Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 135 The reason in the past was all because of protecting the family

A major case occurred in Yuancheng. Thirteen members of Qi Yuan's wife's family in the south of the city were killed, and even the guard dog was killed.

The reason why it is a major case is because Qi Yuanwai is from a wealthy family in Yuancheng. If it were an ordinary family, the matter would have been hastily.

"Why do you call yourself Chang Wei?" Fox Ghost asked curiously.

"The atmosphere is here, we can't do it without shouting." Wang Linchi thought it was too much of a coincidence.

As for the affairs of the ancestors, they have nothing to do with the descendants.

Wang Linchi said that he was just an outsider, and his profession was that of a despicable outsider.

He has a very clear understanding of himself, that is, bullying, double standards, shamelessness, etc. Good people will not live long.

If he had the ability of King Yama, he would also like to be a good person, but unfortunately he doesn't, so he can only wrong others.

"The jealous wife Jinshen is very powerful, why don't you make me into a ghost pattern and then go away." Fox Ghost said abruptly.

As the Baojiaxian, the Xu family raised him and never owed him anything, and they treated him as their own without any discrimination.

Therefore, the fox ghost is naturally deeply grateful, otherwise he would not have been cut off by the imperial court by 50% of his longevity.

Now, as long as I can avenge the Xu family, it doesn't matter if I die early, since I won't live long anyway.

On the contrary, if something happens to Wang Linchi because of this, Fox Ghost will not be able to find anyone willing to wade into this muddy water.

"I think, the problem is that I have to find the fox-retaining ghost method, otherwise I won't be able to fully utilize your abilities." Wang Linchi naturally thought about it, but because he had tasted the sweetness of breaking through the limit, he naturally wanted more .

The gap between a fox ghost with incomplete abilities and a complete fox ghost with ghost patterns is naturally very big.

"The Fox Ghost Technique? Is there such a ghost pattern technique?" Fox Ghost was also a little confused. After living for more than seventy years, he had never seen the ghost pattern technique. He thought they were all the same, but he never thought that there was one. the difference.

"Yes, I have two ghost pattern books in my hand: the Ghost King's Technique and the Snake Bone Po's Technique, which can maximize the ghost's abilities." Wang Linchi said.

"Then I'm afraid the Juhu ghost method can't be applied to me. Although I am a fox ghost, I am already a Bao family immortal. I only resemble the fox ghost in appearance. Unless you can find the Jubao family immortal method." Fox ghost. A kind reminder.

"If I have a Baojiaxian, why should I come here? It's not good to keep it as a family heirloom." Wang Linchi complained. The Juhu ghost method probably exists, but the Gubaojiaxian method is definitely gone.

Unless you become a monk halfway, Baojiaxian who has been raised since childhood must be loyal. Secondly, his lifespan is longer than that of ordinary people. Even if you get the longevity fruit by chance, eating it by Baojiaxian can extend your life for a hundred years, and it can continue to be passed down from generation to generation.

Wang Linchi is probably the only one who has this idea to make Baojiaxian into a ghost pattern.

After all, the Baojiaxian is not his, it belongs to the Xu family. There is no way to transfer the authority of this thing. If he really wants to become his Baojiaxian, Wang Linchi doesn't have to worry so much and just gives the remaining two longevity fruits to Fox Ghost. Just feed it and it will be solved.

As for other forces coveting the Baojiaxian, it is also very difficult. Firstly, they cannot take it away. Secondly, they have good luck. The third is to protect the Jiaxian's loyalty. If you destroy the other party's whole family and make it into a ghost pattern, you will only commit suicide. Just like the Xu family's fairy fox ghost who protected the family, Wang Linchi helped avenge him, and he directly volunteered to be Wang Linchi's ghost mark.

In other words, the Xu family had committed some evil act and had a jealous woman, otherwise the family would not have been wiped out.

"So, you'd better think about it as soon as possible. With my cooperation, it won't consume too much of your lifespan." Fox Ghost said.

It means you should stop pursuing perfection.

"I might not be able to find it, but you might be able to find it." Wang Linchi said abruptly.

The fox ghost was a little confused: "How do you say that?"

"Before, I thought it was strange for Mr. Xu to get to know me, but now that I think about it, I understand." Wang Linchi connected his experiences into a thread.

This has the contribution of Fox Ghost, the guardian of the family.

Although Xu Lian has become a ghost in the examination room, his surname is still Xu and he is still a member of the Xu family.

By chance, he got the magic of arresting the powerful ghost king, and then he was found by Chen Wen, who was going to give it to Wang Linchi as a ghost mark. Fortunately, Wang Linchi didn't like it, so he asked Wang Linchi to help provide wine, and then Wang Linchi helped the Xu family to avenge the Xu family. .

Somehow, Baojiaxian's ability to protect him indirectly caused this situation.

In the past seventy years, he may not be the only one who came, but many people came to kill Jinshen, the jealous wife, because of the ability of Baojiaxian's blessing, but they all failed.

Otherwise, how could the Qi family become a member from the head of the house? It is obvious that they have been 'retaliated' step by step.

It's just that Fox Ghost himself doesn't know this, because his ability is inherently passive.

"If he hadn't invited me to offer him wine, why would what happened today happen? If I need the help of Juhu Ghost Technique next, can you, the Immortal Protector of the Family, ensure this for the Xu family?" Wang Linchi teased.

He was also gambling on his luck. Anyway, the Snake Bone Woman was not in a hurry. Chen Wen gave him the position of more than one Snake Bone Woman.

On the contrary, if he really wanted to obtain the Juhu Ghost Technique, he could actually create the Kubao Family Immortal Technique by studying the data on the Xu Jiabao family's fairy fox ghosts.

After all, this Baojiaxian also mutated from a fox ghost, so there are traces to follow.

"This... does make sense, but if I had this ability, why would I do this?" Fox Ghost didn't think his ability was that great.

If he really had it, he wouldn't be in such a situation.

"Yes or not, let's talk later. Come with me to the river to see this jealous woman." Wang Linchi said this, but he didn't really intend to stop and wait.

His time is limited and precious.

The longevity fruit can indeed extend the time he can stay in the secret realm, but he has not used it yet. It will not be too late to use it in the last few days.

The river in Yuancheng is not small, it runs through the entire city, so it is naturally named Yuan River.

With the fox ghost leading the way, Wang Linchi soon arrived at the location of the jealous wife Jinshen.

The other party opened a water mansion at the bottom of the river and called himself the Water God.

However, there was no such thing as making trouble or asking for sacrifices of virgins and virgins, because she could catch them herself if she wanted to eat.

The jealous wife Jin Shen comes from a family of officials, not to mention that her father once used the power of the imperial court to hurt the fox ghost, so it is very likely that she knows the power of the imperial court, unlike other lonely ghosts who are so unscrupulous, not to mention where she is The location is still in Yuancheng.

The higher-ups in Yuancheng should have known about this, but just ignored it. Every time the jealous wife Jinshen arrested and ate poor people, she never touched the officials, wealthy households and aristocratic families in the city, and she was very abiding by the rules.

Naturally, no one would care if a few people died, and no one would bother the jealous wife Jinshen.

"This is right here. If necessary, I can lure this jealous woman out for you." Fox Ghost said, pointing to a monument not far away.

Wang Linchi shook his head and said, "No, it's a lot of trouble. Besides, if we lure her out, she must be on guard. How can I make a sneak attack?"

"..." It was the first time that Fox Ghost heard someone talking about a sneak attack so confidently.

"Stand far away, don't startle the snake." Wang Linchi quickly found the water mansion of the jealous wife Jinshen through the multiple visions of the soul vision.

Not to mention that the official family background is different, this water house is really well built.

I don’t know how it was built. After all, I was an eldest lady during my lifetime, so I didn’t know how to build a mansion.

The jealous woman Jinshen was devouring a leg in her water house, scarlet blood escaping in the water, but the jealous woman Jinshen didn't care at all.

He suddenly stopped nibbling, as if he noticed Wang Linchi's gaze.

‘Interesting, can’t you really have some of the power of the Water God? ’ Wang Linchi couldn’t help but think of this.

The other party claims to be the God of Water, and the God of Jealousy is indeed related to water.

But there is no god in this secret realm...probably.

Well, Wang Linchi is not sure whether there are gods, because he has seen similar ghosts in the Book of Hundred Ghosts, such as Judge and Wu Chang, who bear the name of gods and have god-related abilities, but they do ghost things.

Another example is Chen Wen's Dharma-eating ghost, the powerful ghost king of the original giant spirit guest, etc.

It is very difficult to create this kind of ghost, and the number is extremely rare. It is probably similar to Baojiaxian. After all, if Baojiaxian has enough power or influence, he can also create it. The newly born fox ghosts are not without them. Once the method is created, it is completely possible to breed foxes on a large scale through secret methods, and one will always appear.

Therefore, Jealous Fujinshen can be regarded as the first ghost he has met that has a relationship with God, even if it is a ghost.

'It's a pity. If I hadn't met the fox ghost, maybe I would have chosen you. ’ Wang Linchi said, and without hesitation he activated the Soul Seed Page: Heart and Mind.

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