Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 113 Soul Seed Page·Storage Space (Epic Level)

"Fortunately, I'm at the Black Iron level now. Otherwise, with this kind of intensity of work, I'm afraid I'll die suddenly..." Wang Linchi said with dark circles under his eyes, feeling a little sluggish.

Mainly because after breaking through the black iron level, he was really too busy. He was so busy that he kept making deductions in his mind while working during the day, and at night he was verifying the deductions made during the day.

He needs to perfect and optimize the Black Iron-level "Nine-turn Golden Pill Soul Forging Technique" and "Tao Fei Nascent Soul Soul Formation Secret Technique". After all, at the Black Iron level, the White Porcelain level can also be used, but the effect is too poor. .

Probably because you could get 100 experience points originally, but now you can only get 1 experience point, and the upgrade limit is also different, resulting in extremely poor efficiency.

Secondly, he further improved the Soul Seed Page·Heart-Hearted Horse, from the original single-target effect to an area-of-effect effect.

After exploding, it will not only cause damage and negative effects to one person, but will cause damage in a radius of ten meters centered on the person hit.

However, Wang Linchi can also control whether it is an area explosion or a single-target effect, so there is no need to worry about being unable to return to single-target damage after it becomes area damage.

This is also thanks to the evolution of the Book of Records, where the pages of memory changed from pictures to videos.

If it continues to be upgraded in the future, the Soul Seed Page, which is a variant of the Memory Page, will naturally be upgraded accordingly, and it will be able to add more effects by then.

The second step was the transformation of the second soul seed page. Wang Linchi chose to open it up into a storage space.

[Soul Seed Page·Storage Space (Epic Level)]

[Book page space: Have a storage space whose size depends on the upper limit of mental power]

[Enhanced concealment: Create a concealment effect around the storage space to prevent others from discovering it]

[Reinforced structure: Enhance the structural strength and stability of the storage space]

[Enhanced Locking: Lock the storage space so that it cannot be accessed or invaded by others]

[Enhanced protection: Strengthen the defense layer of the storage space to resist the impact of the external environment on the storage space]

This is his second page of Soul Seed. Currently, he owns one hundred cubic meters. Wang Linchi has transferred everything into the Storage Space of Soul Seed Page.

His requirements for this Soul Seed Page are simple, safe and generous.

In terms of safety, he has no choice but to transform it, and it is relatively simple to do it directly with his own mental power. As long as his mental power continues to grow, the storage space can continue to expand.

Wang Linchi didn't pay too much attention to other things. They were used to store things anyway.

As for some cool operations of cutting enemies through storage spaces, Wang Linchi did not ask for it.

The reason is naturally because his thing is a page of soul seeds, not soul seeds, and does not have the special effects of soul seeds.

For example, only things that show no resistance can be collected. Yes, living creatures can also enter this storage space. The disadvantage is that there is no oxygen and there is nothing in it, so they will die after entering, unless you bring your own oxygen bottle.

Also, unlike most storage spaces, if you put items into them, they will be frozen and suspended. His storage space does not have this capability yet and needs to be developed in the future.

The reason why I am not arranging it now is because it is not necessary.

The easily broken treasures of heaven and earth can be placed in the storage Horcrux given by King Hades. This Horcrux is concealed and has a large capacity.

As for the real wealth such as soul seeds, books, materials, etc., just put them in the storage space of the soul seeds page.

Anyway, the legendary soul seeds are already being arranged, and they can be upgraded next time.

Compared with the safety of experimental materials such as soul seeds, Wang Linchi naturally does not care too much about the treasures of heaven, materials and earth. After all, most of the treasures of heaven, materials and earth he has on hand are used to assist in improving his mental power, but his current physical condition It has reached the peak of the black iron level, and there is no need to worry about bottlenecks until at least one thousand points of mental power.

The soul forging method and soul phase secret technique are now being practiced normally. For Wang Linchi, the most important thing now is to complete the two projects of soul seed energy diversion technology and soul seed advancement to legendary level.

As long as he completes it, he will not only have four legendary soul seeds, but also have two more effect entries on his two soul seed pages.

This is the fastest way to improve your strength.

After all, he now has eleven hundred and eleven points of mental power, so he is really not lacking in mental power.

The 10,000 spiritual power is from the golden elixir. Since it has not been rebuilt yet, it is a blank slate. The remaining 111 points of spiritual power are brought by Wang Linchi after his breakthrough.

In fact, Wang Linchi still has two projects, namely the improvement of soul phase potential and the transformation of soul phase ability, but these two projects have basically been put in cold storage by him.

The former is too difficult. If you want to start, you must at least wait until you have upgraded your soul seed to the highest level, the mythical level.

The latter probably gave up, because the ability of his Book of Records can be evolved through the soul secret technique. He will only choose to start this project after the next time or even the next time it still does not evolve the function he wants.

After all, the gains from this project are actually not great. Wang Linchi's strength has never relied on the ability of the soul, but on his own power transformed from knowledge.

This led to Wang Linchi's lack of interest. Unless there was a turning point, Wang Linchi would choose to take action.

"Get some sleep quickly, don't die suddenly." Wang Linchi yawned, and regardless of how dirty he was, he took a blanket to cover himself and fell asleep directly.

This sleep was naturally dark, after all, he hadn't had such a peaceful rest in a long time.

But in the early hours of the morning, Wang Linchi was awakened by some movement.

He climbed up sleepily and saw that the sky that should have been dark at night was dyed with a layer of blazing white light.

He woke up in an instant.

"Damn it, someone is fighting outside the city!" Wang Linchi watched as the white light filled the air, and was finally blocked by an invisible barrier.

Every city has a protective barrier, but the strength is different.

The protective barrier that Qinghe City had back then was naturally not worth mentioning, but now the protective barrier in Lixi Mansion is a powerful barrier that can withstand a hundred full blows from the Morning Star before cracks will appear.

Therefore, in the city, there is basically no need to worry about the aftermath of the battle outside the city causing them to be wiped out.

"At least they are of the fine gold level. How come the fine gold level of Li Xi Mansion is so worthless..." Wang Linchi looked at the white light that gradually subsided and couldn't help but complain.

Such a big movement must have attracted the Yamen's attention immediately, so they sent people to investigate.

"Betting fifty cents, this matter has nothing to do with King Yama." Seeing this, Wang Linchi naturally went back to sleep.

Anyway, they can't break through the protective barrier of Lixi Mansion, so there is no need to worry so much.

At most it was a little noisy.

Then I slept until dawn, and when I looked again, I saw that the pedestrians on the street looked a little hurried.

When I turned on my phone and checked the news, there was no relevant news.

But it doesn't matter. Go and ask around in the office. Maybe the people in the office will know something.

He went to Hun Zhongsi's canteen to eat early in the morning, not because he was stingy and lacked the breakfast money, but because the food in Hun Zhongsi's canteen was very good.

After all, it is also a key unit under the imperial court, so the food must be good.

After eating, I entered the office, where many people were drinking tea and chatting.

Wang Linchi came a little late. They had already started discussing what happened at night. He mainly ate in the cafeteria, while the others brought breakfast to the office, so they came earlier than him.

After sitting down, I just listened to their nonsense quietly.

The previous office was actually a bit boring. I was worried that I and others would be used as cannon fodder by the court. However, as time passed and there was no movement from the court, everyone gradually returned to their true nature.

"I heard that the rebels were preparing to attack Lixi Mansion last night..." Guo Xi suddenly made a surprise attack.

Previously, everyone thought that the aborigines of the secret realm were committing trouble or that there were some awakened people who were outside the law and were preparing to plunder. This kind of rebellion had not happened in the Great Jing Dynasty for who knows how many years.

Even this term seems unfamiliar to them.

"Heard? Where did you hear it? Let's chat here. You have to talk logically, okay." Someone retorted.

"I just heard it, and I don't have any proof. Fake ones are of course the best." Guo Xilai said.

The others were thinking of retorting, but when they heard Guo Xi's words, they fell silent.

Wang Linchi was thinking whether it was the aborigines who invaded the secret realm or the rebels.

He hoped it would be the former rather than the latter. If there were rebels, it would mean that people all over Da Jing might have started to raise their flags for rebellion, but he was trapped in an information cocoon and could not access this level of information. The intelligence made his understanding of the Dajing court deviate from the real situation.

Then it would be very dangerous.

With information being monopolized, the rebels might be at the door by then, and he wouldn't even know this.

‘King Yama seems to have known some of the situation in advance. No wonder he told me to go to Xuanlingtian, the domain of Jingsu Domain, as soon as possible...’ Wang Linchi sighed in his heart, thinking about how to deal with it next.

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