Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 124 Banyan tree in a ghost village, with human-faced monsters eating up the tree trunk

"This type of ghost is quite new."

Wang Linchi looked at the big banyan tree in the center of the village. In the eyes of others, it must be just a normal and prosperous tree.

In his eyes, the banyan tree is indeed a banyan tree, but it is not thriving, but full of holes. The whole tree has a large number of holes, and these holes are inlaid with semi-illusory human faces.

Every human face is either distorted, broken, or otherwise in some other condition. In short, it can scare people to death just by looking at it.

Fortunately, Wang Linchi also had some experience in the last super giant secret realm that had been blown up, so he was not frightened. It was considered that his experience was not in vain.

After further observation, Wang Linchi discovered that the roots of the banyan tree contained the entire village within its sphere of influence underground, thus creating the illusion of a village.

Wang Linchi stood far away and poked the ghost banyan tree with a stick.

As a result, there was naturally no reaction, and it seemed that he fell into a deep sleep.

Wang Linchi thought about bombing directly with random thoughts, but then he thought again, the strength of such a huge existence should not be underestimated. What if he didn't die?

So he chose timed explosion.

"Before the timer expires, I have to burn this village down...wait a minute, you can't burn it or blow it up!"

At this time, Wang Linchi suddenly realized that this was a big loss.

He was able to successfully kill the ghost banyan tree and wipe out the ghost village. The guarantee was that he had a sophisticated soul seed.

The question is, what does he need a sophisticated soul seed for? It’s not like he doesn’t have one.

On the contrary, if he stuffed all the ghost banyan trees into the soul soup bowl and turned them into soul soup, he would have a large amount of extra resources. Yes, it would be a large amount, not a small amount.

Only in this way can we make the best use of this ghost banyan tree.

The ghost banyan tree looks a little disgusting, almost like a moth-eaten tree, but it can't stand up to the high level of nutrients it can provide.

Besides, it turns into soup when you put it in the bowl, and it won't have any peculiar smell even if you take a bite.

"This is a delicate job." Wang Linchi looked at the ghost banyan tree and thought about where to start.

"The grimace needs to be removed. This soul soup bowl must be useful. What should I do with the banyan tree itself?"

Wang Linchi is not worried about what the ghost banyan tree will do to him when it wakes up. Anyway, he is ready to dig it out.

"First simply test it with the thinking force field." Wang Linchi pretended to be telepathic through the thinking force field, and forcibly pulled a grimace insect off the banyan tree.

"Is it really a bug?!" Wang Linchi looked a little surprised.

The face is indeed a face, but the back half of the face is a big insect, and the big hole in the trunk of the ghost banyan tree also flows out of black pus, exuding a foul smell.

After the Grimace Bug was caught, it woke up instantly and then made a sharp and ear-piercing sound.

Without hesitation, Wang Linchi used his thinking force field to give this thing a big blow, knocking him out instantly.

The good news is that this thing really doesn't bark anymore.

The bad news is that it wakes up the other ghost-faced bugs in the ghost banyan tree too.

All the grimace bugs opened their eyes and stared at Wang Linchi with extremely malicious eyes, which made Wang Linchi's scalp numb.

"It's over, I was scared."

"If I don't boil you all into soup today, I will definitely have nightmares when I sleep at night."

Wang Linchi realized one thing profoundly, that is, if you want to be free from fear, you have to face fear.

Densely packed grimacing bugs crawled down from the banyan tree, dragging black pus towards them to form a torrent of bugs.

"Ah..." Wang Linchi didn't know what to say for a moment.

It was the first time he saw his fool running out of the safe zone.

If these ghost-faced bugs were still living on the ghost banyan tree, Wang Linchi would have to pluck them out from the trunk of the banyan tree one by one. Now that they are fine, he took out the soul soup bowl and stuffed the ghost-faced bug in his hand. Then he pointed the mouth of the bowl at the grimace insect that had fallen down the tree.

"Collect it from me!"

The soul-capturing ability of the soul soup bowl was activated, and the ghost faces were unable to resist at all and were sucked into the soul soup bowl.

Just like a dragon sucking water, wherever the soul-absorbing ability shines, it pulls in all the grimacing insects.

This thing only looks abstract and has a large number. In terms of actual strength, it is only at the white porcelain level. It is impossible to escape the soul-catching ability of the soul soup bowl.

If Wang Linchi was in the ghost banyan tree, he was still worried that the soul soup bowl would identify the ghost banyan tree as well. After leaving, it would be no different than seeking death.

"There's actually a time limit for the Soul Soup Bowl's ability to capture souls on a pay-per-view basis..." Wang Linchi complained.

It takes 100 points of mental power to activate once, and it only lasts for one minute. If you don't take the ghost into the bowl within one minute, it will be considered as you have passed it once, and you will either renew or abort.

But generally speaking, a ghost that can hold on to you for a minute will most likely be able to get out even if it's taken in. There are only a few like Wang Linchi.

Fortunately, Soul Seizing is a range-based attack, rather than catching one and counting it once.

Otherwise, Wang Linchi's mental strength really wouldn't be able to absorb all the Grimace Bugs.

"With the little bug taken care of, you should be able to drink some soup at night. Now let's think about how to make the most of this ghost banyan tree."

After the banyan tree was hollowed out, it seemed to have become an unconscious existence similar to a haunted house.

Well, trees are plants, and they don't react as quickly as animals.

Wang Linchi began to dig at the foot of the tree. A large amount of soil was lifted up, and he quickly found the source of the grimace insect.

"So many corpses."

After sighing with emotion, he dragged all the corpses out and put them aside neatly. After counting, they found that the number of insects on the ghost banyan tree was consistent.

"Essentially, it is not the ghost banyan tree that created the ghost-faced bug, but these unlucky people formed a symbiosis with the banyan tree after they died, which eventually led to the banyan tree turning into ghosts. No, it has not completely turned into ghosts. It is half tree and half tree. Ghost." After further inspection, Wang Linchi came to his own conclusion.

If the banyan tree turns into a ghost, then there will be no insect infestation, but these ghost faces will become part of the banyan tree.

The black, foul-smelling pus in the moths acts as a fusion fluid.

"Then I've made a loss or a profit." Wang Linchi sighed and took out a large chainsaw from the storage space of the Soul Seed Page.

After the wah-la-la started, I started sawing the tree.

According to his guess, the heart of the ghost banyan tree should be a good thing.

However, his move immediately aroused the stress of the ghost banyan tree. Before, it was just catching bugs, which would definitely not hinder the ghost banyan tree. Now if you want to cut it down, you will definitely resist.

Countless banyan tree roots surged up from the ground. Wang Linchi's eyes twitched when he saw this scene.

Then the Soul Seed Page·Xin Yuanyima quickly exploded, and the impact spread, causing all the incoming tentacles to be blown into pieces.

Wang Linchi even used this sudden impact with a chainsaw to cut the ghost banyan tree in half.

With sharp eyes, he saw at a glance the faint light emerging from the two broken branches of the ghost banyan tree.

"The good things are indeed in the heart of the tree, so I won't be polite."

Wang Linchi stretched out his hand and took out the lower half of the tree. Not to mention, this thing was really big, as thick as Wang Linchi's arm.

As half of the tree's heart was taken away, the originally menacing banyan tree roots died down in an instant, obviously cutting off the opponent's energy.

However, the upper part of the tree can still move. Unfortunately, this thing has no attack power, and all the attack power is directed at the lower part of the tree roots.

Wang Linchi took it out very smoothly.

With the death of the ghost banyan tree, the illusion of the ghost village was naturally unable to be maintained. After a period of distortion, the true face of the original dilapidated ruins was revealed.

"Where are the event rewards?"

"Why hasn't it appeared yet? It's not because I haven't finished it yet..."

After Wang Linchi wiped two sections of the tree's heart, he found that no soul seeds had condensed.

There are currently two possibilities. The first is that this incident is too small and is simply not qualified to condense soul seeds.

The second one is the ghost village banyan tree incident, which is probably just a part of a big event. It has not been completely completed, so don't think about it.

"Forget it, with these Grimace Insects and Tree Hearts, it doesn't matter if there are no Soul Seeds." Wang Linchi looked at it with open eyes.

The core of the ghost banyan tree is a treasure of heaven and earth. After eating it, it can greatly improve one's own body and vitality. It can also be eaten for cultivation to speed up the improvement of strength.

Wang Linchi can also use it to refine medicine, but other auxiliary medicines are not easy to find and will take some time.

However, it can increase the potency of the medicine by about two or three times. After all, it is not just the tree heart, but also other natural and earthly treasures. Two or three times is still because he is not good at learning.

Then, he first erased his own traces, then set fire to the trees, bones, and the entire village, and then left.

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