Who told him to rush up there?

Chapter 223: What I Saw in the Elf Capital

Who is Eli?

He is a well-known gentleman! A man who poops in the toilet with his face facing outward!

Not to mention the delicate jade hand, even if the jade foot is stretched out to him, he will lick it... uh, touch it.

Looking at the white silk hand handed over by Wendy, Eli was stunned for only a second, and then he stretched out his hand to take it with a gentlemanly manner, and then pulled it to his mouth and kissed it gently.

Not to mention that he didn't do his homework before coming here, he listened to the customs and customs of the Elf Empire described by Grand Duke Moko, and he clearly understood the conservatism of the elves. For example, they absolutely cannot accept the kiss on the face popular in many countries. So even if Wendy looked very happy when she saw him again, she didn't rush over to kiss him, but just handed over a hand.

Since she handed over her hand, it was natural that he didn't kiss her face but kiss her hand. It must be said that they were really meticulous in this regard. Even if it was just a kiss on the hand, they had to use gloves. It was really conservative to the extreme.

Eli's kiss was very light, just enough. After all, although he and Wendy were familiar with each other, they were not particularly close. A light peck was enough. Didn't you see Wendy's face turn red?

Hmm? You blushed like a bubble teapot! Didn't you extend your hand? What's the matter? Didn't you want to kiss me, just shake my hand?

I still remember that when I first met Eleanor, she was furious when I kissed her hand. I am a half-step half-god, can I fall for the same move twice? I can't be worse than a Saint Seiya, right?

Facts have proved that although Eli is so powerful, his brain is not very useful because of muscle blockage. His light peck shocked the people around him, the elves and the druids.

Has the envoy forgotten what Grand Duke Moko said? The elves are very conservative, especially very conservative. I think that even if you can hold their hands, let alone kissing their hands, it is the highest courtesy for close friends.

Eli actually did not forget what Grand Duke Moko said, but because he had fought side by side with Wendy many times and traveled together, although there was no particularly close contact, but he had helped along the way, and had occasional physical contact, so he would think that her acceptance was a little higher.

But now looking at Wendy's reaction, and the stunned expressions of other elves and druids, he could probably guess that he might have done something bad...

"Long time no see, Wendy, it's great that you can come to pick me up, don't be stunned, take me to visit your imperial capital."

Although he already felt that he had done something bad, Eli could not withdraw this. Seeing that others were still in a daze, he thought about it and simply pretended to be generous, stretched out his hand and patted Wendy's shoulder, pretending that we are good brothers.

I'm not disrespecting the elves, I'm just more careless, Eli muttered in his heart.

Eli's generous pat seemed to bring Wendy's soul back to her body. She looked up at Eli's cheerful expression, and remembered his heroic but reckless performance on the battlefield, and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Yes... yes, you are a guest from afar, I should take you around, please follow me."

Wendy calmed down and led Eli to the inner part of the imperial capital. It must be said that the elves are calm, but in a moment she was able to talk and laugh with Eli, completely forgetting the embarrassment of the previous few moments.

But Wendy forgot, it doesn't mean that others have forgotten. The envoys of the Dawn Empire are fine. They don't have much contact with the elves. They only know that they are conservative, but they don't know how conservative they are. Maybe they can have a more intimate contact with old acquaintances?

Only Prince Leighton, who often handles diplomatic affairs of various countries, still looks as if he has seen a ghost. He is one of those who is particularly aware of how conservative the elves are...

There are also several other elf girls who came with Wendy. They also looked at Eli and Wendy who were talking happily with surprise. Although this man looked quite handsome and was said to be extremely powerful, even slightly suppressing their princess, the girls of the elves have not been married for hundreds of years. Could it be that Wendy wanted to make an exception?

As for the druids who sent Eli and others here, they were completely speechless. Even though they were saints and semi-saints, it was the first time in their lifetime that they saw an elf girl and a man intimately interacting. It can only be said that this wave of young people gave the old man a wave of knowledge...

The people accompanying here were all thinking wildly, while Eli and Wendy were getting happier and happier. Eli was basically socially phobic when communicating with strange men and was not very good at speaking, but if he communicated with beautiful girls, he was also socially phobic, the kind of social terrorist.

As they walked and talked along the way, they had unknowingly reached the third ring of the imperial capital. This was basically the area where the middle and high-level people of the Elf Empire lived. Although the tree houses were really indistinguishable from luxurious or simple, the breath of life here was stronger, which was probably because the elves living here were stronger.

If they walked further and entered the second or even the first ring of the Elf Imperial Capital, that was where the royal family of their empire lived. Wendy's home was in the second ring. She was also from the royal family, but she was not a princess, just an ordinary princess.

Of course, she was just taking Eli around the imperial capital, there was no way she could take him home. Walking around here was actually enough. The elves did not have any landmark buildings, not even a commercial street. Apart from the scenery in the city, there were also Apart from being beautiful, their place should be quite boring to the human race.

If Eli and the members of the mission who followed him around knew what Wendy was thinking at this time, they would definitely praise her for being so naive, not to mention the countless people they met along the way. All kinds of beauties, this place will never be boring for them...

Even Eli, who is used to seeing beautiful girls, feels dazzled in this city. Although most of them, except for Wendy, are not up to the level of appearance in his harem, they are better. Due to the large quantity and stable quality, one product alone is not that stunning, but when so many beauties are piled up, the impact is truly terrifying.

And when I think of such beautiful girls, there are no less than 20 million in the entire Elf Empire, the impact is even stronger. Compared with the "humanistic charm" of the Elf Empire, the so-called three thousand beauties in the harem are simply scum. .

"You have come a long way and you must be tired. I'd better take you to the State Guesthouse to rest. All the diplomatic missions from mainland China are arranged there."

Probably guessing that they were tired from shopping, Wendy planned to put them in a safe place first, rest for half a day, and then take them to see Her Majesty the Queen tomorrow morning.

Come on, what time is it? Who wants to rest?

Although it was difficult to say it out loud, among the members of the mission, from the envoy Eli to the accompanying guards, no one wanted to go to the State Guesthouse so early. There were envoys from various countries there, and how could they be as good-looking as the elf girl on the road.

"Ahem, I think it's still early today. Why don't you arrange for someone to send them to the State Guesthouse, Wendy? I think it's necessary for me to learn more about the customs and customs of the Elf Empire. If Her Majesty the Queen is free, she can meet me today. That would be great."

Eli coughed twice, turned around and pointed at his entourage, selling them in exchange for the opportunity to continue to seduce the young lady.

After hearing what the envoy said, everyone in the imperial mission dared not speak out, and the good guy actually ate alone! If we couldn't beat you together, we would definitely hit you hard this time!

"Uh... Her Majesty the Queen has an important meeting to hold today and does not have time to meet with foreign envoys. We have made arrangements in this regard and will summon the envoys from the seven countries who have arrived in the imperial capital at the same time tomorrow morning."

Wendy was stunned for a moment. She wasn't quite sure what customs and customs Eli wanted to know about. From her understanding of Eli, she knew that Eli was somewhat lecherous, but the Elf clan's The girl is not the Yingying Yanyan beside him, no matter how pleasing the person is, there is no possibility of giving it to him in vain.

But after all, she and Eli had a comrade-in-arms relationship, and they got along pretty well at the time. She couldn't refuse him too bluntly, so she could only give him a tactful nod on the grounds that Her Majesty the Queen was unavailable.

"It's fine to meet you tomorrow, but I'm not tired yet. You can take me to other places."

It's not that Eli doesn't understand what Wendy means, but instead of going to the state hotel early and staring at the aunts and uncles in other countries, it's better to continue hunting in the Elf Imperial City while it's still early in the dark... uh, inspecting Ichiban.

After all, he is now a diplomatic envoy. What's wrong with learning more about the cultural environment of his allies? It's not like he hasn't seen enough of the young lady...

"Then... okay, but it's not convenient to take you to the area in front. I'd better take you to the market in the imperial capital."

Wendy took a deep breath. She was defeated by Eli's pretentiousness. This man seemed to be the same everywhere, a little too "assertive".

After that, Wendy took Eli and Lehehe to "check in" everywhere in the city with their Dawn Empire mission. They seemed to be interested in any area where the elves were active, especially the market she took them to. , although it looked extremely simple, with not even a shop, just one small stall after another, they were extremely excited about shopping.

The Elf Empire also trades with other countries, mainly importing various fruits and vegetables that the Elf Empire does not produce, and exporting fruits and exquisite works of art unique to the Elf Empire. Oh, they also produce various minerals, but they do not sell the ores, but directly Contracting the mines to the dwarves and letting them sell them on behalf of the outside world.

Internally, the Elf Forest is extremely rich, with extremely high yields of various foods, and is completely self-sufficient. If the fruits and vegetables from the outside had not had a different flavor, and many elves liked them, they would not have to import anything at all. .

Except for necessary food, the elves have extremely low needs in all aspects. They do not like prosperity, are not keen on fame and wealth, and do not need men. If they were not too weak and would be bullied and not conducive to fighting against the demons, they might not even be able to fight against the demons. Strong strength will not be pursued.

For races like this, their markets still follow the ancient rules of bartering. Some elves take out the things they don’t need at home and set up a small stall, waiting for a destined elf to take them. exchange for something worthy.

Although after so many years of foreign trade, the Elf Empire is extremely rich. The "daily wages" distributed to the people of the empire in the past were ridiculously high. Any store's storage bracelet or leg ring would have no less than With ten thousand gold coins, if they were taken to other countries on the mainland, even civilians in the Elf Empire could be instantly transformed into rich little women.

But unfortunately, gold coins are the absolute currency that cannot be harder outside the Elf Empire, but within the Elf Empire, a gold coin that can support a family of three for a month is not as valuable as a beautiful leaf.

With the elves' living conditions, it is not to say that they can be completely isolated from the world, but it is almost interesting. However, not only does the problem of demon invasion require the elves to contribute, but even if there are no demons, other continents are unwilling to let the elves really hide from the world.

After all, if there are no beautiful and elegant elf beauties in this world, then this world will be at least five or six points less colorful.

Under the leadership of Wendy, Eli and his party took a good tour of the Elf Empire. Except for the more central areas that were inconvenient to take them to, they went to all the other places they could go.

Among them, the most popular is the small market of the elves, not only because there are the most elf beauties there, but also because the elf beauties there do not avoid people.

In other places, they could only catch a glimpse of the beauty when passing by. After all, the elves don't like to interact with outsiders. Most of them passed by them in a hurry. Only a few beautiful elves would stop and cast a slightly curious look at them. They were young elves who had stayed in the Elf Empire for many years and never went out. It might be the first time they saw humans.

So under the strong request of Eli to obey the public opinion, Wendy had to take them back to the Elf Market. They said that they should go shopping after strolling around the streets. Although there is no clear regulation that the Elf Market is not open to the public, there are very few foreigners who can really make deals here.

Among the delegations of the Dawn Empire, except for Prince Leighton, almost all of them are new faces. What can they buy here?

Facts have proved that Wendy's guess is correct. When these people talked to the beautiful elves who were setting up stalls under the pretext of shopping, no one could impress the proprietress in front of him.

Even the wealthy Prince Charles was the same, because the gold coins in his hand were useless, and the elf "hawker" who set up a stall casually took out ten times the gold coins and let him go...

I, the prince of the Dawn Empire, can't even afford a small bracelet made by the elves?

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