Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 116 The Longhuang Sect bought a ticket and ran away overnight

"Lixi Mansion is gone? Are you kidding me?" The outer steward of the Longhuang Sect in front of him looked at Wang Linchi with a somewhat surprised expression.

Wang Linchi entered the city under the command of the Longhuang Sect in a hurry and embarrassment, which naturally attracted attention.

Originally, the population rarely moved around, and with Wang Linchi's appearance, he was immediately stopped at the city gate.

Naturally, the next step is to check the identity and ask for the reason.

"I'm not joking with you. I look like this, so you think it's fake." Wang Linchi looked as if he had been stimulated, very excited.

"Calm down, I've sent someone to verify it. If it's today, you can stay here for one day." The outer steward also hurriedly reassured.

Judging from Wang Linchi's performance, it doesn't look like he's telling lies, but there are more doubts, such as why you were able to escape alive.

After all, even a few combat-type awakened ones can't escape. Why do you, a white-porcelain-level waste-soul-phase awakened person, have to escape?

"Hurry, otherwise it will be too late." Wang Linchi reminded him kindly.

The outer steward also nodded solemnly, and then left directly.

Seeing this, Wang Linchi also slowly picked up the food on the table and started eating. In order to act more realistically, he had to torment himself quite a lot.

Otherwise, if you were so clean and tidy when you were escaping, and you looked calm and calm just after you escaped from danger, you would treat yourself as the protagonist, and this would not arouse suspicion.

On the contrary, being in utter embarrassment is the only way to escape.

Wang Linchi did not feel that he was safe, but was thinking about how to get to Xuanlingtian.

The best way is naturally a caravan. With the strength of the Longhuang Sect, there must be a caravan capable of going to Xuanlingtian for trade.

The question, however, is how he should join in.

If it is a small caravan or a family caravan, there is still a chance to sneak in, but for a sect's caravan, it is a bit difficult. Generally speaking, its structure is led by deacons and elders, plus disciples as accompanying protection. Personnel, sect handymen follow and do odd jobs.

It is difficult for outsiders to join, and it has enough force as a guarantee.

As for joining the Longhuang Sect and becoming a disciple, don't even think about it. Wang Linchi's soul phase is not suitable. They only accept combat-type souls, not life-type souls.

‘So the best way is to send me to other states through the Longhuang Sect, and then go to Xuanlingtian through the local aristocratic caravans in other states. ’ Wang Linchi quickly made up his mind.

If you don't want to intervene, just move to another place.

Time flew by in the afternoon, and the outer sect steward brought an inner sect elder to see Wang Linchi.

The other party didn't mince words and asked directly about the situation.

Wang Linchi naturally told everything he knew, but he hid part of it, such as why he was able to escape, or whether he knew it in advance.

This inner sect elder did not suspect anything.

"Well, I understand. If that's the case, then stay for now. After our Longhuang faction has dealt with the rebels, it won't be too late for you to go back." The elder of the inner sect didn't mention any rewards at all. He just looked like a useless soul. , why waste the reward, letting you stay is already a great gift.

"Elder, I don't want to stay in Longhuang Sect and want to go to Xizhou. Do you think you can arrange a train for me?" Why did Wang Linchi stay?

Do you really think those rebels are easy to mess with?

Even Lixi Mansion, which has five Morning Star Awakeners, is gone, let alone someone from the Longhuang Sect like you.

"Hmph, you are a coward." The inner sect elder snorted disdainfully, and then said: "Arrange a train ride for him to Xizhou, so that he won't be an eyesore in front of me."

After saying this, the other party walked away, seemingly feeling unlucky to be in the same room as Wang Linchi.

The outer steward also had a bad look on his face: "You said you offended the elders, and you don't have any eyesight. No wonder you were able to escape."

"Give me 100,000 yuan and I'll book a ticket for you."

The other party was angry at first, and then opened his mouth.

"No, I came out to escape, not to travel." Wang Linchi spread his hands and didn't care at all about the words of the inner sect elders and outer sect stewards. These two people were inexplicably confident and hoped to bring them life.

"You! Huh!" The outer steward became more and more unhappy, but he didn't show it.

Of course, the ticket for the train does not cost a hundred thousand, so it is just an extortion fee.

"When can the tickets be booked?" Wang Linchi warned them. He just wanted a train ticket to leave Yizhou. This was not too much, and he did not want to enter their secret realm.

"Just wait. When I'm free, I'll book it for you." The outer steward sneered, meaning that he still wanted the train ticket if he didn't have money.

"Are you sure? Then I will be looking for a job locally in a few days. By then, things about Lixi Mansion will be leaked..." Wang Linchi threatened.

Wang Linchi naturally knew that the Longhuang Sect must have wanted to suppress this news, otherwise all the Lixi Mansion would be massacred. If this kind of thing were known to the people under the rule, it would definitely cause panic.

They don't consider whether the people can survive, but they have to consider whether the people will be panicked and not be able to produce enough benefits for them.

"You're not afraid of me..."

"Don't be afraid, you can give it a try. In the worst case, I'll defect to the rebels. Anyway, it's you, the steward who represents the Longhuang Sect, who forced me to do so." Wang Linchi directly slapped him down.

He knew that the outer sect leader was saying that this was his territory and asked Wang Linchi to be honest, but with the other party's black iron level strength, it really didn't mean anything.

He was confident of killing even that elder, let alone a black iron-level outer sect steward.

This made the outer steward's face become more and more gloomy, and finally he said with a dark face: "I will ask the busboy to bring you the ticket for the train at twelve o'clock tonight."

"Is there any earlier?" Wang Linchi didn't care about the time, but wanted to leave earlier.

"No more." The other party left directly, not intending to get entangled with Wang Linchi.

As for killing Wang Linchi to vent his anger, the outer steward is really not that shameless. Although he doesn't like it, he will not kill someone on his own territory just because he disagrees.

If you want to kill, you have to wait for the other party to leave before taking action, otherwise you will have to dispose of the body.

Of course, he could tell at a glance that there was nothing good about Wang Linchi, otherwise how could he have tolerated him living until now.

When Wang Linchi saw this, he didn't say anything.

The train ticket was delivered in the evening, and the time was indeed twelve o'clock. The destination was Baikou Mansion, the capital of Xizhou.

What was more embarrassing was that the other party bought Wang Linchi a standing ticket, which was the cheapest.

Standing tickets, hard seats, soft seats, hard sleepers, and soft sleepers are divided into different prices.

"For a standing ticket, it's about ten yuan, right?" Wang Linchi thought for a while.

In the Awakened world, ten dollars is not money at all, but in the hands of ordinary people, it is almost half a month's salary.

Of course, ordinary people are not qualified to ride a steam train. At the end of the day, only those who are awakened have this qualification.

Generally speaking, no awakened person will buy standing tickets.

After all, the soft sleeper is only worth 10,000 yuan, which is equivalent to only worth one excellent soul seed, which can be found in any secret realm, so most awakened people just throw in an excellent soul seed when buying tickets.

Wang Linchi didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he saw this. Fortunately, he was able to make up the tickets to upgrade.

Once you get on the train, you can just upgrade to a soft sleeper.

This was because the outer steward deliberately embarrassed him and vented his anger.

After all, standing on the train for more than half a month would definitely make Wang Linchi very embarrassed.

Unfortunately, what they didn't know was that what Wang Linchi needed was not a ticket, but a way to leave Yizhou.

It doesn't matter whether you are standing or sitting in this way. How can face be more important than your own life?

"The bus leaves at twelve o'clock in the evening. It's now nine o'clock in the evening. It's almost time to get ready." Wang Linchi stood up and left.

This time, no one was watching outside the door. After all, the news Wang Linchi gave before was too shocking. The Longhuang Sect was worried that it was false news, so they arranged for people to watch.

Now that it's confirmed, no one cares about this worthless little shrimp like him.

Wang Linchi hurried to the station. It took him three and a half almost four hours, mainly due to the night curfew and checkpoints. He showed his train ticket and arrived successfully.

After arriving at the station, we walked for another half an hour and finally got into the train.

I was about to ask the flight attendant for an upgrade service, but I noticed something was wrong.

‘It’s not like the rebels came to attack the Longhuang Sect at night, right? ’ Wang Linchi suddenly thought of this matter.

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