Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 126: At the entrance of the village, kill with a knife

The bearded man's name is Chen Wen, a name that doesn't match his physical appearance.

From the communication with the other party, Wang Linchi could also tell something about the situation. The other party should have a good background, at least from a scholarly family.

Just why he became a knight-errant, Wang Linchi could also figure it out from behind the scenes.

The vast majority of people do not choose to become a ranger. Most of them are unappreciated side bastards, people who cannot survive, or simply ruffians.

Who would want to leave their hometown and wander around if they can live a stable life.

To put it romantically, he is called a knight-errant, but to put it worse, he is a tramp.

The Chen Wen in front of him was in a state similar to that of a homeless man. He usually helped people get rid of ghosts to earn some traveling expenses, but after reducing the base number, there were not so many ghosts to speak of.

In the town where they are located, there has been no ghost incident for several years. The last time was ten years ago. Yes, it was the ghost village Banyan Tree. As a result, the thing did not move after it destroyed the entire village. Until now, people I almost forgot about this.

Otherwise, if there were ghosts and monsters all over the place, how could people survive to this day? I'm afraid it has already become a ghost world.

"Although you have good physical strength, you will still die if you follow me." Chen Wen stopped. Wang Linchi had been following him for two hours, and he had not fallen behind during this period. This could be regarded as his reluctant recognition of Wang Linchi.

"You have a better life, why risk your own life."

"You can read books and go for an outing. There is always something more interesting than watching ghosts."

Chen Wen warned Wang Linchi with some earnest words, hoping to make Wang Linchi give up the idea of ​​following him through a better life.

"No, I think ghosts are more interesting." Wang Linchi recalled the place where the rebels massacred the city. He didn't have enough strength to read and go out for fun. At most, he could only become one of the many corpses.

"..." Chen Wen felt that this young man couldn't get enough of him.

"You can follow me, but you have to pay." He finally gave up persuading Wang Linchi and asked for money instead.

All I can say is that we try our best to protect him, and there is nothing we can do about it no matter how much Chen Wen does.

"Here." Wang Linchi took out another large ingot of silver and handed it to the other party. To him, things like gold, silver, and jewelry had no value at all.

It's similar to the way the Great Scenery court used money to fool those black iron-level awakened people. They are not stupid. Soul seeds and heavenly materials and earthly treasures can be exchanged for money, but how much money can be exchanged for soul seeds and heavenly materials and earthly treasures? The two are not of equal status.

So this thing makes no sense at all.

Chen Wen looked at Wang Linchi carefully. He had just seen Wang Linchi reach into his arms and take out such a large ingot of silver.

So the question is, how did the other party do it? The clothes don't seem to be able to hold so many things.

After hesitating for a while, he finally didn't speak.

"Let's go." After getting the money, Chen Wen immediately became decisive.

The reason why he planned to leave was naturally because he didn't want to cause trouble.

Wang Linchi showed off his wealth before and was targeted by local rangers or gangsters. They had been walking in the town for so long, so there must be someone following them. Wang Linchi took out a bigger ingot to attract attention. .

What will happen next is naturally self-evident.

Wang Linchi did not refute, but followed Chen Wen and left quickly.

But it was still too late after all.

At the entrance of the town, the middle-aged man with a sharp face was following a strong man obsequiously.

In addition, there were more than ten people holding swords, guns and clubs.

"Brother, you have crossed the line. Here..." The strong man at the head looked at Wang Linchi with greed in his eyes.

Two ingots of silver, one big and one small, can keep him cool for a long time.

As for the two foreigners who died, as long as they died outside the town and they dealt with it thoroughly, no one would stand up for these foreigners.

The other party talked a lot, meaning that handing over the money would free them up.

As for arrogantly insulting each other, the strong man at the head still knows what's good. Chen Wen can travel all over the country without dying, and with his burly body, if he really wants to take action, even if he can't beat them all, if he is held down, he will die. If you fight, you can't bear it.

"If you're done, let's get out of the way." Chen Wen took off the baggage behind his back and saw a ring-headed knife being pulled out by him.

The knife has been well maintained and shines brightly at first glance.

This scene frightened the other party.

Both sides were too big. The size and weight of Anhuan's first sword alone were not on the same level as what they had in hand. If they were to hit each other for a while, even the back of the sword would be uncomfortable.

In Chen Wen's situation, it was obviously impossible to use the back of a knife to deal with them.

"Humph, this is..." The strong man at the head knew that he could not retreat, so he wanted to rely on his identity and geographical location to strengthen his courage.

As a result, before he finished speaking, Chen Wen was already close, raised his sword and cut off the opponent's head, and blood splashed out like a fountain.

Chen Wen seemed to have a lot of experience with this, so he was very keen and avoided being splashed with blood.

"Kill...kill someone!!!"


When the headless corpse fell, the people who followed this man couldn't help but disperse.

"It's useless to reason with these ruffians. This is the only way to shut them up as quickly as possible." Chen Wen and Wang Linchi explained.

Wang Linchi also nodded. It was just one person who died. He had seen massacres in cities, let alone dead people.

The two of them quickly disappeared from the entrance of the town, and the headless bodies were quickly cleaned up after the two of them left.

"Do you rely on this knife to kill ghosts?" Wang Linchi asked.

Chen Wen shook his head and denied: "No, it just makes me kill ghosts more efficiently."

"Then what did you use to kill him?" Wang Linchi asked curiously.

But Chen Wen hesitated again and again, and then said: "No need to ask, no need to know, we are not in the same world as you."

"Are you referring to some method that is too cruel or painful?"

"You happened to have experienced it too, so you warned me not to pursue it." Wang Linchi guessed it at once.

Just like in the last super giant secret realm, people relied on the incantations left by the Buddha to form specialized equipment to deal with demons, ghosts and gods. This world also has ways to fight ghosts, but this method is not very good and has a certain torturous nature.

"Yes." Chen Wen did not intend to elaborate. It was not that he was stingy or stingy, but that he saw Wang Linchi's temperament and was worried that the other party would pursue this dangerous power.

If it is not necessary, there is no need to come into contact with this ominous power.

"Oh, where should we go next?" Wang Linchi asked.

"Go to Xiancun." Chen Wen briefly summarized.

"Xiancun?" Wang Linchi looked a little weird. Of course he knew where Xiancun was. It was the ghost village that he burned down.

"Yes, I found out that Xian Village became a ghost village because it was favored by the Ghost King. After being massacred, it was used as the carrier of the Immortal Yin. It will take at most three days for the Immortal Yin to mature."

"If we want to control those ghost kings to enter the longevity banquet, we must have the longevity guide in our hands, so that the ghost kings can use the weapon to avoid rats."

Chen Wen said calmly, he did not hide this.

"What if there is no longevity guide?" Wang Linchi's heart skipped a beat. The entire village and the ghost banyan trees were burned down by him. As for the ghost-faced bugs, they have almost completely transformed.

"That would be troublesome. They will carry out a massacre and create new immortals in the shortest possible time."

"The Changsheng Yin is not a new thing, it is made by people." Chen Wen frowned. He didn't understand why Wang Linchi asked this.

"I see, what is the Immortal Yin?" Wang Linchi asked.

"Incense, a special kind of incense, can induce the longevity tree to drop its branches after being lit. The more quality and quantity of incense, the better, then the better the longevity branches will be, and the longevity fruit will be better. The more." Because Wang Linchi wanted to collect these stories, Chen Wen told them all.

Of course, these things are not big secrets, many people and ghosts know about them.

Otherwise, how could he find out.

"I see. If the other party carries out a massacre, will they choose the town we were in before?" Wang Linchi asked again.

"No, there are too few people in the town and they are not qualified." Chen Wen looked at Wang Linchi with a strange look. Why are you bringing up such an unlucky topic?

Who can take away the Immortality Guide? The Immortality Guide gestates people, but during this process, it will turn into a special form of ghost, which cannot be killed by ordinary people.

He didn't even have much confidence in solving Chen Wen.

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