Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 12 Let’s plant a good cause first

"I didn't expect you, old classmate, to come in such a timely manner. The joint entrance examination is about to happen tomorrow. You gave me a big gift." King Yama couldn't help but sigh.

Especially when I saw that the increase in Soul Seed Boiling LV2 in my Soul Skill Column changed from 10% to 20%, I felt much better.

"Don't mention it. I rushed out here in a hurry. You're lucky, old classmate, otherwise I wouldn't be able to give it to you." Wang Linchi looked helpless: "You also know that my major has no resources. I have been practicing all the time. It’s very slow, and I only have 20 mental power points now, but if Van Gogh is a little bit higher, I can advance a month or two.”

At this time, he will definitely have to say that he is suffering.

King Yama also had a thought and was about to say something, but Wang Linchi spoke first.

"Remember to report this soul skill when you use it. I'm going to submit this soul skill to the academy and the court in exchange for some subsidies. Otherwise, it doesn't matter if the cultivation speed is slow. I won't enter the secret realm because it costs too much. , I’m so poor that I can’t bear it anymore.”

At this time, King Yama felt a little unhappy. You actually thought about handing it in, but then you heard that Wang Linchi was living like this. If he stopped him again, he would not be able to accept gifts from others next time.

"Don't worry, I'm sure." King Yama didn't care about Wang Linchi's reminder at all. His soul seed boiling was not comparable to others. Others had side effects and duration, but he didn't.

It doesn't even need to be released.

The only thing that made him uncomfortable was that Wang Linchi planned to hand it over.

By then others will be able to possess this power, even if they are not as good as him.

"As long as it's accurate, I'll leave first." After Wang Linchi finished speaking, he turned around and left. In his mind, he was wondering whether King Yama would be able to understand his lack of resources and send him some resources.

I was able to understand it last time, and I should be able to understand it this time too.

After all, white porcelain-level resources are not only useless but also valuable to him.

‘But you have to make a plan if the other party doesn’t give it. ’ Wang Linchi didn’t fully feel that he could succeed. If he failed, he would just plant a good karma this time, and there would be none next time.

Wang Linchi was unwilling to give up even this small benefit, so there was no need for Wang Linchi to continue investing.

Investment is for returns. Do you really think that Wang Linchi hopes that King Yama will achieve great success?

With the gap between the two sides, it will become bigger and bigger in the future. With the atmosphere of this world, people of different levels will not have any intersection in the future.

What's more, since King Yama has such a sarcastic face, you will definitely suffer disaster if you follow him.

After the two separated, Wang Linchi returned home.

After a night passed, his heart sank. He found that King Yama did not send him resources like last time.

"The probability of failure has gone from 50 percent to 70 percent."

"There is a 30% chance that he had to take the joint entrance examination, so he forgot."

That was true, but Wang Linchi knew that such a thing was trivial. For King Yama, if he didn't come here himself, he could arrange for someone to bring it to him.

Since he became the chief, he also formed a war group, which was the strongest war group in his freshman year. It was called the Pluto Chapter, and it was considered his team.

Therefore, I also hoarded a lot of resources and subordinates.

We do not rule out the idea of ​​keeping it secret and sending it in person after the joint entrance exam, but this possibility is too low.

Wang Linchi was certain that the other party definitely understood.

"No, there is another possibility. He wants to recruit me." Wang Linchi suddenly realized that the only men who can be around Long Aotian are younger brothers and henchmen. Brothers are impossible because they will be too close to each other's women. .

"If that's really the case... I'm afraid it won't work."

Wang Linchi thought of rejecting him at the first moment. If King Yama didn't have such an outrageous aura of ridicule and aura of wisdom, he would be able to take refuge.

If we seek refuge in the past now, something will happen.

In the past six months, Wang Linchi knew how dangerous it was around him. For example, his confidante was kidnapped. Basically, everyone experienced it once. At first glance, it had nothing to do with the younger brother, but every time, the younger brother followed him, and then heroic Sacrificing some parts, except for the important supporting characters, the others are basically cannon fodder.

In other words, the women who are following him will be fine, and there is a high possibility that the men will be sacrificed to heaven.

What's even more ridiculous is that these bad incidents have always happened around Yama Pluto, and the public security in other places is actually very good.

King Yama alone brought down the security situation in Qinghe City.

No one has been able to discover this strange thing until now.

Therefore, it is impossible for Wang Linchi to join the so-called Pluto battle group. In addition to being dangerous, he is also out of place.

You must know that the members of this Pluto war group are all geniuses and academic masters among the awakened combatants. After being subdued by the halo of the wisdom of the King of Hell, they only treat the King of Hell like a dog-licker, but they are still tough to the outside world. Zhengzheng is full of arrogance.

If he joins them, he will definitely be ostracized.

His own soul phase is not good, and his strength is still developing slowly. How can he get together with this group of fighting maniacs?

There may not be much rejection on the surface, but there definitely is secretly.

"Forget it, let's go to the joint examination first. It's time to get a feel for it, so let's take a break." Wang Linchi didn't want to continue studying today.

Just relax and take a look at the situation of King Yama. It is a good thing to know yourself and the enemy.

It is always undesirable to work behind closed doors.

Go out for a walk and you might get some inspiration.

On the way to watch the live broadcast of the joint entrance exam, Wang Linchi felt more and more uncomfortable the more he thought about it.

If this really came to nothing, it would indeed have no impact on him, but he would still be unhappy.

‘Let’s talk about it later. ’ Wang Linchi wrote down this incident first. If he really didn’t give anything later, he would plot against him when he got the chance and regard it as revenge.

It's impossible to make him endure it. If he has the chance, he will definitely add insult to injury.

Of course, forget it if there's no chance. Wang Linchi doesn't intend to go head-to-head, as things could easily go wrong.

Even if you are angry, you will not risk your life.

Soon he arrived at Qinghe College. The large square of the college was already full of people. There was a large projection screen in the center that was live broadcasting the entrance of the candidates.

Wang Linchi found a seat where no one was around and sat down. His field of vision might be a little poor, but he could see clearly.

I don’t want to miss you when I’m in a good seat. Why do you sit on it? It has long been occupied by students with status and strength, so it is impossible for him to take his turn.

"You're just in time, the joint entrance examination has started." Wang Linchi also smiled, then took out the snacks he brought with him and started to eat them. How could he not bring snacks to watch the excitement.

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