In fact, it's not as if.

When Eli led his army to march in this war zone for three days, he was convinced that all the demons in this war zone had withdrawn, leaving them with countless empty cities and vast homeland.

Another day later, Eli led his army to rendezvous with the advance troops. They had just returned from the border of the war zone, but even after walking through the entire war zone, they did not encounter a single demon.

"It's really weird. When did the demons become so cowardly? They all ran away without even resisting."

After the army reunited, the saints met at the temporary headquarters. Saint Ren said while scratching his hairless head that he was full of doubts about the actions of the demons.

"What should we do next? Attack other war zones, or digest the two newly occupied war zones?"

After Saint Ren, another Saint spoke up and said that since he had won this battle zone unscathed, he needed to carefully plan his next move.

"I propose to attack the next war zone. We now have many soldiers and generals, and our morale is high. It is a great opportunity to expand our results."

As an extreme war sect, Eli naturally wants to attack the next war zone non-stop. No matter how timid the demons are, it is impossible for everyone to run away from every war zone...

After Eli spoke, the other saints also expressed their opinions one by one. Among them, the vast majority were those who were in charge of the battle. Only one saint said that the soldiers needed to rest and recuperate after successive battles.

The result of six to one did not need to be considered at all. The temporary command headquarters immediately issued an order, and all armies set off and continued to advance to the adjacent war zones, striving to have another battle with the demons.

It's just that the weather didn't go as planned. Just as the army was preparing to leave, it suddenly rained heavily. It was rare for the rain to be so urgent. With such heavy rain, the strong men were not affected much, but ordinary soldiers could not survive such harsh conditions. Marching in weather.

The originally packed luggage was taken out again, and the army camped on the spot, at least until the rain stopped before they could embark on the journey again.

However, it was not until night fell that the heavy rain subsided a little. The Allied Forces of the Hundred Races had no choice but to take a rest for the night, hoping that it would be a sunny day tomorrow.

Early the next morning, warm sunshine shone on the earth. After a night's rest, the soldiers set out again to fight. However, after yesterday's heavy rain, the roads along the way became muddy and extremely difficult to travel, so that the speed of the army's march was slowed down. great impact.

If it weren't for the fact that the demons didn't have magicians, Eli would have suspected that the heavy rain was a delaying move by the enemy demons.

Fortunately, the coverage area of ​​the heavy rain did not look very wide. The army marched all the way, but after a long time they set foot on dry land, and the marching speed returned to normal levels.

After rushing along slowly and hurriedly, the army finally arrived at the boundary of the war zone when the scorching sun was in the sky. Under the leadership of Eli and Saint Ren, each army entered the new war zone one after another.

What made Eli angry was that there were still no traces of demons on the edge of the war zone. Several border towns the army passed were empty, and not even a shadow of a demon was seen.

Damn it! The demons are not really giving up, are they? If they retreat so far and give up such a large territory, it will take a lot of time, energy and troops to capture these cities in the future...

The next few days were a complete replica of these days. The army kept rushing, but not even a battle started. After this period of time, there was not much left of the originally high morale.

Eli is also very irritable these days. Such a long time has been wasted. Seeing that the immortality buff of the elves is getting shorter and shorter. If more demons are not eliminated, it will be difficult to chase the demons. .

Once the demons have withstood this wave of counterattack, with their strong foundation, the lost lands they have regained will not be able to hold on for long. Sooner or later, they will have to be lost again, and there is even the possibility that more lands will be lost to the demons who are madly retaliating.

"Eli, don't look so gloomy. Although we failed to defeat the enemy along the way, it is a good harvest to regain so much of our homeland."

As a staff officer of the general headquarters, Lina had not even fought a single battle along the way, so Lina was completely useless. In an extremely boring situation, she could only come and have a few words with Eli, who she was still familiar with.

Compared to the other counselors who were constantly attentive to her and the other saints who were old-fashioned, it was Eli who was the same age as her that made her more eager to communicate.

"The earth is dead, but the demons are alive. You can't kill the living demons. What's the use of just picking up some dead earth?"

As Princess Lina said, Eli really couldn't be happy at this time. One air battle zone after another, he went from being excited to fight to feeling cold and desolate. Where are the damn demons? With him being so... I couldn't find a single demon in my wide spiritual vision, which was too frustrating.

"It's not completely useless. The more lost territory we regain, the wider the strategic depth will be in the future. Our tribes are already good at defending cities. In the future, after the troops are stationed in these cities, if the demons want to take them away, they will have to collapse. It’s not enough to lose a few of their teeth.”

Lina disagreed with Eli's statement. Although she had only been a staff officer for a short time, she also knew the strategic significance of the vast land and numerous cities.

You have never seen the full strength of the demons. After they withdraw most of their military power from the underworld, the battle to defend the city will become extremely difficult. The demons who have been fighting the undead creatures in the underworld for thousands of years will start a war of attrition. But a first-class expert.

But these words can only be said in the heart. The most urgent task now is to find the demons. Kill as many as you can. A few thousand is not too few, and a hundred million or two hundred million is not too many.

It seems that someone heard Eli's voice. Just when he and Lina were talking about something, a demon team appeared in Eli's spiritual vision.

After sensing this demon team, Eli's mind was immediately lifted. Although they were only a few dozen demons, it would be a great thing as long as the traces of the demons were found.

"The whole army keeps speed and goes north all the way."

Eli left the main force alone after leaving this order and chased after the demon team. But in order not to alarm them, he did not get too close and kept a distance that even the Saint-level demons could not detect anything.

But what surprised Eli was that not long after he quietly followed the demon team, he sensed another team entering his spiritual vision.

However, this team was not made up of demons, but a dozen human warriors. What surprised Eli the most was that it was not difficult to tell their identities from their equipment.

From the Holy See of Light, Templars...

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