Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 112 Breakthrough! The terrifying black iron level that has been accumulated for a long time

Three months later, after Wang Linchi threw away the scourge of the Heavenly Demon's inheritance and the Heavenly Demon's Blood Knife, his life returned to peace again.

His life has been peaceful for many years, but the outside world has never been peaceful. King Yama is wreaking havoc in Lixi Prefecture, and various vicious incidents are constantly happening in other states. Various cases continue to occur, all of which are murders, or extremely bad murders. case.

Some people were skinned, some had their bones eviscerated, and some died with fear or weird expressions on their faces, etc.

In addition, the Internet has also been controlled. Recently, the news on the Internet has quietly transformed into various entertainment or some soul-forging techniques, etc., but they are all true and false and cannot be believed.

Fortunately, these things have nothing to do with Wang Linchi. His daily life is between three o'clock and one line, working in the office, going home to study and research, and going to the black market to sell stolen goods and earn some money.

It's just that stolen goods have been a little hard to come by recently, because they have killed many others, and they have gained a reputation, and few people are willing to put their own lives on the line.

Today, Wang Linchi is trying to break through the black iron level.

After spending a lot of resources, he successfully increased his 110 points of mental power to 111 points of mental power through the three spirit formations.

After successfully ascending, his body instantly experienced tremendous pain, as if his body had turned into a wildly inflated balloon.

That feeling almost made him lose consciousness. Fortunately, he broke through the black iron level in time, causing these mental powers to begin to flow into the soul and record book.

The "Nine-turn Golden Pill Soul Forging Technique" and the "Tao Fei Nascent Soul Soul Formation Secret Technique" operate simultaneously, allowing Wang Linchi's Golden Pill and Nascent Soul to evolve simultaneously.

"Gan, luckily I used 111 points of mental power to break through. Otherwise, if I used 110 points of mental power, the breakthrough would definitely fail."

Wang Linchi was panting. As his spiritual power strengthened his soul, Wang Linchi's body, spirit, soul, soul, etc. all improved.

Stepped directly into another level.

His background is too deep, and the mental power required is naturally more.

The main reason is that his soul-forging technique and soul-forging secret technique were created by himself to suit him best. Otherwise, even the most advanced soul-forging technique obtained from the secret realm would be someone else's soul-forging technique, not his own. of.

The characteristic of the soul-forging method and the soul-forming secret technique that he possesses is that he has accumulated a lot of time and effort. He has gained strength at every stage through a series of extremely slow growth such as multiple re-trainings, initial accumulation, and limit breakthroughs.


Feeling the emptiness in his mind, Wang Linchi also had lingering fears.

If he didn't have an extra point of mental power, he would definitely fail to break through this time.

"The most important thing is that my upper limit of mental power is not 2,000 points."

"But ten thousand fucking points."

Wang Linchi also looked very horrified. He never expected that this would be the case.

This is most likely because of the extra bit of mental power that caused such a terrifying change in his body.

As for other people thinking about it too? The premise is that he must have a mid-level black iron-level physique at the white porcelain level. However, this is basically impossible unless he can continue to gain great opportunities in the super giant secret realm.

You have power, but the power in the super giant secret realm will not tolerate you. Others also have power, so why should they give up the opportunity to you?

How to tell is also very simple, because after his golden elixir becomes a black iron-level effect, the nine stripes disappear and it becomes a basic golden elixir, but it has a mental power capacity of 10,000 points.

Under normal circumstances, it should be a thousand points of mental power capacity that inherited the effect of the previous white porcelain grade nine-turn golden elixir plus a thousand points of capacity for the limit breakthrough, that is, two thousand points of mental power capacity, which represents the upper limit of his mental power.

'Once I complete ten times of rebuilding, the mental power capacity of the Nine-turn Golden Pill can be as high as 100,000 points. Plus my 10,000 points of mental power, a total of 110,000 mental powers. The Mithril level can be as high as one of my full strength. He was so distracted that he was afraid he would die suddenly on the spot. ’

Wang Linchi had a look on his face, as expected, knowledge is power.

Dajing Imperial Court and the others took a completely wrong path, but it is normal to make a mistake. Compared with the resources and time consumed by the research, the same effect can be achieved by defeating monsters and upgrading. Naturally, the mainstream will not favor Wang Linchi who has worked hard and has not yet done so. There must be a way to gain.

‘It’s this cultivation that seems a bit difficult. ’

He was actually doubting the level classification of awakened people that he had broken away from. After all, whoever was a black iron level awakened person could have 110,000 points of spiritual power at his peak, even King Yama could not do it.

‘The golden elixir of the first five rounds will probably take a hundred years to cultivate, so I should think about extending my life. ’

Wang Linchi had a headache. This was only the Black Iron level, and there were still more levels to come. According to his way of accumulation, lifespan was a big problem.

‘Forget it, let’s see what kind of virtues the Soul Appearance and the Soul Appearance Secret Technique have evolved into. ’

After his breakthrough, in addition to the qualitative changes in the Nine Transformations Golden Pill, the Tao Fei Nascent Soul and the Book of Records also changed accordingly.

The Dao Fei Nascent Soul still looks like a baby and holds the Nine Turns Golden Pill. At first glance, there is no change. However, upon closer inspection, it becomes closer and closer to the Book of Records.

‘Yes, according to this trend, when we wait until Orichalcum level, we should be able to start developing the external incarnation. ’

Ever since Wang Linchi used the soul-phase secret technique to closely combine with his own soul to form the ability for both of them to survive as long as one of them is immortal, he has been working on developing card bugs.

It's like his physical body was beaten to death and then resurrected through the Book of Records, and when the Book of Records was shattered, it was restored through spiritual power.

The two sides formed a good cycle and achieved the ability to be invincible.

Therefore, after the Tao Fei Nascent Soul is completely integrated into the Book of Records, it can be transformed into an external incarnation. In other words, it is a high-speed cloning technology.

It can instantly give birth to a new body by consuming a large amount of mental power, and then transfer Wang Linchi's soul, spirit, etc. into it to achieve the effect of immediate resurrection.

In addition, it can also give Wang Linchi super healing, high-speed regeneration and other abilities.

However, these functions have to wait until the orichalcum level. The current Dao Fei Nascent Soul is still in the gestation stage and is still a little short of time.

What's more important is that only when you reach the orichalcum level can you involve physical enhancement. The white porcelain level and black iron level are more about mental strength.

In fact, the white porcelain level is a newcomer. Only when you truly step into the black iron level can you be considered an awakened person.

The black iron level also has physical enhancement, but not much. Instead, it is distracted by the soul phase secret technique. After all, improving the soul phase secret technique is far better than improving the body. The soul forging method at the black iron level also strengthens the defense. Physical improvement.

‘Wait, my body seems to have reached the limit of black iron level? ’ Wang Linchi suddenly discovered this.

When he received the Arhat's blessing earlier, he had already reached the black iron level. Later, with the blessing of his soul forging method and soul phase secret technique, he had exceeded the 111 points of human mental power limit breakthrough feedback, which directly made the original In the Black Iron level, there is not much emphasis on reaching the limit of physical fitness.

‘If I break through the orichalcum level in the same way that the white porcelain level breaks through the black iron level, does that mean that I have to find a way to let my body enter the orichalcum level in advance, otherwise I will not be able to achieve the new effect? ’

‘Oh, let’s consider this later. With the current situation of Da Jing, maybe Da Jing will be destroyed and I won’t even be able to get halfway through the progress bar. ’

Wang Linchi quickly put this matter behind him. He would not talk about such long-term matters later.

Then open the book of soul records.

The good news is that the ability has indeed evolved after completing the white porcelain level stage of "Tao Fei Nascent Soul Soul Phase Secret Technique".

The bad news is that it still doesn't work.

In the past, the memory images formed in his book of records were pictures, but now they have become videos. They can not only move, but also have sounds and can be played repeatedly. In this regard, it is simply a qualitative leap.

However, it was of no use.

As for what kind of Tao rhymes, laws or sword intentions are used to record, it may be possible to evolve in the future, but forget it now, it is essentially a video recorded from his memory, rather than directly recording external things. Otherwise, how could Wang Linchi be dissatisfied.

Of course, creating a page of memory still requires the permanent consumption of the upper limit of mental power, and the mental power has been increased from the original minimum of 10 points to 100 points, which is obviously keeping pace with the times.

Fortunately, Wang Linchi has the Nine Turns Golden Pill, otherwise, he might not be able to afford it.

‘It’s not that it’s useless, it can only be said that it’s not very useful. At this stage, it’s far inferior to the thinking mirror ability of my thinking palace. ’

'My ability is a bit lacking, but I have made enough breakthroughs on the Soul Seed page. The Book of Records allows me to create another Soul Seed page, and from pictures to videos, the Soul Seed page is made from memory. The pages of the book mutated from the original plane to a three-dimensional one. ’

‘So that the Soul Seed page can be further optimized and improved. ’

The Book of Records cannot directly make Wang Linchi stronger, but Wang Linchi can transform himself through his own knowledge and indirectly make himself stronger.

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