Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 119 The Zhou family’s financial path, what is goods?

The Zhou family's caravan Horcrux is called the Flying Divine Shuttle. It should be a Horcrux produced in special secret realms such as fairy tales and fantasy. It is ridiculously fast, already supersonic.

Wang Linchi didn't know exactly how much, but he was sure it didn't reach the speed of light level.

If it really reaches the speed of light, it will be impossible to use it for commerce.

With the speed of the Flying Divine Shuttle, it is rare to encounter robbers. After all, it is flying in the sky, and many things are inconvenient. This is also the heritage of the great family.

Of course, that was before, and it’s not certain now.

After all, the events in Yongzhou and Yizhou caused chaos in the world.

It is unlikely that the rebels would choose the caravan as a target.

Most of the rebels are descendants of the demon. To them, people are far more valuable than these treasures of heaven and earth.

Not only is it easier to obtain, it is also more efficient.

Instead, they attacked the caravan. Resources such as natural treasures, earthly treasures, and soul weapons were not so easy for them to digest.

Wang Linchi is actually quite confused, that is, how does the Zhou family's caravan make money?

When he arrived early, he helped move the goods. Through his powerful mental power, combined with his soul vision and thinking force field, he roughly understood the other party's goods.

To say that it is precious, in the eyes of the awakened people at the bottom, it is indeed very cherished, but in Xuanlingtian, which is the core of a domain, this thing is really not very valuable.

It was possible to make money by luck, but not much.

The value of the soul seeds burned by the Flying Divine Shuttle alone is a huge deposit. It is better to sell it directly nearby.

‘There can’t be any secret. ’ Wang Linchi was thinking about this.

With profits so low, caravans still have to make money.

‘So the most likely thing is that these things are used to hide people’s eyes and ears, and the real goods are stored in other places. ’ Wang Linchi was thinking about these things.

The word smuggling came to his mind.

There is no need to think about who would benefit most from smuggling, it would be the Dragon Worship Cult, Shadow Alliance and other forces.

It is true that the Dajing court has no external enemies, but there are a lot of hidden dangers internally.

On the first day of the shuttle's journey, Wang Linchi didn't know where it was, but it stopped.

"Follow the guards. The first batch of goods has arrived. Protect the hard laborers from unloading the goods." A supervisor shouted.

Wang Linchi also got up with the guards, while the hard laborers had already arrived at the designated area, carrying the goods with some difficulty.

After getting off the Feitian Shuttle, there were people picking up the goods on the opposite side. I saw the supervisor and the steward opposite chatting and heading into the room, while the personnel on both sides were minding their own duties of guarding and carrying the goods.

Wang Linchi was naturally at work and had no intention of going over to explore the truth.

Next, all you need to do is check if the steward of the Zhou Family Chamber of Commerce has any storage Horcruxes.

After all, how could good goods be placed in a warehouse for them, a group of temporary workers, to look after, of course they would keep them themselves.

It took half an hour to unload this batch of goods, plus counting, checking, etc., which delayed it for about an hour and a half. However, Wang Linchi felt much more relaxed. The other party also gave them water and cigarettes. Wang Linchi saw everyone else After it was put away, he also put it away, but did not move.

Just when the other party gave him something, Wang Linchi recognized the true situation of this group of people.

They are really followers of the Dragon Worship Sect, but they are not of the blood dragon lineage that Wang Linchi is more familiar with, but of the green dragon lineage.

Cultists of this lineage inherit the green dragon's cruelty and irritability, and are good at corrosive abilities.

Fortunately, this group of people also had enough self-control and did not show any impatience or want to kill people to vent their anger. They still had some brains.

After unloading the cargo, they naturally returned to the Flying Divine Shuttle, and the Zhou family steward arrived belatedly.

What happened was beyond Wang Linchi's expectation. Through his comparison, he found that the other party not only had no fewer stored Horcruxes, but actually had one more.

This further confirms the transaction between the two parties.

Because he missed one thing, that is, the transaction must be one party buying and the other selling. The transaction between the two parties cannot be settled with money. After all, in the eyes of the awakened people, money is of no use at all.

There is a high probability that some special products from Dragon Island, the secret realm of the power behind the Dragon Worship Cult, will be used to trade, and the method is barter.

It's normal to have more. After all, the storage space for Horcruxes remains the same, but the size of the items will change.

‘This is the residence of the green dragon lineage, or it may be just a superficial cover. ’ Wang Linchi wrote this down.

If there is a chance in the future, I will settle accounts with them as revenge for the Dragon Worship Cult. Anyway, they are from the same bloodline as the Blood Dragon, so forget it if there is no chance. Wang Linchi doesn't care much about these things anyway.

Revenge doesn't mean risking his own life, and he doesn't have to vent his anger.

"Okay, let's go back to each area. The next shipment will be the day after tomorrow. You don't need to be so nervous for the rest of the time." The steward said with a red face.

It is certain that this transaction indeed made him a lot of money, otherwise he would not be so happy.

I had always kept a straight face before.

Wang Linchi didn't say anything. He looked at the shift schedule and saw that he would be leaving get off work in two hours. No matter what happens to him then.

Commuting to and from get off work on time is his work principle.

Fishing if he can, paddling if he can, are his methods of making money.

Therefore, I found a quiet place to start practicing. The other black iron-level awakened people chatted and practiced without anyone disturbing me.

Everyone is not familiar with each other, so they come to work together temporarily, so naturally they won't do anything weird right away.

There are definitely small groups, but these small groups are originally formed as a group, rather than joining together later.

I haven't thought about recruiting other people. After all, I'm not familiar with them. What if I get into trouble?

Two hours passed in a blink of an eye, and Wang Linchi returned to his room after his shift.

The Flying Divine Shuttle is actually very big, probably as big as an aircraft carrier. It is not only used to transport cargo, but also has powerful attack and defense capabilities.

He didn't know about it before, and he only found out about it after boarding the Flying Divine Shuttle.

This raises another question. For such a powerful Horcrux, the target should be the strength of the Morning Star. Why do they still need guards with insufficient strength like them?

Although every state has at least one awakened person of the Morning Star class, this does not mean that the Morning Star star is very scarce. On the contrary, with this flying divine shuttle alone, the Zhou family caravan can travel throughout the Jingsu region. freely.

Even if other states don't give face to the Zhou family, they still have to give face to the Flying God Shuttle.

Then the doubt is very clear. Why recruit a group of burdensome people and give them soul seeds for fear that they will run away.

‘Gan! ’

Wang Linchi, who returned to the room, immediately realized that it was the goods.

It would make sense if this group of people were not guards and hard labor at all, but a type of cargo.

How do you explain going back? Naturally, it means that they were attacked by rebels and suffered heavy losses.

How many of the awakened people who can apply for jobs as guards and hard laborers in aristocratic families have backgrounds and connections?

Therefore, death means death.

This didn't happen before, not because there wasn't the threat of rebels before, but because no one ordered before.

Now that we have it, the Zhou family must have made arrangements.

'The ordering force is not only the rebels, but also the aristocratic families and sects, or the officials. If it were the rebels, the Zhou family might even want to kill people and get goods. ’

The Demonic Inheritance is not only available to those at the bottom, there are also people from middle and high-level families and sects who can acquire it. If you add that you are the eldest son and a genius, then the forces behind him will definitely be very supportive.

It is the honor of those people to buy some human goods for their children to practice and improve their strength.

‘No wonder it’s so easy to get in. Damn it, I didn’t think of these things when my brain was twitching before. ’ After all, this was Wang Linchi’s first time encountering something like this. It was normal for him to be tricked if he had no experience.

It's just that the pit is a bit big, which makes Wang Linchi a little helpless.

He didn't know where to unload the 'people and goods', and he had no way to prepare in advance.

‘Judging from the fact that the other party did not bring anyone to unload the goods, it may be in a state near Xuanlingtian, but with such power, it is more likely that it is in the domain of Xuanlingtian, a Jingsu domain. ’

It is precisely because the other party is a powerful force in Xuan Lingtian that the other party has no scruples. Otherwise, only the aristocratic families in certain states, regardless of influence, power or strength, would not dare to show off to those far away in Xizhou in such a big way. Acquisition by the Zhou family.

The power is so overwhelming that he can purchase people and goods throughout the Jingsu region. Without enough force, he would naturally not dare to do so.

After all, if Xizhou already has it, won’t other states acquire it? The few people in Xizhou are not enough to fill the gap between the teeth of the descendants of the demon when they practice.

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