Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 115 Escape, the evil disaster begins to show its ferocity

By the time Wang Linchi escaped from Lixi Mansion through the north gate, most of Lixi Mansion had been covered by bloody clouds, and his expression was also covered with a layer of gloom.

Naturally, he was not the only one who escaped. In addition to ordinary people, there were also many awakened people.

Until now, none of the five Morning Star Awakeners in Lixi Mansion have taken action, and Wang Linchi is no longer entangled in these matters at this time.

Instead, it began to leave with the current.

It was impossible to break away from the group, it would be too conspicuous.

It's just that the leading awakeners seemed to want to do something, which made Wang Linchi feel uneasy.

Are you planning to join in the rebellion?

Wang Linchi took a look at the large team he was in. Ninety-nine percent of them were ordinary people, and the remaining awakened ones were of no use at all. More importantly, the strongest among this group of awakened ones was only at the fine gold level. And it's not the fine gold level with a big background, it's just the ordinary fine gold level. If you put it in the upper echelons of Li Xi Mansion, it's just a marginal figure.

If he really was a core figure, how could he run away now? He might have run away long ago.

But before they were far from the city, Wang Linchi noticed something was wrong.

"Brother, I think you must be an awakened one too, why are you getting mixed up with us?" A middle-aged man approached with twinkling eyes.

"Brother, you must have recognized the wrong person. How am I an awakened person?" Wang Linchi said with a 'puzzled' look on his face.

"You go to work in the Soul Planting Department every day, but I saw it." The other party smiled and said, don't fool me.

Wang Linchi was a little surprised when he saw this. He had no impression of this person, but he should be a street vendor or something.

"Oh, what next?" Wang Linchi asked back.

"I would like to please..." Before the middle-aged man could finish his words, he straightened up and lost his life.

Wang Linchi directly used 1 point of mental power to form a mental state, causing the opponent to die on the spot.

The other party most likely thought that he was easy to control, so he wanted to threaten him. If he hadn't been somewhat capable, he would have been threatened.

He glanced back at the body. It was nothing at first, but after another look, he no longer bothered to hide it, so he jumped out of the crowd and ran away alone.

If not for anything else, just because a large cloud of darkness has come over behind him.

That's right, the demon descendants in the rebel army didn't intend to let go of these little snacks, so they sent bloody ghosts to hunt them down.

If you stay in the team at this time, you will only become a target.

Seeing this, the other awakened people all started to run away, completely ignoring the ordinary people or non-combat awakened people present.

How could he still care about these things when his own life was almost in danger.

I thought that it would be over after escaping, but I didn't expect that there would be a follow-up.

Wang Linchi's speed is naturally not as fast as those powerful Awakeners, who can fly and are physically strong and can run, but he has an advantage, that is, as long as he runs out of the opponent's field of vision, he can pass through the Soul Seed and Soul Courtyard. With the Soul Seed and the Hall of Thought, you can make yourself disappear.

‘The soul seed page must have the ability to escape. ’

Wang Linchi did not regret that he had turned his second soul seed page into a storage space, because now when he ran away, not only did all his belongings go with him, but there was also a lot of food, daily necessities, etc. inside, so he didn't have to worry about being in the wild. Can't survive.

He glanced back and saw three bloody ghosts following him behind him. Fortunately, they were not very strong, they were all at the black iron level, and they couldn't stop him for a while.

But he didn't kill it directly now.

He was worried that the other party could sense each other. If he died now and ten orichalcum-level bloody ghosts were sent later, he... could kill them, but if he killed them again, what if the other party continued to send them.

So the best way is to run away first, then hang the opponent until you are far away or the opponent gives up.

Counterattack is not appropriate at any time.

Of course, it is also possible that ghosts will be sent to reinforce them, but this is unlikely.

After all, sending a bunch of people here just for a 'white porcelain level' awakened person doesn't seem like overkill. The black iron level is already high enough.

Wang Linchi's external performance is still at the level of white porcelain. It doesn't matter if he breaks through. Anyway, his weaknesses are more inconspicuous.

As long as you don't meet King Yama, Xu Shou and others, you don't have to worry about your strength being exposed.

As his soul seed evolved to the epic level, his hiding ability naturally became stronger and stronger, and now even the fine gold level couldn't see through his reality.

If he really couldn't even do this, wouldn't all his suffering be in vain?

After running for another half hour, Wang Linchi kept hanging three bloody ghosts. When he finally looked back, the bloody ghosts turned around and left.

I don't know whether he turned back because he was within the opponent's control range or because it was uneconomical to chase a 'white porcelain level' awakened person like him.

But Wang Linchi also breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't stop, and ran for another half an hour before stopping to rest outside the wilderness.

I took out the water, added some salt, mixed it casually and poured it into my mouth.

"I'm sorry, Lixi Mansion is gone, where should I run next?" Wang Linchi felt helpless.

There is no danger in the wilderness. The only danger to Da Jing is from the imperial court and the Awakened Ones themselves.

It’s just that the wilderness is uninhabited, and I don’t know where it is exactly.

He was just running away before, so he didn't remember this. He didn't go all the way north, but he turned around several times in an attempt to get rid of the three bloody ghosts.

In the end, I had no choice but to call up the record of the formation of the thinking mirror. After further deduction, I finally got a rough idea of ​​my position.

"Continue walking about three hundred kilometers north to reach the Longhuang Sect, one of the three major sects in Yizhou?" Wang Linchi found the destination location through his own itinerary combined with the map.

"I remember that the Longhuang Sect is a sect that transforms into soul-like and physical soul-like forms. As long as you meet one of the conditions, have a potential of 5 and be eighteen years old, you can join it."

"The core is that the soul seed is the dragon blood, and it transforms into a dragon with a powerful body."

As long as the soul seed of dragon blood is embedded, the soul-like transformation will be transformed into a dragon-like transformation with corresponding attributes, with special abilities, while the physical form will be a non-attribute dragon, with no special abilities but a physical body. More powerful.

"Potential 5. This only recruits people with unusual family backgrounds, unlike the Peacock Sword Sect, which only requires swords or souls related to swords."

As long as the soul of the Peacock Sword Sect matches, ordinary awakened people can join, and there is no requirement for potential. However, this is not the case for the Dragon Glory Sect. Anyone who can reach potential 5 must have an extraordinary background.

"But people also have this ability. There is an ancestor of the Morning Star Star in charge, so he would rather lack than waste."

Wang Linchi thought for a while and prepared to take refuge in the Longhuang Sect.

Just at the base of the mountain.

The Longhuang Sect is the same as the Peacock Sword Sect. Although they are both sects, they also have towns belonging to the sect under their command. Otherwise, what do the disciples of the sect eat and wear?

Such a large force must have enough industry. The best industry is naturally to have its own city, so that it can support the expenses of the big faction.

This resulted in these cities not only having to pay taxes to the court, but also having to hand over sufficient resources to the sects.

The actual management rights are in the hands of the sect, but in name it is still the territory of the imperial court, and money and resources must be given as filial piety.

Therefore, the squeeze is naturally more terrifying. After all, it is squeezed by two parties at the same time.

The imperial court will not reduce your taxes just because you are managed by a sect. Instead, it will ask for more to weaken people's livelihood.

Ordinary people have no way to survive.

"It's just that the Long Huang Sect doesn't seem to be very stable. We still have to go to Xuan Ling Tian Xing as soon as possible. After all, there are five Morning Star Awakeners in Lixi Mansion. Otherwise, we can just say no."

There is only one Longhuang faction. If the rebels attack, they probably won't be able to hold it back. If they take refuge, they can only rest for a while.

"If you want to go to Xuanlingtian, you can only go through illegal means." Wang Linchi sighed.

He couldn't take the formal route. He just wanted to take the illegal route, which also required channels.

"It seems that we can only try our luck at Longhuang Sect first. If we still can't get it, we can only go to other states to visit. If we can't get it..."

Wang Linchi thought that he could only wander around various states. Anyway, as long as he didn't meet the rebels or the descendants of the demon head-on, there was a high probability that there would be no danger.

Oh, yes, there are also people from the imperial court. After all, the imperial court is as ruthless as the rebels and the descendants of the demon. Otherwise, how could Lixi Mansion fall and everyone's souls be extracted and made into bloody ghosts?

Now it seems that there is a high probability that they were abandoned. Otherwise, how could the five Morning Star Awakeners watch the state capital being slaughtered without any movement at all.

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