Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 133: Branches for Extending Life, Secrets of the Royal Family·The Method of Holding Snake Bo

Wang Linchi gave Chen Wen an amulet-like Horcrux that had the Great Light Mantra, Fu Kong Suo Vairocana Buddha's Great Initiation Light Mantra, engraved in miniature in the last super giant secret realm. It was an epic-level Horcrux. It has the five abilities of killing evil, warding off evil, illuminating, empowering, and majesty.

Not to mention evil-killing and evil-proofing, light means carrying light attribute damage when attacking. It can take effect at the same time as evil-killing, causing ten times the damage to non-human creatures. If you add attributes such as darkness or evil, it will directly turn into Hundreds of times the damage.

Initiation is to increase recovery ability, while majesty is to increase temperament. After killing enough non-human creatures, it can form a force similar to deterrence.

Wang Linchi originally made ten of these amulets. The difficulty was not in the amulet, but in the Great Light Mantra, the Great Initiation Light Mantra of Buddha Vairochana. Without this mantra, this amulet was nothing.

But the cost is not low. After all, it is not easy to find the materials to be able to carry the Great Light Spell.

After the transaction between the two parties, Chen Wen felt a little embarrassed and took the initiative to provide Wang Linchi with some information, and Wang Linchi accepted it calmly.

Later, the two sides parted ways.

Chen Wen is going to deliver the longevity fruit to the court and use his identity to eliminate their affairs, otherwise they will be wanted.

After all, what they did was destroying a production line of longevity fruit produced by the imperial court. How could they tolerate this?

As for Wang Linchi, he planned to study the ghost pattern method and at the same time go find the ghost that Chen Wen gave him, and he also had to pour wine for the hometown of the ghost in the examination room.

Fortunately, the hometown of that ghost and the examination hall ghost are not far apart, so we only need to delay for a few more days.

Finally, the longevity banquet incident was settled.

He obtained an epic soul seed of life and plant systems.

[Life Soul Seed/Plant Soul Seed·Life Extension Branch (Epic Level)]

[Longevity: lifespan increased by 20%]

[Youth: Reduce the aging speed by 20%]

[Vitality: Recovery ability increased by 20%]

[Buozhuo: Disease resistance increased by 20%]

[Qingsong: In a place with strong plants, all attributes are increased by 15%]

In fact, the effect is very good, especially the effect of increasing the life span by 20%. Every time the awakened person breaks through, his own life span will increase, and then the percentage will naturally increase.

In Wang Linchi's situation, he can increase his life span by about a hundred years, which is comparable to two longevity fruits. If he continues to break through, his life span will be increased even more.

His lifespan is quite peculiar. It is naturally impossible for a normal black iron level to increase its lifespan by four hundred years, only two hundred years at most. He broke through with an unnatural 111 points of mental power, not only gaining an abnormal 10,000 points. The upper limit of mental power also gives you an extra two hundred years of life.

Therefore, his current life span is five hundred years, reaching the level of orichalcum level.

"It's somewhat useful, but not very useful." Wang Linchi sighed. This soul seed is more suitable for awakened people who are dying but unable to break through.

They already have a long lifespan, and 20% more lifespan is enough for them to fight again.

The only pity is that there is an extra plant type, which is directly cheated. If the last green pine effect is to increase toxin resistance or resistance, the price can be higher.

Yes, green pine is of plant origin.

Wang Linchi also knew that since the Immortal Tree itself was the center of the incident, it was normal to have a plant system, even if the Immortal Tree might not be a real tree.

"When I have a chance in the future, I'll see if I can analyze it." Wang Linchi now has no worries about life expectancy, so he has no need.

As for recovery ability and disease resistance, Wang Linchi wanted it. It was obviously not cost-effective to invest a lot of energy just for the effects of these two entries. It would be better to study the orichalcum chapter of "Power Ghost Soul Forging Method" directly. After all, the percentage The power of bonuses is that you have to be strong first.

"There are still three longevity fruits, what should I do with them?" Wang Linchi was thinking about this.

One of them must be used as a sacrifice to extend his time limit in the secret realm. He has already passed more than a month of these three months.

As for extending his life, Wang Linchi doesn't consider it. Ten years of life is not very attractive to him now.

As long as they are not killed or poisoned or infected with diseases, they can live for more than four hundred years without any disease or disaster.

After all, longevity does not mean immortality, and there are not so many preferential treatment.

Fortunately, he does not seek immortality, nor does he become immortal first and then become stronger. His lifespan is a bonus he gets after becoming stronger. There is an essential difference between the two.

"If there are two more, one of them will be used to offset the life span caused by the ghost pattern."

"Just keep the last one for research. It would be best if you can come up with some tricks. It doesn't matter if you can't. You can feed it to ghosts or sell it when the time comes."

"If it really doesn't work, I can just chew it by myself. Anyway, the diaphragm should return to the diaphragm, and it won't delay me from becoming stronger."

A ten-year lifespan is one-fiftieth of his lifespan, and it is also a long time. It has only been two decades since he traveled to the present.

After searching the longevity banquet venue again, there really wasn't anything good, so Wang Linchi left slowly.

It seems that the output of soul weapons in this secret realm is not many, but mainly soul seeds.

The main thing is to kill ghosts. The only treasure of heaven and earth is the longevity fruit. The other things are a little bit off the table.

Wang Linchi was also a little helpless about this, but fortunately he was not an orthodox awakener, and the ghost pattern system in this world could also make him stronger.

The disadvantage is that you may have to do some research.

He already has two ghost pattern methods in his hand. If he collects more in the future, there shouldn't be many problems.

One article is a method given by the ghost in the examination room to restrain the powerful ghost king, and the other is a method given by Chen Wen to arrest the snake bone woman. The difference is that Chen Wen not only gave the position of the snake bone woman in many places, but also gave Wang Linchi the snake As long as the detailed information about the snake bone woman is used properly, ordinary people can turn this snake bone woman into their own ghost pattern.

The snake bone woman is somewhat similar to the tomb ghost. They both guard graves. The only difference is that the former guards her husband's grave, while the latter guards her own grave.

Grave ghosts are ghosts that haunt cemeteries. They are very peaceful ghosts and generally do not harm people.

They like to wait quietly in the tomb for reincarnation and do not like to be harassed by others, so they often make small jokes with those who harass them to keep them away from the cemetery.

Sometimes, they will also give some tomb treasures to people they recognize, but if they steal them without permission, they will be haunted by the tomb ghosts.

At the same time, tomb ghosts have the ability to entrust dreams. When they are short of items in the underworld, they will entrust dreams to their descendants so that they can pay homage to them.

So most of the time, grave ghosts don't harm people.

The Snake Bone Woman is completely different. She will control two snakes, one green and one red, to attack everyone who is near her husband's tomb.

Many members of the royal family will make their concubines into snake-bone women to protect their tombs.

This method of restraining the Snake Bone Woman is probably a royal secret. After the Snake Bone Woman turns into a ghost pattern, what she obtains is not the ability of the Snake Bone Woman, but the ability to activate the Snake Bone Woman's ghost pattern to form a spirit-like body. According to the situation, using this to protect the ghost-marked person is equivalent to having an extra guardian spirit.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Linchi chose to exchange with Da Guangming Talisman and Chen Wen. If it happened, his safety would be greatly improved.

Wang Linchi has no shortage of long-range attacks, but he is really not good at close combat.

If he really had this snake bone ghost pattern, he wouldn't be afraid of fighting.

Of course, it would be better if it could be a reggae, not only capable of melee combat, but also capable of spell attacks.

But the possibility is not high. The ghost pattern of the snake bone woman can show the way of a guardian spirit, mainly due to the ability of the snake bone woman to protect her husband's tomb. If it were a reggae, it would not be able to form a guardian spirit at all.

Debt ghosts should also be able to do it, but they tend to be auxiliaries and assistants, which should be more demanding than snake bone ghost patterns.

This is suspected to be a royal secret. If you want to make a ghost pattern using the Snake Bone Po Method, the person receiving the pattern must be a male, and the debtor ghost must probably be the benefactor of the other party or have given favors to the debtor ghost, so that it can form a guardian. The Secret Tradition of Spiritual Style.

"It's just this secret, why is no one using it?" Wang Linchi suddenly thought of such a thing.

On second thought, it was probably because he disliked his inability to master the ghost's abilities.

After all, not everyone is like Wang Linchi, and their attitude towards ghost patterns is to assist rather than serve as the main combat force.

In this secret realm, ghost patterns are their foundation. After becoming a guardian spirit-style ghost pattern, they will also lose the ability to transform into ghosts, which is equivalent to being unable to obtain the full power of ghosts.

Of course, there may also be other reasons. After all, unlike the mainstream, the niche definitely has its niche reasons.

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