Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 137 The powerful ghost king and his crowd are here to pay their respects!

"Speaking of which, aren't you wasting your time wandering around like this?" Wang Linchi looked at Fox Ghost.

This guy promised that his abilities would be disabled, but the result was no different from before. He could fly, cast illusions, and was even more agile than Wang Linchi.

From this, it can be indirectly determined that the other party's shielding ability is most likely not invalid, but shut down because it cannot find an anchoring object. This is a good thing.

"No, why is it consumed while floating?" Fox Ghost asked in confusion.

One person and one ghost were already ten miles away from Yuancheng, so the speed slowed down.

"This involves the conservation of energy, which is probably..." Wang Linchi was summarizing.

Fox Ghost very rationally interrupted Wang Linchi's summary: "Don't make any assumptions, do you feel that the eagle above your head has been following us for a long time?"

"I know, but I can't hit him." Wang Linchi spread his hands.

His attack range is limited, and even if he throws the horse, it won't reach that high a height.

So we can only let the other party follow.

As for the fox ghost, forget it. Apart from the protection ability of Baojiaxian, this guy is even more powerful than Wang Linchi.

"This should be the follow-up you mentioned, right? There are people behind the jealous woman, so it's no wonder she can easily gain a foothold in the city." Fox Ghost thought of this in an instant.

"What, it's true that she has someone to help her, but with her ability, it's really not difficult to gain a foothold in Yuancheng." Wang Linchi corrected her.

Even though the jealous woman Jin Shen was instantly killed by Wang Linchi, her strength is really not weak.

Even Fox Ghost's strength can survive in Yuancheng, let alone Jealous Fu Jinshen who is stronger than Fox Ghost.

The two of them walked about thirty kilometers before they encountered movement.

"You're leaving in such a hurry, please hand over your things." A calm voice came.

Not far away, a burly man with many strange ghosts surrounded him. As soon as the man waved, the eagle in the sky landed on the man's hand.

"Excuse me, what is it?" Wang Linchi asked curiously.

Wang Linchi was not surprised that someone came to intercept them. He was just asking for something from them, which was indeed unexpected.

"Defense plan." The big man said calmly.

"Why do you want Yuancheng's defense map? Just rush in." Wang Linchi looked at the big man up and down. He was a ghost, and Wang Linchi knew him.

Yes, this is exactly a powerful ghost king.

It's a pity that the opponent is not as powerful as the ghost king in the examination room and the giant spirit guest he talked about. The opponent lacks the ability of wisdom.

So I can only be a reckless man.

"You are a ghost village outside the city. I didn't expect that jealous woman to actually collude with you." The fox ghost also recognized the powerful ghost king. Although they have not met each other, they still know something about the ghost village.

"Hand it over, let's forget about it, otherwise..." The powerful ghost king didn't care about Fox Ghost at all. With Fox Ghost's small body, it would be easy to crush him to death.

"I didn't get it, I just killed the jealous wife Jinshen." Wang Linchi said sincerely, and then said: "I think the strong man's body is strong and strong. Why do you want to be a bandit? Why don't you hang out with me."

Wang Linchi This is the body of the Ghost King Greedy.

The fox ghost was quite speechless. He knew that Wang Linchi had the ghost pattern method to restrain the powerful ghost king. Compared with himself, he would definitely choose the powerful ghost king.

A cold light appeared in the eyes of the powerful ghost king, and then he said: "You are toasting and not eating, but you are punished with wine..."

"I don't drink, thank you." Wang Linchi used the interrupt skill very skillfully, and the effect was very good. The anger of the powerful ghost king increased by one level.

The ghosts under the powerful ghost king are still very discerning. When they saw Wang Linchi's words, they naturally swarmed him.

Seeing this, Wang Linchi turned around and picked up Fox Ghost, gave him a Xinyima Booster, and threw him out directly.

This scene is also a bit funny to the ghost. Shouldn't you be running away? Why did you throw the fox ghost out? Is it possible that you sacrificed your life for justice?

What puzzled them even more next was when they saw Wang Linchi take out a string of amulets similar to pearl necklaces from his arms and hang them on his body. Then he took out a long knife.

This knife doesn't look strong at first glance, especially since the blade is densely carved with incomprehensible tadpole characters.

"Come, let me show you today, the treasure that the Great Sun Tathagata of Jiming Temple has personally blessed."

As soon as the swarming ghosts approached Wang Linchi, the Buddha's light shone in an instant, and Wang Linchi slashed left and right with his long knife.

The fox ghost who had just gotten up couldn't help but trembled. Fortunately, Wang Linchi threw him far enough, but if he got closer, he would have become a ghost now.

The powerful ghost king couldn't calm down anymore. Who knew that Wang Linchi could be so weird and come up with so many things to restrain their ghosts.

So he turned around and ran away without hesitation.

The defense map is not important, nor is the ghost village.

What matters is your own life.

"Stop for me, or I will show you what Zhuge Liannu is." Wang Linchi took out another loaded crossbow from his arms and fired it without hesitation.

A warning is a warning, but it doesn't prevent him from attacking.

The crossbow arrow grazed the Ghost King's ear, scratching his skin.

Missing is bad news, but good news is that the attack did.

Immediately, the Buddha's light erupted, directly injuring the powerful ghost king. He was unable to escape and rolled on the ground several times before stopping.

The powerful ghost king is very strong, but compared with the Horcrux produced by Jiming Temple, it pales into insignificance.

Wang Linchi used the convenience of favorability to customize a large number of amulets, weapons, armors, disposable consumables and other Horcruxes from Jiming Temple. Otherwise, he could choose a world with ghosts because of this accumulation. It gave him confidence.

He casually put the crossbow without arrows into his arms, and then took out a crossbow with loaded arrows. He had a total of ten crossbows with loaded arrows placed in the storage space of the Soul Seed Page. The first ten rounds were There is no need to fill the crossbow, which saves trouble.

"Wait, I surrender!" Dali Ghost King shouted quickly before he could get up, for fear that Wang Linchi would continue to hit him.

The arrow just scratched his skin, but most of his body was now in burning pain. If it really hit him, he would probably turn into ashes on the spot.

"Okay, but I have to check." Wang Linchi smiled and prepared to get started.

Seeing this, the powerful ghost king jumped up and hid aside quickly: "No, in your situation, if you get close to me, can I still survive?"

"Oh, that makes sense." Wang Linchi glanced at the amulet on his body, pulled it off and stuffed it back into his arms, and then took out a small Vairocana Buddha.

It turned out to be more powerful than the amulet string, so I had no choice but to put it back again.

Then he rummaged around and finally picked out a bunch of consecrated bracelets, the kind that were good against ghosts.

"No, which family are you from? How come you have so many things that can restrain ghosts?" The powerful ghost king couldn't help but ask.

It's not that there are no tools to restrain ghosts, but they are very rare. For someone like Wang Linchi, in order to avoid killing himself, he has to choose the one with the lowest power.

The fox ghost also twitched at the corner of his eyes and did not dare to approach Wang Linchi. He felt that it was incredible that he could survive.

"These are gifts from a friend of mine." Wang Linchi said, planning to take action against the powerful ghost king.

"I'll surrender and hang out with you, but don't touch him." The powerful ghost king hid without hesitation. He really thought he was stupid. He had to take off his bracelet if he wanted to touch him.

"Eh? You're all mine. What can I do if I touch you?" Wang Linchi winked at Fox Ghost and said he would come over and help.

It's a pity that the fox ghost didn't understand it and saw Wang Linchi blinking his eyes.

Wang Linchi was also a little depressed. It was clear that other people's eyes could not only flash and flash, but also express various expressions and meanings. Why couldn't he do it? Could it be that he was isolated?

"What do you want?" After listening to Wang Linchi's words of tiger and wolf, the powerful ghost king also fell silent.

"It's nothing. I heard that you have a ghost village, so I wanted to search it. If the stuff is good, I won't touch you."

"If something doesn't satisfy me, you don't want to lose face." Wang Linchi chuckled strangely.

The powerful ghost king felt a sense of absurdity. He had lived for so long and yet he would be threatened by others.

And it's still this weird threat.

"Okay, but how can you ensure that you keep your word." The powerful ghost king felt that he had to give some assurance.

"There's no way to guarantee it. You can only put my conscience on the line." How could Wang Linchi really give a guarantee to an experimental subject? Of course it was mainly deception.

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