Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 3 Professional courses are not professional at all

"Hello, I'm here to report." Wang Linchi came to the soul form and soul seed major classroom of Qinghe College.

The classroom is very clean, spacious, and bright. There is nothing shabby or messy, and there is no reason why students are treated differently because they belong to unpopular majors.

There was only a middle-aged man sitting aside here. He looked at Wang Linchi and then said, "Wang Linchi, right? His potential is 4, which is very good. It's a pity that his soul appearance is average."

"My name is Liu Shen, and I am a teacher in this major. You probably didn't come here to get gold plating, right?"

The other party flipped through the documents Wang Linchi handed over. There was Wang Linchi's file on it. In fact, the file was nothing. It just recorded household registration information, soul status, family conditions, etc.

Fortunately, they are all the latest. Wang Linchi spent 6,000 yuan to transform himself into a city dweller. Fortunately, he did so in advance.

Because during the past two days, he was not only running household registration matters, but also inquiring about teachers in the soul phase and soul seed profession.

This was not a secret matter. He also found out a lot about Liu Shen. The other party was a member of the Liu family in the city.

His personality is a little greedy, and his abilities are average. He is also indifferent to people from the outer city. If you ask him to do something, he will look at his mood. On the contrary, he will distinguish people from the inner city based on their family background. A good family background means a good attitude. People like Wang Linchi will handle business matters without making things difficult or giving preferential treatment.

Naturally, the inner city refers to the people in the city, and the outer city refers to the people whose household registration is in the county or small village.

In this regard, Wang Linchi was a little glad that he did this.

The other party is not a teacher of this professional course, and it can even be said that he does not understand it at all. It is more to manage people. There is no teacher in this major yet, but there are books, and you can study by yourself.

The role of the Soul Appearance and Soul Seed majors and a number of unpopular majors in Qinghe College is to serve as a springboard for those disciples of wealthy and well-known families with life-oriented and general Soul Appearance majors. After they first enter the college, because of the Soul Appearance If you are not suitable, you will not be able to enter combat majors.

However, you can first enter through the soul form and soul seed majors, and then after some operations, you can enter the combat major.

On the bright side, I can get by.

This is not only true for the soul physiognomy and soul seed majors, but also for other unpopular majors. Therefore, Liu Shen is actually responsible for not only this one major, but also multiple majors.

Students in these majors are here only in name, but actually go directly to study in combat majors.

The reason why I came to wait for Wang Linchi was because he was the only one who came not to get gold plating, but to actually come to class.

"No, no, my parents are also in this industry, so I thought I could inherit it. If I have talent, I can earn a lot more than working as a clerk." Wang Linchi also hurriedly threw out Prepare your own reasons.

Liu Shen also nodded: "Yes, yes, I am ambitious."

He didn't say what would happen if he failed, because he also knew that if he failed, he would only lose thirty yuan. In his eyes, Wang Linchi actually had no future.

However, he would not deliberately step on or make things difficult. In fact, after he and Wang Linchi met today, apart from chance encounters, the next time he and Wang Linchi would meet would probably be at graduation.

"I have to inform you in advance that our college does not have teachers for this major. If you want to learn it, you have to teach yourself."

"Fortunately, it's free enough. There are no assessments and you don't have to report on time. It doesn't matter if you want to come to the classroom, or if you don't."

"Don't worry, all the books on this major in the college are open to you. The books are quite complete and will be updated every year in Tianshangjing."

Liu Shen's words were very straightforward, meaning that he didn't care about the rest. You can only rely on yourself, whether it's studying or anything else.

As for the issue of not clocking in, he turned a blind eye. As a teacher, he failed to perform his duties, and it was impossible to ask Wang Linchi to clock in every day, as long as he didn't make any mistakes.

"No problem, I will follow your arrangements, Teacher Liu." Wang Linchi knew that this was the best situation. He was actually more worried that Liu Shen would send him away.

Freedom and comfort, no matter how you do it, is a good thing.

"As long as you understand, then next, are you going to choose the soul seed first, or wait until graduation?" Liu Shen asked.

He asked this question as usual, but he didn't care much about it.

"I won't bother you, Teacher Liu, to run a second time. I'll choose now." This was Wang Linchi's original plan. He wanted to study soul seeds and soul aspects. Without the help of corresponding soul seeds, it was simply unrealistic.

"Well, okay, then I'll open the list and you can choose for yourself." Liu Shen didn't have any dissatisfaction. This was what he should have done. He was a little greedy, but he wouldn't deliberately make things difficult in such a matter. If things get serious, he can manipulate the other party, but he doesn't feel comfortable either.

Besides, what he got was from the college and belonged to the public property, so there was nothing wrong with him.

Seeing this, Wang Linchi hurriedly came over and handed over the Soul Seed Flash Technique from before in a more concealed manner: "Teacher, I have a Soul Seed at home that I don't need. You see, why don't you help me keep it first?" , please help me more."

When Liu Shen saw this, he was startled at first, then looked deeply at Wang Linchi, and then said: "I know your family is in trouble, and I will definitely help you if I can."

After saying that, he put away the Soul Seed Flash Technique.

An ordinary-level soul seed is worth a thousand yuan, which is nothing to Liu Shen. After all, he earns a salary of one thousand yuan a month.

But who doesn't like it if it comes for free? As for the one given to Wang Linchi, it belongs to the public.

Therefore, he changed the list and handed it to Wang Linchi.

Wang Linchi hurriedly took it. He had inquired and found out that under normal circumstances, the list of soul seeds given to them were all ordinary-level soul seeds. However, some affiliates and bastards of big forces could obtain better soul seeds through connections.

This list is all excellent soul seeds.

There is a huge difference in the quality of soul seeds.

The normal level only needs one entry or effect, for example, the flash spell can only flash.

The excellent level is a combination of 2 entries, 2 effects, or 1 entry and 1 effect.

Excellent means reaching 3 effect entries by analogy.

Therefore, the value is also different. The ordinary grade is only one thousand, while the excellent grade is priced at ten thousand, and the fine grade is as high as one million.

Qinghe College also has excellent-level soul seeds, but they are not something he can get. It would be very good to have excellent-level soul seeds.

"Thank you for your help, teacher. I will definitely repay you when I have the opportunity in the future." Wang Linchi said this in a polite way. He was giving money to do things, but he also wanted to repay you.

Liu Shen was also very satisfied with Wang Linchi's words: "It's better to be more diligent than anything else."

He was also being polite.

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