Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 13 It may not produce good results

On the third day after the joint entrance examination, Wang Linchi received a solicitation from King Yama. The other party did not mention resources or rights, but wanted Wang Linchi to join.

Wang Linchi declined politely, saying that he did not have any combat power and was not suitable to join the opponent's Pluto battle group. This made the opponent a little unhappy, but in the end he left without saying anything.

In this regard, Wang Linchi understood that this time it was a waste of time and that this channel was useless.

He understands that it is not that easy to take advantage of the protagonist. Either he becomes the other party's younger brother, or he can only become the other party's grandfather or something like that.

However, no matter which one it is, it is not a good thing. First of all, you become the opponent's younger brother, and you are only responsible for the work. The opponent will occasionally give you a few words, and the rest is all up to you. Whether it is resources or growth, the Pluto Chapter is not responsible. What I gave was that I had resources, but it was given to the confidante of King Hades.

To become a grandfather-like character, you need to make free sacrifices and let the protagonist suck blood. The better ones may be able to help out when they become rich in the future. The worse ones may lose their role and continue to be the protagonist's butler.

As for the content of the joint examination, Wang Linchi also had fun watching it.

Probably everyone was questioning the King of Hell at the beginning, and then Quanchang College and Fu'an College fought against Qinghe College, which was retreating steadily, without any resistance. Wang Linchi was a little bit confused when he saw this scene, they are all geniuses, Moreover, the resources and education were exactly the same, but in the end, they were beaten by the opponent.

This is like feeding a dog with resources, purely to set off contrast, the main focus is to suppress desires first.

Then the protagonist, King Hades, came on the scene, pretending to be a slap in the face, and received a lot of shock. At first, everyone didn't believe it, but now they are all shocked.

Wang Linchi didn't know how this group of people changed so naturally. Next time, he might have to question, disbelieve, and think it was luck.

Anyway, Wang Linchi knew all the tricks.

"Just saying that, why does King Yama want to win over me?"

"The soul skill Soul Seed Boiling has a great effect on him. It shouldn't have such a huge side effect."

From a normal logic point of view, Wang Linchi could not think of any reason why King Yama would want to tie him up.

The opponent's Pluto Chapter is a big force, but it is all maintained by the aura of the protagonist. In fact, there is no internal management at all. He does something, and then his subordinates make up for it, and finally succeed by accident.

So it's an organization, more like a large loose gathering. Of course, this is for the combat awakeners, not Wang Linchi.

What does other people's beatings and killings have to do with you?

"Then, will the other party target me?"


Wang Linchi had just made his hypothesis and knew without thinking that King Yama might not be able to do it, but his younger brother could.

Those younger brothers are all geniuses, and they are also powerful people. After King Yama defeated them with his tiger body, he went through the effects of multiple halos and became loyal younger brothers who also love to think.

Maybe he'll figure something out.

"Fortunately, I submitted the second-generation soul skill and soul seed boiling three days ago. The results should be available today."

"With this list, if these guys want to deal with me, they should be more restrained..."

Wang Linchi actually did not regret his actions. If he had not handed over the first-generation soul skill Soul Seed Boiling to the King of Hell as a trade, he would not have the "Shushan Xuehai Soul Forging Method" and would not be able to reach 20 points of spirit. If they don't have enough power, they won't be able to develop the second-generation soul skill, soul seed boiling and soul seed evolution projects so quickly.

This is just like eating steamed buns. When you are full after eating the fifth steamed bun, you cannot say that the first four steamed buns are useless after eating them. You can only eat the fifth steamed bun.

Without the soul-forging method, one would basically stand still.

"Forget it, the soldiers will come to cover up this matter."

"The next step is various competitions. King Yama will probably take his younger brothers to compete in competitions to win resources, but I feel sorry for those younger brothers."

Most of these competitions are about obtaining precious resources. However, there must only be one copy of such resources, so it is obvious who to give them to. Not only did the younger brothers not obtain the resources, but they also delayed their cultivation.

Not everyone is like the protagonist, able to fight for support, break through in battle, etc. They need to accumulate and grow slowly.

Wang Linchi quickly devoted himself to studying. He has now finished reading the books at home and is now reading books from Qinghe College.

"Dajing's research on soul forms and soul seeds seems to have come to an end." Wang Linchi put down the books. In his eyes, the contents of these books felt the same.

It seems to be repeated all the time, and some of it is made up randomly, and even some bizarre quotations from irrelevant literary classics are used to discuss it, without any reference function.

There are so many technologies, and soul skills, which can directly improve combat effectiveness, are the most developed, but also have the highest degree of confidentiality and monopoly. He can't even access in-depth books, and the ones he gets from the academy are the most advanced ones. Superficial content.

Fortunately, the essence of the soul skill is to interfere with the soul phase by mental power, and it does not even involve soul seeds.

Just like the moves in martial arts, the core is energy such as internal force and true energy. Without the blessing of these energies, no matter how good the moves are, they are just a show.

"Maybe the imperial court has research that I can't access, but if I can't access it, it won't be of any use."

"It seems that after I finish reading the academy's books, I will have to do my own research."

Wang Linchi has never thought about counting on others. In this environment, if you talk about research, people will not look down on you at all. Being able to fight is the mainstream, not that you have knowledge.

You have to be knowledgeable and able to fight.

"Recently, my practice feels slower and slower, seems to be reaching a bottleneck?" Wang Linchi felt his situation.

He suspected that after reaching 25 points of spiritual power at most, his "Shushan Xuehai Soul Forging Technique" would be unable to improve.

It's not because of his qualifications, but because of the environment.

In other words, the body cannot hold more mental power.

Awakened students who specialize in combat can enhance their physical strength through various resources and soul skills.

If the human body is a cup, and mental power is the water in it, how much water can be held depends on the size of the cup.

Others can make the cup keep getting bigger, but Wang Linchi cannot. Therefore, when the water is full, there is no way to continue filling it.

"We have to find a way to obtain resources from such a strict monopoly and control." At this time, Wang Linchi felt the malice and suppression of non-combat awakeners from the Great Jing Dynasty.

As for why this is done, it is naturally to concentrate resources.

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