Who told him to rush up there?

Chapter 57: Gaga Killing

This battle was won easily. All they had to pay was the Dou Qi consumed by the high-level warriors of the coalition when they killed the demons and the physical strength consumed by the army when they dug pits.

These consumptions can be restored by resting. They are equivalent to taking the lives of tens of thousands of demons and a city full of resources for free.

The only pity is that, like the city where the demons evacuated, the demon defenders here also launched an inhumane massacre of the slaves of hundreds of races in the city. When Eli's army was looking for a place to dig pits outside the city, they found several mass graves.

After a thousand years of war, countless warriors, civilians, nobles and even royal families of hundreds of races died at the hands of the demons. Eli could only mourn for his dead allies for a moment and began to prepare for the next siege.

Because it was just a simple consumption of Dou Qi and the battle ended quickly, the hundreds of high-level warriors under Eli's command were full of energy again after entering the city and resting for a while, and they could rush to the battlefield again.

Time was short and the task was heavy, so Eli did not delay any longer. After leaving a small number of troops to garrison the city, he took the rested vanguard and his million-strong army and set out on the journey again.

Marching according to the markings on the map, Eli used the same tactics to break through four cities in a day, killed nearly a hundred high-level demons, annihilated more than 200,000 demon soldiers, and sealed nearly two million mutated demon soldiers.

It was not until the sky was dark and the soldiers were exhausted that Eli stopped and arranged for the army to set up camp.

That night, Eli and his soldiers slept particularly sweetly, both because they were tired and because they felt at ease.

The next day, almost a replica of yesterday, Eli's army broke through five cities of the demon clan, killed 120 high-level demons, annihilated 300,000 demon soldiers, and sealed more than two million mutated demon soldiers.

On the third day, Eli led his army to kill indiscriminately...

On the fourth day, killing indiscriminately...

On the fifth day, killing indiscriminately...

Until the seventh day of the expedition, the demons who had lost contact with dozens of cities discovered that something was wrong.

Even if a powerful enemy that could not even stop the mutated demon soldiers came to attack the city, it was impossible to annihilate them every time. After so many days, the city in the rear did not receive even a single defeated soldier or a priest who escaped back. It was too strange.

When the demons in the rear sent demons to the city that had lost contact to check the situation, they only saw the flags of the Hundred Races Alliance flying on the top of the city and a very small number of defenders. As for their demon soldiers who were all over the city, they were all gone.

Coincidentally, at this time, Eli had led his army to attack the rear of the small war zone. After experiencing Eli's cheating tactics, the demons who were previously puzzled naturally understood how the previous city fell.

But unfortunately, under the cover of Eli's spirit and the inspection and repair of the gaps by the experienced deputy general Longduo, no demon could escape to inform other cities.

Originally, according to Eli's arrangement, there was a mistake in the recent siege. The special demons in the city that were killed by Eli and the vanguards resisted the mutating, but let the defenders of the city break up and flee everywhere. They hoped that the fleeing soldiers who escaped by chance could report the situation of Eli's army to the rear.

If the arrangement was made according to the initial battle arrangement of the restarted siege, the million-strong army would dig pits and watch from a distance. Eli, who only had more than a hundred people, and the vanguard team were simply unable to wipe out the hundreds of thousands of fleeing demon soldiers.

But fortunately, Longduo was there. He arranged special engineers for the digging work. The remaining million-strong army surrounded the city they attacked layer by layer, and asked Eli for several high-level strongmen in each direction to sit in order to prevent any demon from breaking through.

Although there were tens of thousands of casualties in this battle, the first time the demons in the city were completely wiped out, the huge results were enough to dilute all the sadness.

However, both Eli and Rondo knew very well that they could wipe out the demons once, but they could not guarantee complete annihilation every time. As long as the situation in this city happened a few more times, they would sooner or later miss something.

Sure enough, on the twelfth day, Eli and his vanguard encountered the special demons hidden in the demon soldiers for the third time and did not launch mutations. The demon soldiers in the city fled in all directions. After the casualties in the last and the last time, only less than 900,000 troops were left. They failed to stop all the 600,000 demon soldiers in the city. Even though Eli and the vanguard chased them everywhere afterwards, some of the demons still fled to other nearby cities.

With a million soldiers and more than a hundred high-level warriors, the leader was a human warrior who was left outside and suspected to be a saint. The information about Eli's army was spread to all directions by several nearby cities.

Because Evelyn did not take action in this battle, their cheating tactics have not been leaked for the time being, but the truth cannot be hidden. As long as the demons follow the path of Eli's army and investigate carefully, this secret will probably not be kept for long.

"Human Saint? Isn't it said that although small war zones are not safe now, the fighting situation is far less intense than large war zones and central battlefields? Now even saints have appeared. Is the family sending me to gild or to die?"

In a medium-sized city occupied by the demons, John Copperfield from the Copperfield family of the demon world was stunned when he saw the intelligence from the nearby city. Like George Copperfield who had been out of contact for a long time, he was born of noble family but had mediocre talent. He was only at the seventh level now. Although he had crossed the threshold of the high level, he knew that it was just the result of the family's resources.

Originally, when two noble children who were not valued in the family were arranged to come to the small war zone for gilding, they thought they were just going for a picnic, but they never thought that George lost contact before he arrived, and his ten men were killed in the process of chasing the enemy.

Now it is even more outrageous. There is a saint from the Hundred Races Alliance in the small war zone. How can John Copperfield continue to stay here? You know, his men don’t even have a ninth-level saint. How can he resist the saint of the Hundred Races Alliance?

"Even if I go back and get laughed at by the demons, I can’t wait to die here! Come on, demons! Prepare to go back to the demon world!"

Throwing down the information in his hand, John Copperfield immediately summoned his subordinates to leave. He was just a waste, without any ambitions, and there was no need to stay here to fight against the saints of the human race.

Although John Copperfield was a waste, he was not stupid. He knew that the authenticity of this information was still quite reliable. After all, there were so many fallen cities as evidence. It was impossible for a saint to capture the city so quickly in front of the powerful demons.

Perhaps the missing George had met the human saint, otherwise, with his subordinates being as powerful as his own, it would be impossible for him to disappear so silently.

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