Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 128 Ranger, Ghost Tattoo

Three days later, Chen Wen and Wang Linchi arrived at the lively Xuancheng.

Wang Linchi had a rare moment of leisure, while Chen Wen was running around outside all day long.

It seems that a lot of rangers have gathered.

These rangers are not the level of ruffians. They are all people like Chen Wen, who have vicissitudes of life and can kill ghosts.

Wang Linchi has also seen them all. Some of them have extremely terrifying evil spirits, and their strength may have reached the peak of orichalcum level.

The weapons used by these rangers were each heavier than the last. Wang Linchi thought that Chen Wen's use of the Huanshou Sword was a hobby, but he did not expect that it was a tradition.

From the Xuanhua ax to the purple gold hammer, as well as door-panel swords, large Zen staffs, etc., the main theme is a person who uses his power to overwhelm others.

And they seemed to recognize Wang Linchi as Chen Wen's apprentice, and they would make fun of him from time to time, but there was nothing outrageous about him.

It took a total of ten days to recruit people from Xiancun to Xuancheng, and it was rare for Chen Wen to take a break.

"Thank you for your support during these days." Chen Wen said somewhat abruptly.

"You're welcome. I'm also helping myself. After all, if I really enter the Immortal Banquet, I have to rely on you to protect me." What Wang Linchi said is true.

He won't take action if he can.

The money doesn't belong to him anyway, so he doesn't feel bad about spending it.

"This time I basically had a narrow escape from death, so I still want to say one last thing, can you please not go? If I can come back alive, I will bring you a longevity fruit." Chen Wen said calmly.

Wang Linchi gave him too much, and Chen Wen was really embarrassed to ask Wang Linchi to follow him to the Immortality Banquet. It was just a nice name, but it was actually a ghost banquet.

"I have to go." Wang Linchi said.

He also wanted to sit back and enjoy the results, but he was not allowed to do the secret realm tasks. The most basic thing was to participate in the longevity banquet and then pick an longevity fruit. This meant that he had to do it himself, and help from others did not count.

Chen Wen was silent for a long time, and finally said: "Okay, I don't know why you insist on going to the Immortality Banquet, but in order to allow you to survive, I need to give you some power to protect yourself."

"It must be a ghost." Wang Linchi said.

"You guessed it, that's right. After contacting them these days, even if they don't tell you, you can still get some clues." Chen Wen said, pulling off his shirt, revealing a ferocious tattoo all over his body.

This tattoo is a vivid ghost.

"A true ranger is one who controls the power of ghosts."

"We capture the ghost and turn it into ghost juice through special means, and then tattoo it on the skin. As time goes by, the tattoo will gradually return to the original ghost appearance, and at this time you can have Everything about this ghost.”

"This kind of power is what we call ghost pattern."

"However, this is not without cost. Once the ghost pattern is tattooed, it will continue to consume Yangshou. This process will not stop until it takes shape."

"So the life span of most rangers is actually not very long. Those who can live to be thirty years old are already very old."

Following Chen Wen's explanation, Wang Linchi also understood the cause and effect. He actually had no feelings about being able to live to be thirty years old. Not to mention the living, hygienic and other conditions of this secret realm, in fact, death at thirty is not much different. After all, the average life span Set there.

"So you once ate a longevity fruit and gained ten years of longevity?" Wang Linchi asked curiously.

"No, I'm only twenty-eight." Chen Wen said.

"???" Wang Linchi was a little bit confused. With Chen Wen's appearance, even if he said he was forty, people would believe him.

"I originally used ghost-eating techniques as ghost patterns, but I received backlash, which is why I am so mature." Chen Wen said.

Dharma-eating ghosts are a special kind of ghost. They are not evil ghosts, but rather resemble good ghosts.

Dharma-eating ghosts often appear in places where people preach good things. When they hear good Dharma being preached, they will feel less hungry.

As for why Chen Wen turned into a ghost pattern, Wang Linchi didn't want to explore these things.

"That's exactly what it is. Do you want to get an immortality fruit to extend your life?" Wang Linchi thought about this.

"No, I just want to kill the Ghost King." Chen Wen wanted to do something big because he didn't have long to live.

A ranger who can live to be thirty years old is considered to have a long life, but that does not mean that all rangers can live to be thirty.

Chen Wen understands his situation. He will only have two to three months at most, and he will definitely die by then.

He also thought about extending his life, but gave up.

If you have the Immortality Guide, you might be able to get it.

Now he is using the longevity fruit as a bait in a big way to lure other rangers into the game, so that even if there are any, they will not fall into his hands.

I really thought that the longevity fruit was so good that if they could grab one at this banquet, they would be considered a winner.

There is more than one ranger who needs to extend his life, so the fruit will naturally not be enough.

Chen Wen didn't care what would happen next. What he cared about was killing the Ghost King.

"So what do you want to say? Give me a ghost tattoo for self-defense?" Wang Linchi asked.

Chen Wen couldn't have told him this for no reason, it must have been foreshadowing.

"Yes, I found a ghost. Although it is not as good as my Dharma-eating ghost, it is not dangerous and can consume up to one year of life." Chen Wen said.

The ghosts made into ghost patterns are different, and the lifespan consumed is naturally different.

Wang Linchi was also a little surprised, but he was not interested in it.

With his character, even if he wanted ghost patterns, he couldn't choose an ordinary ghost. If he had to choose, he would choose the Ghost King.

"What the hell? You can actually be so interested in me." Wang Linchi did not refuse immediately, but asked about the situation first. After all, it was Chen Wen's heartfelt wish.

"You should also know about the ghost in the examination room," Chen Wen said.

He gave Wang Linchi a ghost record, which recorded a lot of ghost information.

People who failed in the imperial examinations and died in depression, because they did not pass the examinations and had resentment in their hearts, turned into ghosts and often appeared in the scholars' study rooms.

This is the origin of the ghost in the examination room.

This ghost is more of a prank, like messing up books, pens, ink, paper and inkstones.

Most exam ghosts just want to entrust their last wishes to others. These ghosts will not harm people, but sometimes they will give great help to candidates.

After all, ghosts also have likes and dislikes, so they can't help everyone.

There are definitely disadvantages. Exam ghosts always love to drop books, and they don’t care whether their own thoughts and articles are out of date. Therefore, if the exam ghosts who died too early teach students to read, they are likely to suffer because their articles are out of date or inappropriate. As a result, it not only failed to teach the current dynasty's elegant administration, but also hindered the other party.

When Wang Linchi heard this, he became a little interested, and then asked directly: "If it turns into a ghost pattern, what abilities will it have?"

This thing seems to be related to learning. Can it improve my learning and research abilities?

"I don't know, no one of the rangers I know chooses to be a ghost in the examination room." Chen Wen said simply and clearly. The reason is naturally that he has no good abilities.

Although the law-eating ghost on his body is not an evil ghost, it still has many supernatural powers and belongs to the first-class ghost pattern.

The ghost pattern itself has no levels, but it will be divided according to the ability of the ghost pattern, which is divided by the rangers themselves.

Examination hall ghosts belong to the third class, which is the lowest level. Some rangers made ghost patterns out of them, but the effect was not ideal, so it was not widely spread.

What Wang Linchi actually wants more is a soul-capturing ghost, a reggae that can fly, fight in close combat, and guide thunder and lightning. To put it another way, the spirit among ghosts specializes in borrowing human aura to tell myths and do ghost things. So can supernatural ghosts.

The exam ghost was really not among his options.

After all, you have come here, how can you just choose a ghost that is useless.

After all, this thing is a tattoo, and it hurts a lot.

If Wang Linchi doesn't want it later, he will have to peel off the skin himself.

I'm not afraid of hurting him. It's mainly trouble. It's better to do it in one step.

"Are you dissatisfied? The exam ghosts are indeed a little bit behind. Strong ghosts are easy to find, but you can't bear the consumption of life span."

"If there are no ghost marks, and you enter the Immortal Banquet, your identity as a living person will be exposed immediately, just like the scholar in my story, you will become a meal."

"If you don't go, there will be no worries." Chen Wen could tell when he saw Wang Linchi's appearance.

"Then let's take down the ghost in the examination room first, and let's talk about the ghost pattern later." Wang Linchi was still relatively dissatisfied.

"Okay, let's do as you say first." Chen Wen didn't force it. He was also very ambitious back then, and that's why he chose the Dharma-Eating Ghost.

As for the future, he will not interfere with Wang Linchi, regardless of whether Wang Linchi wants to get tattoos of ghost tattoos and examination hall ghosts.

Even if he didn't get tattoos and wanted to go to the Immortal Banquet, Chen Wen wouldn't stop him. He had already tried to persuade him, but there was nothing he could do if he couldn't persuade him.

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