Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 117 Destruction, the ghost of the car chase

The steam train started smoothly, and Wang Linchi moved to the soft sleeper position as he wished.

The direction of Xizhou he went to was different from that of Lixi Prefecture, so there was no need to worry about passing through Lixi Prefecture.

As it accelerated, the scenery outside the window also began to recede.

The Longhuang Sect began to gradually decrease in his field of vision, but at the last moment, he discovered a trace of blood red inexplicably appearing on the horizon of the night.

This made his heart sink.

This is definitely not his illusion, but the rebels are really coming.

Just as he imagined, he took advantage of the night to attack the Longhuang faction.

After simply estimating the speed of the steam train and the distance between the two sides, he breathed a sigh of relief. There was a high probability that the rebels would not be able to catch up with them.

The other one is that if a fight is really going to start, it is more likely to attack the Longhuang faction first. How could they be distracted and chase their steamer?

The train is not like the refugees who escaped from Lixi Mansion before. It is full of awakened people, and 99% of them are fighting awakened people.

‘I don’t know if the Longhuang Sect can hold on. ’

Just as Wang Linchi had this idea, he heard a loud noise coming from behind. The noise was so loud that it attracted the attention of everyone on the train.

The steam train did not stop because of this, but accelerated.

It was obvious that he had received some kind of order or had detected the situation of the Longhuang Sect through certain soul skills.

There was such movement, it was the Awakened Ones from the Morning Star Star who were fighting each other.

If we stop now or even turn around to support, it is basically the same as seeking death.

There is no Morning Star in the steamer, and there is only one Adamant Level at the highest level. The strength gap between the two sides is so big, it is really important to escape quickly.

"Brother, I saw you got on the train from Longhuang. What happened over there?"

Wang Linchi came out to check the situation, and an awakened person on the side asked curiously.

"I'm not sure. Nothing happened when I got in the car." Wang Linchi replied. The other party didn't know that he was a general awakened person. He only regarded him as a combat awakened person. If his strength was weaker, there would be no discrimination.

"It looks like this, but it looks like some kind of ghost or ghost. I just had a glimpse of it."

"I don't know who is taking revenge on the Longhuang Sect. There are not many good ones among these famous sects." The other party shook his head, with dissatisfaction in his tone.

Wang Linchi did not answer the question. This person probably had seen a lot and knew the class gap and how many conflicts of interest there were between the two parties.

But he only dared to talk about it, he really couldn't afford to offend the famous family.

As for how to determine that Wang Linchi is not a famous sect, that is very simple. Which famous sect is still white porcelain level at Wang Linchi's age?

They all have to be at least Orichalcum level to be considered standard.

"Do you think the Longhuang Sect can win?" The other party suddenly changed the subject and asked directly.

"It's best to win. If we lose, what should we do if they vent their anger on us?" Wang Linchi gave him a strange look. The other party seemed to want the Longhuang faction to lose.

"Uh...that makes sense." The other party also responded.

He was still in the car, and if the opponent won and chased after him, then they would have to follow suit.

As a result, before he could finish his words, Wang Linchi caught a glimpse of blood red and chased after him, and then the alarm sounded on the train.

"Look at my mouth, bah!" The other party also felt a little regretful as to why he was talking such nonsense.

Wang Linchi looked solemn.

‘Adamantine level! ’ Wang Linchi immediately recognized the strength of the bloody ghost, and it was an existence of the fine gold level.

The good news is that the steam train continues to speed up and does not stop to prepare for a head-on confrontation with the bloody ghost. The bad news is that the bloody ghost does not intend to give up their fat, and the distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

No matter how fast the steam train is, it can't be faster than the Adamantine level.

Even if it is raised to the limit, it cannot match the speed of the Mithril level. After all, when it comes to the Mithril level, people fly.

The reason why you take the steam train is naturally because it saves trouble. Flying also consumes mental energy, but it doesn't mean that it consumes nothing.

"Damn it, Adamantite level!" A cursing voice came out.

Someone recognized the strength of this bloody ghost. This also means that the speed of the steam train is not only impossible to escape, but will also be overtaken by the opponent.

Fortunately, the only Adamant-level person on the train, the captain of the train, took action.

And taking advantage of the distance, he struck first and gave the bloody ghost a head-on blow.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this.

"Beasts are beasts, they are not human beings after all." An awakened person beside Wang Linchi muttered in a low voice.

As a result, not long after he finished speaking, he suddenly discovered that the bloody ghost was actually burning with a fiery red flame, which was particularly dazzling in the dark night.

‘Something’s wrong! ’ Wang Linchi knew that this bloody ghost came to kill everyone on the train and extract their souls to make ghosts.

So why are you burning yourself now?

"He's stalling!" Another awakened person said immediately.

They don't know the cause and effect, but years of fighting have given them their own unique experience in analyzing the battle situation.

"Captain, let's fight quickly~"

"We must not let him delay!"

"Hurry up..."

As I didn’t know who was speaking, more and more passengers spoke to remind me.

The captain of the steam train was not someone who refused to listen to advice, so he immediately used his most powerful soul skills to get entangled with the bloody ghost.

After someone delayed it, the steamer naturally got rid of the bloody ghost at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing this, Wang Linchi felt that the steam train pit was a bit of a pit, but it was indeed very good in terms of safety.

The commanders are all adamantine-level, and there are many mithril-level personnel accompanying them. In addition, the Orichalcum-level Fire Wheel agents maintain order, so safety is still guaranteed.

The steam carriages are also very expensive. Each one is a Horcrux, and it is not known which secret realm it came from.

There are also people who can make a steam wheel car, but compared to obtaining it from the secret realm, the cost of making a steam wheel car is very high, and it also requires corresponding fuel.

It's not like the Horcrux Steam Wheel Cart, which only needs to put soul seeds into it to run.

Soul seeds are not only currency and materials for cultivation, but also become fuel and energy.

"Okay, I can't see you anymore. Go back and rest." After the captain and the bloody ghost gradually moved away from the steamer and disappeared into the night, an awakened person had no interest in watching anymore. After all, there was a small figure in the darkness. What's so cool about red dots?

Wang Linchi also returned to his soft sleeper.

In fact, he was not as reassured as others. Through his data comparison, the commander's overall strength was inferior to that of the Bloody Shadow.

The winner is likely to be the ghost rather than the commander.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the commander can win. After all, Yinhun has no brain, only a murderous instinct. Therefore, in terms of combat experience, he is far inferior to the commander. However, Wang Linchi does not know whether the opponent's combat experience can make up for the lack of overall strength. This shortcoming.

Wang Linchi returned to bed, took out a sophisticated soul seed, and began to practice the "Secret Technique of Tao Fei Yuanying Soul Phase" and the "Nine-turn Golden Pill Soul Forging Technique" at the same time.

With his current mental strength, it is trivial to do two things at once.

At the same time, he also took some not precious treasures from the soul seed page and storage space.

While breathing, his mental strength began to slowly increase.

By the time he finished practicing, the sky was already bright.

It's just that from last night to now, the captain of the steam train has not returned. Naturally, the steam train stopped several times in the middle, but they all arrived at the station normally.

It seems that the absence of the captain does not affect the operation of the steam train.

"There should be nothing going on. The steam train has been driving for most of the night. The rebels should have defeated the Longhuang Sect by now. They are digesting the Longhuang Sect's background and there is no way to waste this time by arranging the main force to pursue them." Wang Linchi murmured quietly.

This was a good thing, he once again managed to escape before danger arrived.

It's just that his identity is a big problem. He left Yizhou without permission. Not only did he leave across the state, he even thought of smuggling to Xuanlingtian. If he was caught, according to the law, he would be beheaded in public.

Wang Linchi didn't care about this matter. From a peek, the Dajing court probably didn't have time to care about such a trivial matter at this time.

And this happened to be his opportunity to rise.

When he arrived at Xuanlingtian, Wang Linchi immediately found the black market and hid in the wild secret realm for a year.

It is impossible to say that if he comes out a year later, Xuanling Tiandu will be in ruins, and more seriously, Da Jingdu will only have a name left, and alien races may be running all over the place.

The main reason is that the change this time is too big. For the aborigines in the secret realm to leave the secret realm, it is an absolute disaster for the Dajing court, not to mention that these secret realms can also support local forces.

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