Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 129: The Ghost in the Examination Hall Gives Me the Technique, and the Ghost King's Pat

The ghost in the examination room was wearing an official uniform and hat, and he looked very dignified.

When Wang Linchi first met, they thought they were looking for the wrong person.

After all, this temperament is indeed very unique, and coupled with his speech and behavior, it is easy to deceive people.

The ghost in the examination hall likes to live in officialdom, so he found official uniforms and hats from nowhere.

This exam ghost was very weak and a little dazed. When they met, Chen Wen lied to him and said he had found a student for him.

So he leaned close to Wang Linchi, thinking about the assessment while holding his airs, and eagerly asked Wang Linchi if he was a boy or a scholar.

Anyway, after just a few words, I believed it.

Wang Linchi was too embarrassed to do anything.

In the end, we can only settle down first.

The other party was harmless to him and had no interest entanglements. Wang Linchi killed the other party in a daze, which really improved his few moral bottom lines.

Chen Wen naturally doesn't care. His attitude is quite obvious. He has always advocated that humans and ghosts are incompatible. However, his idea is to restrain himself, not to impose it on others.

"What you mean is that you are already an official, and you were once in charge of a state's finances." The exam ghost looked at Wang Linchi suspiciously.

"That's right, so I don't need to take the imperial examination." Wang Linchi was really annoyed by the exam hall today and couldn't help it.

The other party brought in various classics and prepared to explain the words to him. The idea was good, but Wang Linchi was not free at all.

In addition to training, the recent Soul Seed Energy Diversion Project was quite urgent, so I simply told some lies and used my previous experience in the Soul Seed Division to fool him.

"This... Then why did they ask me to accept you as a student?" The exam ghost was also confused. After all, the development of the matter was beyond his expectation.

"Let's learn from each other's strong points and make up for our shortcomings. Let you help me with something useful, and I will support you in the future." Wang Linchi said in a different way.

The exam ghost should have certain abilities, such as being keen on books, articles, etc. Otherwise, how could he find so many books.

"Hey, that sounds interesting."

"But I've become a ghost, how can you help me?" The ghost in the examination room is not stupid. He is dead. At most, he can only find an official uniform and hat to satisfy himself. Where can he be an official?

"Well..." Wang Linchi found that he seemed to be a bit out of control. Fooling had to be technical. How could the other party believe Wang Linchi's perfunctory fooling.

"Actually, they want me to be your ghost mark, but you don't like me, right?" The examination ghost muttered.

Hearing this, Wang Linchi was also quite surprised: "You actually know that you don't look so stupid."

"I have read some books about knights, and there are records in them." said the exam ghost.

"Then if you keep leaning on me, if you don't run away quickly, your life will be gone by then. You are not one of those vicious ghosts. You won't be able to survive even under the sword of the ranger." Wang Linchi asked curiously.

This examination room ghost doesn't seem to be that simple.

"I think you look like a good scholar. If I can persuade you to return to the right path, why bother hanging out with those reckless men?"

The purpose of the exam ghost was to get Wang Linchi to study with him and eventually gain fame.

"The problem is that I don't need to take the merit test, I already have an official status." Wang Linchi spread his hands to show that he was not telling lies.

"Since you have an official status, why did you join those reckless men? You look like this. If you are a pampered person on weekdays, if you go to attend the longevity banquet, you will be buried in the belly of ghosts." The ghost in the examination room was trying to persuade Wang Linchi to return to normal. way'.

"Well, this is a decree, don't ask." Wang Linchi sighed and said.

"Could it be that the emperor gave you an order?" The ghost in the examination hall suddenly thought about it.

"Well, the nature is similar." Wang Linchi did not say directly, the secret realm was much stronger than the emperor.

"So, you can understand. It seems that the emperor still feels that the longevity fruit obtained every year is not enough." The ghost in the examination room also sighed.

"Wait a minute, you said the emperor took longevity fruit?!" Wang Linchi seemed to have gotten some incredible news from the ghost in the examination room.

"Of course it is. He is the emperor, so the longevity fruit is naturally not a rare thing. The current emperor has ruled the world for tens of thousands of years." The ghost in the examination room is a little strange. You don't know this, how can you serve the emperor.

Wang Linchi felt a little scared for a moment.

Before meeting the imperial examination ghost, he actually didn't have a deep understanding of the secret realm of the imperial court, and he didn't even feel that it existed.

But now when he looked again, he seemed to have discovered a darker and deeper hidden existence.

Ghost patterns, longevity fruit, rangers, etc. Under this series of events, people were raised by ghosts. Is there really no interference from the court?

The emperor of this dynasty is the founder of the country. How could he rise up in a dangerous place surrounded by evil spirits and conquer such a huge empire?

Under normal circumstances, with the extraordinary means of ghost patterns and the existence of man-eating ghosts, it is unlikely that ghost patterns will be used by rangers, but directly used by the imperial army. As long as it becomes an organizational unit, it will be completely A situation that can snowball.

As for the restrictions on talking about ghosts, this is a bit nonsense. A group of wandering rangers can use ghost patterns and they haven't died yet. Doesn't the imperial court have this ability?

Wang Linchi might have felt this way before, but not now. It was more that the behemoth of the imperial court was hidden under the iceberg, and only a tip of it was exposed.

Just like the Divine Dynasty in the previous secret realm, he was in a remote area, so he could not directly feel the horror of the Divine Dynasty. He could indirectly see it through the divine book that transformed the God of White Wind.

"This... looks like this, maybe it's because I'm not qualified." Wang Linchi explained.

The exam ghost didn't care about this, and then said: "Since you have important matters and you don't like me, why don't we make a deal."

"You help me return to my hometown to visit my parents, wife and children, and I will teach you a ghost pattern technique that can arrest the ghost king."

Ghosts are not divided by strength, and ghost kings are just another name for those ghosts who are powerful and can dominate.

This means that this ghost pattern method can use powerful ghosts as one's own ghost patterns.

"Excuse me, how many years have you been a ghost?" Wang Linchi asked. If he had died just a year or two ago, or even ten years ago, he could still be found, but if he had been dead for forty or fifty years, it would be difficult.

"It's been three hundred and five years." The ghost in the examination hall said faintly.

"Do you think this joke is funny?" Wang Linchi complained.

The ghost in the examination room failed in the imperial examination and died in a foreign land. Naturally, he was buried on the spot. He could no longer return to his hometown.

In his condition, even visiting his parents, wife and children, it would be difficult for Wang Linchi to find a grave.

"You don't have to find him, you just need to go to my old house for me. Regardless of whether the old house is here or not, just serve me three cups of turbid wine." The ghost in the examination room did not embarrass Wang Linchi.

"Okay, I'll follow your words, but if things change in the past three hundred years..." Wang Linchi means that maybe your hometown is gone, and there's nothing he can do about it.

"It doesn't matter." The ghost in the examination room is just a wish. Although the imperial examination is his obsession, he can't let go of his family, even though three hundred years have passed.

Afterwards, the ghost in the examination hall told Wang Linchi the direction and location of his home, and asked him to inquire more on his own to avoid taking the wrong path. After all, three hundred years have passed, and who knows what it will become.

He also told him what to say and do when he got to the place, etc.

Finally, he said: "This ghost pattern technique was accidentally obtained by me a hundred years ago. I don't know the name of this technique, but the ranger who uses it is extraordinary."

"The ghost captured by the other party is a powerful ghost king with wisdom roots. Later, his ghost marks were formed, which gave him the indestructible body of a vajra, the power of nine oxen and two tigers, and the wisdom of Prajna. He was called a giant at that time. Lingke."

The ghost in the examination hall first boasted a lot, and then taught Wang Linchi the content of the ghost pattern method.

When Wang Linchi listened to the ghost pattern method, he realized that there were so many twists and turns in it.

Chen Wen agreed to help Wang Linchi obtain the ghost pattern, but did not give him the ghost pattern method. This meant that he would help and not let Wang Linchi know the content of the ghost pattern method.

Therefore, this ghost pattern technique is the first ghost pattern technique that Wang Linchi has obtained.

"In other words, this ghost pattern method is suitable for the powerful ghost king. If you want to fully utilize it, you have to find a powerful ghost king?" Wang Linchi seemed to understand something.

Each ghost pattern method corresponds to a different ghost. The ability of a ghost pattern is not limited to the ghost itself, but also requires a suitable ghost pattern method.

"That's the truth. It's not impossible to misuse it, but it will reduce the power of the ghost pattern. This is what the giant spirit guest said at the beginning." Naturally, the ghost in the examination room didn't know. After all, he was also a ghost, and he was not the creator of the ghost pattern method. By.

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