby.

Here, even ordinary passers-by are beautiful women among the human race. As the rumors say, the Elf Empire is a paradise that men only have in their dreams. Even if nothing can be done on this mission, just walking on this street is worth the trip.

Ah~~ It is worthy of being the Elf Empire. Even the air is so mellow and sweet. I feel that if I stay here for a few more days, I am afraid I won’t even want to go home.

Eli himself was not so happy to see a few passers-by beauties, but he had to admit that the air in the Elf Empire was indeed sweet. Of course, this "city" was full of flowers, plants and trees, and there were no dead branches and leaves mixed in, so of course the air was sweet...

"Oh~ Look over there, another beauty is coming..."

"This is the high-level beauty of the elves, much prettier than passers-by."

At this time, Eli heard the low exclamation of the delegation members. After all, as envoys of the empire, they had to maintain their superficial dignity to a certain extent. Even if they were really amazed, they only whispered twice.

And when Eli followed their amazed gaze and looked into the distance, he was quite surprised to find that it was his old elf, Wendy Elena.

"Welcome to the Elf Empire, Mr. Eli."

The beautiful elf queen slowly walked over. When she approached Eli, her charming face suddenly showed a bright smile.

Then a small hand wrapped in a pure white silk glove was handed to Eli, as if testing his reaction. (End of this chapter)

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