Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 118 Xizhou, the Zhou family caravan heading to Xuanlingtian

It was twenty days later when we arrived at Baikou Mansion in Xizhou.

During these twenty days, there were no accidents, except that the commander still had not returned.

The initial suspicion is that he is dead.

However, these things had nothing to do with Wang Linchi, because he had already got off the train, and the train left on the track again.

In the end, the matter in Yizhou failed to be suppressed.

In these twenty days, the rebels not only massacred the Lixi Mansion and the Longhuang Sect, but the remaining two sects were also brutally murdered. All the cities and towns under Yizhouli were also swept away. It really became a success. There is no rooster crow for thousands of miles.

The imperial court could only send troops to suppress it. However, the rebels were already in full swing and extremely powerful. They were already close to the Huiyue level. The domain lord had just died, and the manpower arranged had only arrived not long ago. They were also busy with various things. land.

A huge mess made things in Yizhou completely corrupt.

The Dajing Dynasty was very large, and this huge machine had ruled the world for so long that it became rusty all over.

Now when this situation occurs, it is naturally too late to react.

The two states of Yongzhou and Yizhou were defeated one after another. This was only known to Wang Linchi. His Jingsu domain alone had more than two states, not to mention that the entire Dajing Dynasty was as wide as 28 domains.

The Demonic Inheritance directly dealt with the Dajing Dynasty with a sudden attack.

"Let's take a look. If there's no problem, then sign it." The steward of the Zhou family's caravan took out a contract and handed it to Wang Linchi.

He inquired at Baikou Mansion that the Zhou family's caravan was going to Xuanling Realm in three days, so they were recruiting people.

Mostly guards.

Wang Linchi took a look and saw that this time he went there and came back with twenty fine-level soul seeds. All food and lodging were included during the trip.

However, in case of danger, you must make every effort to ensure the safety of the goods.

In fact, they didn't recruit guards before, only hard labor, and they didn't give soul seeds, just money.

Of course, even if it is hard labor, it must be a white porcelain-level non-combat awakener, not an ordinary person. Ordinary people are not qualified to leave.

The reason why guards are recruited is naturally because of the affairs of Yizhou and Yongzhou. Secondly, Xizhou is not close to Xuanlingtian. Even by train, it will take a year.

That is to say, Wang Linchi arrived in time. If he had been there for three days at night, he would have had to wait for the Zhou family's caravan next month.

That's right, the Zhou family's caravan does not take the train, but has its own special means of transportation, which can reduce the time that the train originally took a year to arrive to half a month.

This type of vehicle is naturally a large Horcrux produced in the secret realm.

Wang Linchi glanced at the contract and then signed his fake name.

Even his appearance was changed into a fake one through the soul seed, so naturally his name cannot be signed as genuine.

However, the other party doesn't care whether what you sign is true or false. This contract is not an ordinary white paper, but a special soul skill formed by the awakened person of the Zhou family through combining his soul with his soul seed. As long as you sign, it will take effect. , once you breach the contract, you will suffer the corresponding penalties in the contract.

However, Wang Linchi used the soul seed in his body to forcibly bind the contract before it entered his body, and controlled him calmly.

Therefore, the contract appears to be effective, but in fact it is not effective at all.

Firstly, because of the special nature of his soul seed, and secondly, because of his strong mental power, he was able to suppress it.

This contract is for black iron level awakeners. Yes, Wang Linchi does not keep his strength at the white porcelain level. After changing his identity, he will naturally use the black iron level strength, otherwise he will not be able to be a guard. It can only be used as hard labor.

Contracts have levels, and each level of strength corresponds to a different level of contract.

But no one could have imagined that Wang Linchi could possess more than 10,000 points of mental power at the Black Iron level. This was simply not in line with common sense.

The black iron contract given to Wang Linchi only had a limit of 1,000 points of mental power. When encountering Wang Linchi, an awakened person with 10,000 points of mental power, he was naturally suppressed without any surprise. He was much stronger than the opponent. Ten times, how can the other side win?

"This is your deposit. We will meet at the gate of Beicheng at eight o'clock the day after tomorrow. Of course, if you don't mind the trouble, you can wait at the gate of Zhou's house at five o'clock." The Zhou family steward quickly took out three fine coins Level soul seed.

After signing the contract, naturally there is no need to worry about the other party running away.

When they are gathered together, they will be given seven fine-level soul seeds, which can be regarded as a morale booster.

As for the remaining ten, they will be distributed when I return.

In fact, there are more than twenty soul seeds. There are other provisions in the contract. If you encounter a battle, there will be additional soul seeds as compensation according to the number and strength of the enemy. The minimum is ten fine-level soul seeds, and the maximum is no. Set an upper limit.

Wouldn't it be better if he didn't encounter any danger? The black iron-level awakened person could obtain twenty soul seeds safely in a month, which is much better than going to the secret realm to fight for his life.

The normal strength of the black iron level is probably much weaker than when Wang Linchi entered the super giant secret realm.

Normal secret realms are very dangerous for black iron level, but the output is not that high.

After entering the secret realm, even if the assigned location is not a restricted area or a certain death area, it will not be placed directly in a safe place for you.

"No problem, I'll be there on time tomorrow." Wang Linchi readily agreed.

He must have chosen to wait in front of Zhou's house. It was only five o'clock in the morning, and it wasn't like he couldn't get up.

If he really wants to go to the North City Gate from his position, what if he wanders there and is interrogated?

Wang Linchi's identity cannot withstand scrutiny.

If your identity is false, you will suffer if you are discovered.

"Well, okay." After the steward said this, he asked Wang Linchi to leave directly.

When Wang Linchi went to sign up, he must have gone to find the other party, not the other party coming to invite him. He has no reputation or strength, so how could he get such treatment.

After leaving, I opened a guest room in a nearby inn, ordered some food, and sat down to eat while listening to the recent happenings in the Baikou Mansion.

The most talked about ones are naturally Yizhou and Yongzhou, which are very close to their Xizhou.

This close refers to geographical location, not distance.

While listening, Wang Linchi also heard a familiar situation.

‘Did King Yama come here fifteen days ago? ’ Wang Linchi suddenly heard a familiar name and a familiar conflict.

The good news is that the other party has left, so there is no need to worry about anything happening in these three days.

‘But the opponent’s speed is actually so fast. ’ Wang Linchi was sure that the other party set off later than him.

The day the rebels entered Lixi Mansion, King Yama had not yet left. In such a short period of time, the opponent crossed from Lixi Mansion in Yizhou to Baikou Mansion in Xizhou.

This is not impossible. The opponent has some powerful Horcruxes as transportation, and the speed is naturally faster than the steamer Wang Linchi rides.

Maybe he is already in Xuanlingtian now. He just left five days ago. It doesn't mean that it took him five days to come to Baikou Mansion in Xizhou and he stayed there during this period. Otherwise, there would be no conflict or gambling.

‘My role will not really become an important supporting role, otherwise I would be so lucky, I would be able to escape in time every time, and I would follow the traces of the protagonist from time to time. ’ Wang Linchi was thinking about this.

There is a possibility of this kind of thing, otherwise it would be impossible to explain why I am so lucky.

‘Tsk, any scraps from the protagonist’s halo can make me go smoothly. ’ Wang Linchi couldn’t help but marveled.

‘Then if I perfect the soul seed boiling to the point where mythical level soul seeds can be used, will my role be reduced and thus lose this good luck? ’

He suddenly thought of this.

‘The current scene is very suitable. The treasure-delivery boy who remains aloof will not be affected by danger, but because the protagonist needs me to provide him with the corresponding treasures, he will receive a certain degree of good luck and protection. ’

‘So we have to grasp such a degree, add more derivative skills of the Soul Seed Boiling series, and lengthen the development timeline. ’

‘To establish one’s position. ’

‘Wait a minute, if I enter the secret realm and are not in the same space as Hades, will I be protected by the protagonist’s halo? ’ Wang Linchi suddenly remembered this matter.

After all, he was just guessing about the protagonist's halo, and there was no actual data to support it.

‘Forget it, no matter how much, luck is more of a support, what you can really rely on is your strength. ’ Wang Linchi was not timid or planning to hug Yama Pluto because of his good luck during this period. The relationship between the two parties was purely based on interests, without any emotion.

If you rely too much on good luck, you will suffer if you lose your good luck one day.

It's far less reassuring than having your own strength become stronger.

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