Who told him to rush up there?

Chapter 56: A Great Victory

Of course, the upright and reliable Eli is not someone who cannot resist temptation. Although Evelin smells fragrant, soft and sweet, Eli still takes Cecilia and Jessica out of her room.

This night, Eli slept with Jessica and Cecilia.

The next morning, Eli woke up early.

After getting rid of the beautiful girls' pink legs and jade arms wrapped around his body, Eli simply washed up and went out to find his capable subordinate Rondo.

When Eli found Rondo, he was having breakfast with the soldiers, and Eli naturally joined in.

After a conversation, Eli and Rondo finished the food in their hands. Eli brought some bread back to Jessica and Cecilia, while Rondo went to assemble the army.

Not long after, when Eli came to the city gate with two beautiful girl guards, Londo was already waiting for him there with his army.

"Anyone who is familiar with me knows that I kill demons with my battle axe, not my mouth. Don't talk nonsense. Follow me to regain my homeland and go to war today!"

After giving the order, Eli rode his horse and rushed out of the city, followed closely by Jessica and Cecilia. All the other high-level experts except Evelin formed a vanguard and followed behind the trio. The remaining one million troops set off slowly.

At the same time as the large army set off, a sizable army of undead demons set off from another direction, heading towards the army's destination.

Marching quickly, Eli and the vanguard quickly arrived outside the first city marked by the demons on the map. At this time, the army behind them was still marching in the distance, but they were not needed in this battle. Eli only waited outside the city until Evelin's army of undead demons was in position, and then immediately mounted his horse to launch a siege.

It was not much different from every previous siege. No matter what kind of defense the demon city had, it could not stop Eli's charge. When he took the lead and rushed to the city, the high-level strong men gathered in the demon city came one after another.

There are only more than twenty high-level demon warriors, the strongest is still the eighth level. They just quickly add a few new souls to Eli's axe.

Eli was surrounded and killed by the high-level strong men of the demon clan. The vanguard also broke into the city without any resistance from the demons. More than a hundred high-level strong men entered the half-million demon army, including elves. The existence of high-level powerful men from the dragon and giant tribes is simply more terrifying than a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

As soon as the two sides engaged in battle, the high-level strong men of the demon clan and a large number of demon troops suffered heavy casualties. After seeing Eli's strength in knocking down several demons and ascending to the sky with one axe, the remaining high-level strong men of the demon clan chose to escape as expected.

The high-level warriors of the coalition forces who entered the demon soldiers kept harvesting the lives of the enemy demons. Although their total fighting spirit was not enough to support them in killing all the 500,000 demon soldiers, no one would kill the demons so happily. There are too many, and they are probably unwilling to retreat until their fighting spirit drops below 10%.

Because he was also tasked with forcing those special demons to launch mutations, Eli naturally wanted to kill all the high-level powerful demons who escaped. Naturally, the high-level powerful allied forces also had to kill the demon army.

As they expected, after Eli killed the fleeing high-level demon warriors one by one, and the high-level coalition warriors caused tens of thousands of casualties to the demon army, some of the demons hidden among the demon soldiers became unstable. .

The change came as promised, and the demon soldiers who were being killed or turned around and fled collectively gave a collective meal, and then suddenly rushed towards Eli and his vanguard.

"If you still have some energy left, you can kill a little longer...Evelin! It's up to you!"

Eli's voice spread quickly on the crazy battlefield, and when the voice reached not far outside the city, the army of undead demons dormant here began to move towards the city.

Along the way, not a single mutant demon soldier took action against the undead demons entering the city. Instead, the mutant demon soldiers were quickly picked up by the undead demons and transported to a huge pit dug by a million troops far outside the city.

The undead demon clan, which totaled 85,000 demons, began the transportation work, and the efficiency could only be said to be excellent. After Eli and the vanguard crazily killed tens of thousands of mutant demon soldiers, all the mutant demons in and outside the city The demon soldiers were all thrown into the pit by the army of undead demons.

The million-strong army retreated far away to prevent the mutated demon soldiers from rioting, and the undead demon army began to bury the deep pit. However, when the burial work was not even halfway through, a special demon lurked in the mutated demon soldiers that did not dare to be exposed. The tribesmen can no longer pretend, and if they continue to act, they will have to act like they are nothing.

However, their final results are actually similar. If they don't jump out, they will be buried alive. After jumping out, they will be besieged, killed and thrown into a deep pit by a large number of undead demons, and they will be buried alive.

After solving these small troubles, the deep pit containing more than 400,000 mutated demonic soldiers was quickly filled. When Eli led his army over, the buried mutated demonic soldiers were completely powerless. After breaking out of the ground, they can only become a group of living dead demons underground.

"This battle is won! There are no casualties in our army."

Eli stood on top of the filled pit and proudly shouted to his soldiers.

Cheers like mountains and tsunamis came from the millions of troops. Although they only dug a huge pit in this battle, their side's complete victory still made them happy from the bottom of their hearts.

In this battle, a city was recovered, a large amount of materials were seized, tens of thousands of enemies were wiped out in total, all high-level enemy demons were wiped out, and more than 400,000 mutant demon soldiers were "sealed" underground. As the second hero, Evelin's pretty face Her smile blossomed. This was the first time she truly felt that she was so powerful, so reliable, and so beautiful...

“Awesome Evelyn!”

Under the gaze of millions of troops and hundreds of high-ranking warriors, Eli embraced Evelyn's slender waist under her wide robe, and then kissed her lips heavily as a reward.

Bursts of laughter soon rang out among the army. Evelyn, who was suddenly attacked, lightly hit Eli's chest, and then buried her head in his arms and dared not show her head.

Even Cecilia, who was the most jealous on weekdays, did not step forward to pull away Evelyn who dared to show her affection with her master. After all, she was short-handed, and she was indeed a key figure in the great victory of this battle, and she deserved the reward from her master.

"Leave a team here to build an outpost to observe the situation of burying the mutant demon soldiers at any time. If there is a major abnormality here, or a large number of demons attack, all the outposts will evacuate and report to me."

When Eli and others celebrated their victory, the experienced Rondo conveyed an order.

Although the mutated demon soldiers that were deeply buried and sealed could not come out by themselves, Rondo still left an extra insurance. After all, they could bury them, and the demons could dig them out when they came.

Even if the mutated demon soldiers dug out could not be manipulated and commanded, the demons could also adopt the same method as them - moving them.

Although the demons' doing this was time-consuming and labor-intensive, and they only got useless troops that could not be controlled and were still restrained by the undead demons, Rondo still felt that he had to be prepared.

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