Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 125 What happened to the city ranger and the scholar’s ​​ghost party

"Are these the strange people and strange things in the town?" Wang Linchi took a mouthful of food and then continued to ask the waiter.

After he dealt with the banyan tree in the ghost village, he found a road that seemed to be an official road, and then walked along this road for nearly three hours before he found the town.

This town is not big, but it is quite prosperous.

After entering the town, I learned about the situation through some means, and after forging my identity and obtaining some money, I found a restaurant to eat and asked around.

The reason why we don’t directly inquire about the longevity banquet is because the nature is different.

Jiming Temple is a temple, so there won't be any big problems. However, when you encounter the word "immortality" and inquire about it in such a big way, what if you meet an insider and the other party solves it for you?

"Sir, it's gone. How can there be any strange people or things in this small town like ours?" The waiter in the shop was also surprised. It was the first time he met such a person.

"A little less." Wang Linchi said, handed over a small tip, and then said: "I went out to travel and collected strange people and stories from all over the world in order to compile some weird and strange things. I have been staying in the town for the past few days. After visiting for a few days, if you think of anything else, come and find me."

"Of course, don't make it up, I will verify it later."

The waiter took the tip and immediately smiled brightly on his face: "Don't worry, sir. Don't mention anything else. This is our store. People come and go every day. I will definitely collect everything for you."

If you don’t have money to get it, then it’s just a matter of course. After weighing the weight of the tip, you definitely have to do your best.

After all, this is just the beginning. If the story he tells next is good, this lavish gambler will definitely not be stingy with tips.

"You want to hear about strange people and strange things?"

A bearded man at the next table suddenly spoke, which caught the waiter off guard. When he turned around and looked at his attire, he was obviously a knight-errant.

So he swallowed his words.

The rangers traveled all over the country and saw many ghosts and anecdotes. Naturally, there were many.

"Well, do you have a story?" Wang Linchi asked.

"Yes, yes, but I have been short of money recently. If you can help me, little brother, it wouldn't hurt to tell you." The bearded man said in a loud voice, and he didn't care at all that he was asking Wang Linchi for money. Behavior.

Wang Linchi took out a piece of silver and put it on the table.

"If you don't mind, come over and have a casual meal together, and tell your story by the way."

"If the story is not good, I will treat you to a meal to moisten your stomach. If the story is good, this ingot of silver will be used for tea."

Wang Linchi looked at what the other party was eating, which was a bowl of Yangchun noodles.

Yangchun noodles sound good, but they are actually noodles boiled in water.

It doesn't really taste that good, but it has benefits. It's a big meal and it's cheap.

"Okay, you're welcome to a certain family." The bearded man finished the noodles and soup in his bowl in a few mouthfuls. No, it was more like drinking than eating.

Then without any hesitation, he sat down across from Wang Linchi's table, and without any politeness, he tore off most of the chicken and stuffed it into his mouth.

The bearded man still had some professional qualities. While chewing the meat with bones, he said vaguely: "To say this is strange, it must be the longevity banquet. I think..."

Hearing the words "Eternal Life Banquet", Wang Linchi became nervous. Could this bearded man be here to fish?

He was looking for the Immortal Banquet, and people came.

But Wang Linchi was not the only one who listened to this story. The bearded man was very skillful in what he said. Apparently, when he was hungry on weekdays, he would also work part-time as a storyteller.

The whole process was fascinating, and many diners were listening quietly.

The general story is that a scholar accidentally entered the longevity banquet. However, unlike the scholars in the stories about Wang Linchi's previous life, this scholar did not receive any good treatment, and there was no fairy to take him home. Instead, he became a dish at the longevity banquet.

Because the people in this banquet are not humans, but ghosts.

Ghost kings from all over the world came to the banquet, where they ate on a banquet of human flesh and drank wine of human blood.

The final outcome was that the scholar sneaked away while many ghost kings were going to pick the longevity fruit from the longevity tree. But even so, when escaping, he escaped in order to bribe the evil ghosts who were responsible for guards, gatekeepers, etc. In the end, only half of the body was left.

After the scholar returned home, he had nightmares day and night, and was eventually frightened to death in his dream.

"That's a really good story." Wang Linchi said, pushing the silver coin towards Big Beard, and then continued: "So you came here to find the Immortality Banquet?"

"I'm here to kill ghosts." The bearded man said after swallowing the food in his mouth.

This means that he is not here for the so-called longevity fruit, but for the ghosts at the longevity banquet.

"Can you take me with you? I want to see the Immortal Banquet." Wang Linchi added: "I will be responsible for your expenses on the road."

"If you can't do it, you will become the blood food of ghosts." The bearded man accepted the ingot of silver from Wang Linchi, then shook his head and refused.

In his eyes, Wang Linchi's appearance of tender skin and tender flesh was that of a pampered young master. He could listen to the story, but if he really wanted to follow him on the road, no matter how determined he was, he would become a ghost's meal.

It's true that he is short of money, but he also has a bottom line.

"This bearded man can't take you with him. I can take you to the Immortal Banquet, but this..." A ranger with a sharp face stood up. He was interested in Wang Linchi's net worth.

But before the other party had finished speaking, Wang Linchi declined politely: "You don't even know about the Immortality Banquet, warrior. I'm afraid it will waste time. I won't trouble the warrior until I have something to look for next time."

The main reason is that there is a huge gap between this ranger and the bearded man, not only in terms of knowledge, but also in terms of physique.

The bearded man can stand up to two of the other two. Coupled with the issue of physical strength, the bearded man is more like a hardened regular army, while the ranger who speaks is more like a ruffian.

Why are you looking for someone who doesn't know what he is talking about? If you want to find someone, look for a professional.

"Forget it, let's forget it this time." The other party also heard Wang Linchi's euphemism and didn't bother too much. He just rolled his eyes around, as if he was thinking of something.

Wang Linchi didn't care about the other party, but looked at the bearded man.

The other party completely ignored Wang Linchi's gaze and just ate the dishes on the table as he pleased, as long as he didn't delay his eating.

"Be careful, you're being targeted by that skinny monkey. You'd better find an inn to stay for a few days."

The dishes on the table were swept away, and the bearded man also gave a reminder.

Wang Linchi smiled: "I have a better way, I can hire you to protect me, and I happen to be looking for the Immortal Banquet, which has the same purpose as yours. If the other party wants to attack me, they can't get around you."

"I don't accept it." After the bearded man finished speaking, he stood up and prepared to leave.

If you have a narrow escape from death, why bring others with you to that ghost banquet.

On the ruins of the ghost village, the flames gradually subsided.

A fierce ghost in black robe looked at the burned ghost banyan tree with a gloomy expression.

"Damn it, who burned the Changsheng Yin?"

"Without the longevity guide, how can we hold the longevity banquet?"

The Immortality Banquet happens once every hundred years. The cannibalism of the ghost kings in the front is just a ritual. What is really needed is to use the immortality to summon the longevity tree. At that time, the ghost kings will pick the longevity fruit and take it, which can increase their Yin life for hundreds of years and extend their own life. Continuous escape from total death.

Ghosts naturally have a lifespan.

"The Immortality Banquet is less than a month away, so we can only use blood sacrifice to practice a new Immortality Yin. Otherwise, it will delay the life extension of the ghost kings, and I will have no way to survive." The black-robed Li Gui did not expect that before the Immortality Yin matured, he In three days, something like this would happen.

"Don't let me find out who it is, otherwise I will definitely skin you!"

The black-robed ghost cursed bitterly, and then drifted away.

Immortality inducing requires human raw materials. After the ghost banyan tree matures, the heart of the tree has completely absorbed the human souls of a village. Coupled with the fermentation of time, it can become a special incense that induces the longevity tree to lower its branches. It only needs to be lit to take effect.

Now that it has failed, there is a way to remedy it. By massacring a large number of human beings and combining various human parts with human souls to form a poor-quality immortality. The advantage is that it takes a short time and has quick results.

If quality is not enough, quantity will make up for it. Under normal circumstances, ghosts will not massacre people. After all, people also have corresponding coping capabilities. Especially not long ago, it was said that a group of people from outside the territory appeared and were able to possess Compared to the ghost king's power, this gave all the ghost kings a headache, thinking about how to kill these outsiders.

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