Who told him to rush up there?

Chapter 34 Demon Race Mutation

The city gate was broken, and the countdown to the fall of the small city had begun.

Six eighth-level warriors rushed into the city without any demons to stop them, and then killed their way up the city wall. The demon guards on the city wall almost collapsed at the first touch. There was no way to stop them. They couldn't stop them at all, even if they paid with their lives.

While the six eighth-level warriors killed countless demons along the way, the army outside the city, led by many seventh-level warriors, also rushed into the city in the sparse rain of arrows from the demons at this moment.

The battle ended quickly. It was not because the demon guards were not tenacious, but because the opponent's strength was too overwhelming. The first battle after the division of troops took down a small city with very few casualties.

After that, whether it was Eli's way or the other way, the two armies would win every time they met the enemy and conquer every city. In just three days, they captured ten cities and killed more than 500,000 demons.

However, with such fruitful results, Eli became more and more confused.

If everything went so smoothly at the beginning and caught the demons off guard, then after such a long time, the demons still did not withdraw their troops from the small city or gather their troops together to concentrate their forces in the face of the coalition's successive defeats in the siege. This is not right no matter how you think about it.

Although more than a million demon soldiers and dozens of seventh- and eighth-level strongmen are nothing to the unfathomable demons, they should not be so unresponsive.

The demons must have some conspiracy going on. Maybe the next battle will encounter an ambush by the demons?

In every battle after that, in addition to scanning the city, Eli will also specially scan the 20-kilometer radius of the city for any abnormalities, but strangely, no strange things were found in every small and medium-sized demon city that was attacked.

Ten days later, when Eli, who had developed another 400,000 troops, broke through another medium-sized city, a fast horse rushed straight in the direction of the army entering the city, quickly found Eli who was watching the battle, and gave him a large stack of battle reports.

In fact, Eli had noticed the messenger on horseback as soon as he entered the range of his soul detection, but he didn't care because he saw that his face was ruddy and he didn't look panicked.

Sure enough, after taking a quick glance at the thick battle report, which was full of descriptions of great victories, Eli let out a long breath.

But before Eli could take another breath, a commotion broke out among the troops who had successfully broken into the city and were besieging the demon defenders who were resisting stubbornly.

"I... I just killed him, what happened!"

"Ah... Save me!"

"Disperse quickly, they are rushing over!"

"Monsters, they have become monsters..."

A series of chaotic shouts rang out everywhere, and Eli looked up at the battlefield, only to see his troops retreating step by step.

At this moment, at the farthest point of Eli's soul's detection range, a small group of defeated soldiers were fleeing towards him. They were Wendy and her companions and their kind...

But at this time, there was no time to pay attention to Wendy and the others. Eli rushed towards the heavily surrounded demon group. After he charged, some of the troops blocking him gave way by themselves, and some were blown away by the strong wind. Soon, a smooth path leading to the mutated demon group was formed.

With an axe, several mutated demon soldiers were chopped into blood foam. Eli casually chopped the demon soldiers rushing towards him, but his eyes were observing the blood foam on the ground.

Under Eli's gaze, the blood foam on the ground first surged rapidly, then floated into the air, and soon gathered into a human shape, and then... it collapsed into a pool of blood foam.

"Fortunately, it's not completely unkillable."

Eli breathed a sigh of relief and murmured in a low voice.

However, when he was studying blood foam, his troops were almost killed by the mutated demons. In addition to chopping the demon soldiers into blood foam, whether beheading or piercing the heart, the demon soldiers would quickly stand up again after falling down and continue to fight with the coalition forces.

This immortal ability similar to that of the elves caused the coalition forces to suffer a great loss, and casualties were heavy for a while.

"Crush them into blood foam, and you can kill them!"

Eli shouted loudly, and the whole city could hear it.

Although they received the message, ordinary soldiers could not complete it under such killing conditions. No matter which tribe the soldiers came from, no matter what swords, spears, swords, or halberds they held, they could not beat the powerful demons into blood foam.

Of course, high-level strong men are an exception. As long as they are willing to use their fighting spirit, they can also smash the demon soldiers into blood foam, but such strong men are not only limited in number, but their fighting spirit is also limited. If they use too much, they will lose their combat effectiveness due to the exhaustion of fighting spirit. At this time, there are at least 100,000 demon soldiers in the city.

If the high-level warriors were to take action alone, it would be too much to destroy 100,000 demon soldiers.

Fortunately, this army was led by Eli. What was a difficult problem for many high-level warriors was just a matter of time for Eli.

"The entire army, including the vanguard, retreat outside the city. The farther the better. I will guard the city gate!"

With an unquestionable order, the troops under Eli gave up the siege of the demons and retreated outside the city.

As for the high-level warriors in the army, they fought and retreated, and tried their best to kill some mutated demon soldiers before retreating.

Soon, when Eli could not take care of everyone, the coalition forces withdrew from the city after some casualties. As for Eli, as he said, he blocked the city gate.

The demon soldiers who could not fly were chopped into blood foam by Eli at the city gate. After slashing a large number of demon soldiers, Eli found that their mutation seemed to affect the minds of the demon soldiers.

The demon soldiers who couldn't bypass the city gate could obviously rush up the city wall, and they could also jump off the city wall regardless of their lives, but none of them thought of this after the mutation.

But this is just right, Eli can cover the retreat of the coalition forces with more confidence.

For ordinary high-level strongmen, the precious external fighting spirit is as free as money in Eli's hands, but unfortunately, it's just like it. There is no infinite power in the world, at least not Eli at present.

Under the exploration of the soul, it is confirmed that his army has retreated far enough. Eli, who was originally defending the city gate, also began to fight and retreat. After killing another large wave of mutated demon soldiers, Eli turned on the extreme speed and easily shook off the pursuers.

But Eli, who shook off the pursuers, did not go to meet up with his troops, but found a secluded place to rest for a while.

It was really just a moment, just fifteen minutes.

Eli recovered in just fifteen minutes and returned to the battlefield. After killing all the mutant demon soldiers wandering around outside the city, he fought his way back to the city and blocked the city gate.

After killing countless demon soldiers at the city gate again, Eli left the battlefield again.

A mere 100,000 mutant demon soldiers, do you really think you can stump me, Eli? When I come back next time, I will kill you!

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