Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 1 Give me two hectares of land in Luoyang

Wang Linchi's hands were shaking a little, especially when he looked at the dazzling line of words on the inheritance receipt notice in his hand, he felt a sigh of relief in his chest that he couldn't let out.

He is a time traveler who traveled through the world and was born in this special dynasty called Dajing.

Everyone can awaken after reaching adulthood. If the awakening is successful, they can obtain the power called soul phase. The soul phase does not have a fixed style or ability, and the awakened soul phase is different for everyone.

Some are similar to online game professions, able to defeat monsters and upgrade their skills, while others are just like talents and skills, capable of continuous development and growth.

The only pity is that the awakening rate is so low that only one percent of people can awaken.

Fortunately, Wang Linchi was lucky. He successfully became one of the few awakened ones in yesterday's college entrance examination ceremony.

It was precisely because he successfully awakened his soul that he could receive his parents' inheritance.

Wang Linchi didn't have much impression of his parents. He died due to an experimental accident one month after he was born, leaving him a house and some property. Of course, these were sealed up until he reached adulthood. Unlock it and transfer it to him.

Compared to houses and property, these are actually secondary because the value is not large.

The real value is the sealed soul seed.

After awakening the soul phase, the awakened person will have potential. Each point of potential can be turned into a mosaic slot, which can enable the awakened person to inlay a soul seed.

Soul seeds are similar to talents and skills. As long as they are embedded in them, they can have special powers.

For example, if the awakened soul phase is the fireball technique, then if you add temperature increase, burst runes, etc., then the soul phase fireball technique will greatly increase the temperature and obtain the explosion effect.

Just as soul phases have potential levels, soul seeds also have qualities. The higher the quality, the more precious it is.

As far as Wang Linchi knows, soul seeds are divided into ordinary, excellent, and refined, and there are also higher ones, but he can't access them.

Mainly because the academy he was in before did not teach these things. It was more about training, fighting, etc. The cultural education was basically zero. At most, it only taught you how to read, and it was just for the convenience of fighting.

If you want to acquire other knowledge, you have to go to college after the college entrance examination, and you have to major in the corresponding field.

Before his parents died, they left him a set of sophisticated soul seeds, five in total, which were extremely rare.

They are Rainbow Light, Rainbow Jet, Rainbow Shield, Rainbow Healing, and Rainbow Shine.

These five cover amplification, attack, protection, treatment, and control. Especially the first seven rainbow light is the core of the core. It can increase the amplification and allow the remaining four souls to obtain additional effects while gathering four souls at the same time. The formation of entries and effects is similar to physical constitution. One soul seed can hold four. Of course, it is limited to the rainbow series soul seeds.

Wang Linchi had inquired, and found out that if these five soul seeds were sold, they could be sold for 10 million, which was the recycling price of the Dajing Imperial Court.

Under normal circumstances, the high-quality ones cannot be sold for such a high price, at most one million, even if it is the core of the colorful light, but it cannot stand up to the fact that it comes in a complete set and has extra value.

As for why he doesn't use it himself, the reason is simple: he can't use it.

Because his awakened soul state is of the general type.

Soul phases are divided into three types, combat type, life type and general type.

The combat type is the most popular. They can enter the secret realm to fight and obtain various treasures and powers. They are also the highest status category in the Great King's court. Everyone wants to become the combat type.

For daily life, it's like tailoring, blacksmithing, etc.

The general category is more special, either unused or too weird.

It's like his soul is a book called the Book of Records. Its ability is also very simple. It permanently consumes the upper limit of mental power to draw the picture in the memory into a page. The memory can be repeatedly accessed to view.

At first glance, it seems that it is not needed. You can just work as a recorder. Unfortunately, the problem is that you need to permanently consume the upper limit of mental power to create a memory page, and you need a minimum of 10 points of upper limit of mental power.

As a person who has just awakened, he only has a total of 1.5 points of upper limit of mental power. Where can he find 10 points of upper limit of mental power? Even if there is one, it is impossible to use it. Once the mental power reaches zero, people will be in trouble, not to mention that it is still consumed. It's not mental power, it's the upper limit.

Another thing is that his potential is not enough. His potential is 4 points, which cannot hold five soul seeds.

Although his potential is only 4 points, his potential is already famous throughout the county.

Generally speaking, the potential of most awakened people is 2.

Potential 1 is inferior, which is relatively rare, even less than his potential 4. This year, there was only one unlucky person with potential 1 among the Awakeners.

Potential 2 is average, with awakeners at this level accounting for about 95% of the total number in their county this time, while potential 3 is good, with only about 5%.

The remaining potential 4, that is, Wang Linchi, is an outstanding person, that is, an awakened person in the ranks of geniuses, and there are only twelve people in the entire county.

There are even higher levels, but it is not something that ordinary families like them can achieve. They have to use various treasures and medicines to warm and nurture them from the mother's womb, and then after birth, they can have elixirs, magic potions, etc. to enhance their qualifications. , even the awakening rituals are not ordinary things like theirs.

Therefore, the real talent is not on the same track as them at all.

Only those children of big families, direct descendants of famous sects, and descendants of princes and nobles are eligible to enjoy it.

Wang Linchi should have enjoyed some warmth and nourishment in his mother's womb, but not much, so he had the potential to reach level 4.

However, Wang Linchi never thought about competing. According to the original plan, he hoped to awaken a normal soul state.

First of all, there is no need to fight or find a job. As long as he is an awakened civilian, the Dajing court will arrange a job, the kind of iron rice bowl. In this case, he will probably be assigned to the clerical job.

Needless to say, the work is easy, and he can sell his soul seed, marry a wife and have children when he is rich. Anyway, now that the Dajing Dynasty is prosperous and prosperous, he can live a life without worries about food and clothing.

As for saying that 10 million is a big number, it is true given the economy of Dajing, but this is only for ordinary people. For awakened people, 10 million is really nothing.

However, it is gone now.

His original five soul seeds were turned into one ordinary-level flash spell, which was sold for only one thousand yuan. This gap was really too big.

Don't ask why he knows what soul seeds are, because when he was a month old, his parents took him there when they went to deposit them, and he watched the five soul seeds being deposited with his own eyes.

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