Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 134 Fox Ghost, Xu Family’s Baojiaxian

Yuancheng, the hometown of ghosts in the examination room.

Wang Linchi quickly found the place according to the address given to him, but the place had long been abandoned, and now only a mansion that had become overgrown with weeds remained.

It can also be seen from this that the ghosts in the examination room are very aggrieved. Given the size of this mansion, it is a scholarly family.

However, it is strange that this thing can last for three hundred years without being occupied or damaged.

Wang Linchi didn't ask what happened. He just came to pour a glass of wine to pay homage. He didn't even think about revenge.

It's been three hundred years, and even if you want to help, the enemy on the other side has long since died.

After pouring the wine, he planned to leave. After taking two steps, he suddenly realized that his vision was a little strange.

When he turned around again, the deserted mansion turned into that magnificent appearance, which made him frown.

‘Are you so unlucky? I turned around and saw a ghost. ’ How could Wang Linchi not know his situation clearly?

The probability of a ghost covering one's eyes is not high, but an illusion is possible.

"Young master, are you here for the Xu family?" came a voice.

I saw a big fox wearing a scholar's robe standing at the door.

This was exactly a fox ghost, but it seemed a little weird in appearance, different from the fox ghost he met before.

The fox ghost before was like a wild beast, with a strong sense of choosing people to devour.

But the one in front of me was different. On the contrary, it looked like a domestic one, with a strong bookish air.

It is very likely that this fox ghost was carefully raised by the Xu family and became the Xu family's guardian fairy, so he looks like a scholar.

"I got acquainted with Xu Lian, the third son of the Xu family, who died in a foreign land three hundred years ago. Xu Lian was so depressed that he eventually turned into a ghost in the examination room. He was taught by him. Now I have come here to offer him a glass of wine in his hometown." Wang Linchi was also surprised when he saw this. Got an idea.

The fox ghost who became the Baojiaxian was much more valuable than the wild fox ghost, but he also had doubts. Logically speaking, with the Baojiaxian here, the Xu family should not only be rich and noble, but also have a long life. Why now? It became like this.

"Although I don't know Xu Lian, I have seen him in the family tree, and it is indeed three hundred years ago." The fox ghost responded, and then said: "If you don't mind, you can come to the house to have a rest, and it will be treated as the Xu family's three The young master received him."

After hearing the other party's invitation, Wang Linchi naturally followed him in.

The strength of fox ghosts is actually relatively average. They are not even up to the Black Iron level or Orichalcum level, and they are not even considered to be the level of Ghost King.

There are a lot of high-end combat powers, but that is also for the entire secret realm. Wang Linchi cannot say that he will encounter mithril and fine gold wherever he goes. He has not yet received such treatment.

On the contrary, black iron level fox ghosts are the normal strength of most ghosts.

The fox ghost seems to have lived here for a long time. It looks dilapidated from the outside, but it is kept clean and tidy after entering.

A good cup of tea was quickly served. It was not some illusion, but real tea. Apparently the fox ghost was also socializing with others.

"With you as a protector of the family, why did the Xu family decline like this?" Wang Linchi asked without drinking tea.

Transformed into a family-protecting fairy queen, the fox ghost has the ability to protect its family's wealth, wealth, peace and good fortune.

It's just that it is very difficult to turn the fox ghost into a Baojiaxian. The best way is to take the fox ghost away when it is just born and then educate it carefully.

For example, a fox ghost that has grown up can also become a Baojiaxian, but it requires a huge amount of manpower and material resources.

Therefore, it is not possible for ordinary people to do it. Even if it is done, there may be backlash, unlike the Baojiaxian who was raised since childhood and will wholeheartedly protect the whole family.

"It seems that the young master also knows a lot about ghost things." Fox Ghost also responded.

"Know a thing or two." Wang Linchi said calmly.

"Although you know a lot, Master, you should also know that I, the Immortal Protector of the Family, can only protect you, but I have no power to conquer. If the imperial court takes action and the Ghost King comes in person, I will naturally be unable to resist." The fox ghost also sighed. .

The ability of Baojiaxian is also limited, not to mention that blessing is only an indirect method.

But after hearing that the fox ghost could only protect him, Wang Linchi felt more and more valuable about the fox ghost.

This means that the opponent does not have the corresponding combat ability, but only has the ability to provide people with good luck and bless the opponent, which shows that the transformation is very complete.

The shortcomings are also obvious, there is no combat effectiveness, and everything provided is indirect.

If it is transformed into a ghost pattern, it will most likely passively increase all kinds of luck for himself. In fact, Wang Linchi feels that his luck has always been very good.

It has a sense of turning danger into good luck. If you add the ability of the fox ghost, it will naturally be better.

As for the Snake Bone Woman, Wang Linchi wanted it, but it felt a bit weird to use someone else's.

So it would be better if we could use this fox ghost who has become Baojiaxian.

"Can you tell me something?" Wang Linchi asked.

"This matter has to be traced back seventy years ago..." When the fox ghost heard this, he did not hide it and immediately spoke.

About seventy years ago, a descendant of the Xu family married a wife, and she was indeed a smart person, but no one was perfect.

This woman is jealous.

That day, this son of the Xu family couldn't help but sigh at the beauty of the water god. As a result, the woman heard him and jumped into the river to commit suicide on the spot.

The incident became a scandal, and the body was never recovered due to the strong currents in the river.

Before he died, he said this: Why do you think that the water god is kind and want to underestimate me? If I die, why worry about not becoming the water god?

Then after the first seven days, he still asked me in a dream: You originally wished to be a god, but now I am a god.

Doesn’t that mean you want to marry the Water God? After she committed suicide, she has now become the Water Goddess, so why is she so scared?

After the woman died, she turned into a ghost.

Wang Linchi naturally knew this ghost. His name was Jealous Fujinshen. He was a rare ghost. After all, it was not easy to meet so many conditions.

A jealous wife wants to satisfy her husband's special hobby. She jumps into a river and dies because of jealousy. If you want to gather these three, you won't be able to get one out of a thousand years. Even if you do, you will just hang from the beam and rarely jump into the river.

"I had only been a Baojiaxian for less than ten years, so I was no match for this jealous woman."

"In addition, this woman was born into an official family. Her father heard about her ridiculous death method and found ways to suppress her. In the end, he had no choice but to kill the entire Xu family." Fox Ghost said with a helpless tone.

"This is really... absurd." Wang Linchi also didn't know how to evaluate it.

If this incident had not occurred, the Xu family might not have been able to become a local wealthy family if it continued to develop.

With the protection of the Immortal Baojia, and being married to an official family, and coming from a scholarly family, he just needed to work steadily.

"It's absolutely ridiculous."

"It's a pity that my life is approaching, and I can't get rid of this jealous woman." Fox Ghost also said helplessly.

"That's not right. Even if you become Baojiaxian, your longevity will not be reduced. Why is it so close?" Wang Linchi was a little confused.

The lifespan of most ghosts is about a hundred years. Unless it is due to accidents, most of them can live to the end of their lifespan.

If you encounter an accident and die on the spot, there is no chance of shortening your life.

What's more, this fox ghost has become the Baojiaxian, and has been worshiped by the Xu family to obtain supernatural powers. His lifespan is at least one hundred and fifty years, which is only half of the time at most. How can he die soon.

"When you received the seal of the imperial court, you lost nearly 50% of your life span. If you had come a year later, you might not be able to see me." Fox Ghost said calmly.

"Can the imperial court reduce the longevity of ghosts? Is this true?!" Wang Linchi was also shocked. He never expected that the imperial court would have such a method.

"Of course there is, but it's thanks to this seal that I managed to survive." The fox ghost didn't know much about it. After that, although it had social interactions with others, it was still cautious for fear of being caught.

"I only have one year left to live." Wang Linchi sighed with emotion, and then said, "How about you and I make a deal?"

The fox ghost was a little curious about what kind of deal the other party could make with him, so he said, "Please tell me."

"I helped you kill the jealous wife Jinshen and avenge the Xu family, and I need you to be my ghost pattern."

"You should know what ghost patterns are, right?" Wang Linchi asked.

"I know, it's just that my ability is limited. If I become a ghost mark, I can't help you kill Jealous Fu Jinshen." The fox ghost thought that he would become a ghost mark first and then kill Jealous Fu Jinshen.

As for the official family, it has declined in the past seventy years. Even jealous women can be killed. This is just a nuisance for Wang Linchi, so he did not mention it.

"I mean, I'll kill first." Wang Linchi corrected Fox Ghost.

This made the fox ghost not know what to say for a while, and in the end he could only nod fiercely: "It's a deal!"

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