Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 2 I can only be forced to struggle

"I'm not willing to give in..."

Wang Linchi returned home and looked at this flash soul seed with helplessness in his expression.

He knew that this must have been slipped by someone. It was certain that it was some big shot in the county. Of course, it might also be a big shot in the city. After all, to Wang Linchi, this was worth ten million in currency. But for the awakened, the value is even more immeasurable.

It is not that easy to put together this set, and it can be said that the supply exceeds the demand.

So the actual value is higher.

Wang Linchi was not greedy either. He never thought of selling it himself. Instead, he sold it directly to the court for the lowest price of 10 million. This way, he would not have any worries.

The result was good, the other party was so shameless and just took it.

Even if you come to discuss with him, due to the power of the other party, he can sell it even for one million, so you should treat it as a good relationship.

But as for the other party, not only did he not even look for it, he just ignored him and took it away.

"In the eyes of those big people, they don't have to care about what little people like me think."

"If I don't do anything now, I'm afraid I'll have to get up and give myself a slap in the face when I die in the coffin."

Originally, Wang Linchi's plan was to choose the clerical and logistics major at Qinghe College, and then be directly assigned to a position, which would earn him an extra ten yuan a month.

Government documents cost fifty yuan a month, plus thirty yuan for the professional certificate, fifty yuan for the awakened person subsidy, and an additional twenty yuan for other things, you can have one hundred and fifty yuan a month.

In Dajing, ordinary people only earn 20 yuan a month, which is enough to support a family.

This shows that Wang Linchi is worth ten million.

"I have to change my major to a better major." Wang Linchi did not plan to choose the clerical major this time, and his eyes fell on another major in Qinghe College, called Soul Appearance and Soul Seed major.

This is a very unpopular minor major, and there are not many people applying for it. Even if there are, it is only used for gold plating.

Because the secret realm can produce all kinds of magical things, including evolved soul seeds, and various treasures that can increase potential, there is no need to research at all. You can just go to the secret realm to get whatever you want.

When Wang Linchi's parents were alive, one was doing soul seed research and the other was doing soul phase research. They left some books, their research records, and experience diaries at home.

Of course, these two people are not genius researchers. In fact, up to now, the results of their research cannot be said to be nil, they can only be said to be of no use at all.

Wang Linchi's idea is very simple, that is, he will also conduct research during the five years in the academy. If the research can improve his potential, then maybe he can go further, or even climb up, and then let him be replaced. Soul seed people pay the price.

Otherwise, he would not be willing to accept it.

First of all, with the ability of his Book of Records, he cannot choose between combat and life majors, but he also has an advantage over these two categories.

That means you can choose your own soul seed.

That's right, after entering the academy, the academy will issue soul seeds to every awakened student. Combat and life types will issue corresponding soul seeds based on their soul abilities and potential.

You can also choose not to inlay, but you will be responsible for the consequences. After all, the combat profession really requires entering the secret realm to fight, while the life profession has corresponding indicators. If you fail to meet them, the former will die and the latter will be punished.

As for the general category, this group of people is relatively small, and they basically go to the logistics department, so there is no need to force it, and it doesn’t even matter if you don’t receive it.

This is not a good thing. There are regulations for each category of collection. Life categories can only choose life-category soul seeds, such as enhancing forging efficiency, improving fire control, etc. Combat is the most abundant, including attack, defense, Treatment, exploration, etc., all fall under it.

For the general category, Wang Linchi could only choose the leftovers from these two categories, but it was not inevitable.

Under normal circumstances, the soul seed cannot be removed after it is embedded, unless certain treasures in the secret realm are used to replace it.

It's just that this kind of treasure cannot be obtained by ordinary people. Only big forces and big families have it.

Just like the research on the two projects of Soul Aspect and Soul Seed, the reason why it is not popular is that the high-level people have better means, and you can only use it by the middle and low-level people. It is not something they should consider at all.

In the Great King Dynasty, the powerful awakened ones possess terrifying power. What truly maintains the dynasty is not the people at the bottom, but the high-level combat power. The reason why awakened people are cultivated is naturally to cultivate more high-end combat power.

"Then give it a try. Even if you fail, it doesn't matter. The worst thing you can do is work as a clerk after graduation. After all, you will have an iron rice bowl. It doesn't matter if you lose thirty yuan of subsidy."

Wang Linchi had thoughts of resistance, but he did not cut off his escape route.

"Qinghe College is in the city, so we have to rent a house." Wang Linchi looked at his money and found that he had more than 10,000 yuan left, which was a huge sum of money for him.

The more than ten thousand yuan was an inheritance and was transferred together with this house.

"The best way is to sell the house and buy a house in the city to settle down." Wang Linchi thought of this immediately.

"The only troublesome thing is that I need to change my household registration."

There were two reasons why he wanted to go to the city. The first was because the city was completely different from the county seat, and he planned to turn himself into a 'city man'.

Because city dwellers are privileged, at least they won't be discriminated against as weak-legged in college, and they can better occupy a higher ecological niche.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter where you live. If you can get better resources, why not go for it.

As long as the household registration is passed and you have a house in the city, it's basically fine.

"But it's not impossible, it just takes a little time." Wang Linchi narrowed his eyes and began to think about the next plan in his mind.

He was worried that he would not be able to catch up with the start of school, because Qinghe College started in three days, and he needed to register and choose a major.

"If not, just spend some money."

He estimated that a household registration in the city could be completed in about 3,000 to 5,000 yuan, but he would just need to find a middleman.

In fact, this is not worth it. After all, this is a lot of money, and ordinary people cannot save a thousand yuan in their lifetime.

Regardless of the salary of thirty yuan a month, it can be saved in a little more than two and a half years. The reality is that most people only have enough to support their families, and they can save about ten yuan at most.

When the savings are almost done, the children should start a family and start a business. After this expenditure, there is basically no money left, especially now that there are at least three in every household. It is rare that there is only one like Wang Linchi. It is probably because his parents have no money. It was early, otherwise Wang Linchi would definitely have younger brothers and sisters.

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