Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 138 Big harvest, mascots are still useful

Facts have proved that Dali Ghost King lost the bet, and Wang Linchi's conscience was not very good at all.

After plundering the ghost village, the entire ghost village was blown up by him.

Finally, I got an epic soul seed, which was the settlement of the ghost incident in the examination room.

[Summoning Soul Seed/Soul Soul Seed·Black Mountain Ghost General (Epic Level)]

[Ghost General: Summon a ghost general whose strength depends on your mental power]

[Mountain Shield: During the existence of the ghost general, you will gain a 20% physical improvement of the ghost general’s physical strength]

[Weapon: During the existence of the ghost general, you will gain a power increase of 20% of the ghost general's strength]

[Shenxing: During the existence of the ghost general, you will gain a 20% agility increase from the ghost general's agility]

[Vampire: The ghost general will gain an additional 5% blood-sucking recovery effect when attacking]

A relatively special type of soul, the ghost generals summoned are not the type to charge into battle, but rather tend to protect and enhance the summoner.

Wang Linchi also took a look, and then threw it into the storage space of the Soul Seed Page.

This is of little use to Wang Linchi.

He doesn't follow the summoning style, and he doesn't have any extra potential.

This does not mean that it is worthless. If Wang Linchi had not had the help of the Horcrux from Jiming Temple, there was a 99% chance that he would have been killed by the powerful ghost king. After all, his strength was there. This powerful ghost king was far more powerful than before. The group of ghost kings at the Immortal Banquet were much stronger.

Giving epic level soul seeds is considered normal.

The things he plundered in the ghost village were quite good. For example, he found the method of arresting ghosts and foxes that he had always wanted. In addition, there was also a rather special method of arresting the five strange ghosts.

The Five Strange Ghosts are a "five-in-one" ghost combination. Four of the five ghosts have no eyes, and only one has one eye. The other four ghosts rely on this eye to see. Except for the ghost with eyes, the other four ghosts cannot act arbitrarily and must obey the orders of the one-eyed ghost.

The reason why it is said to be special is that this method of arresting the five strange ghosts does not make one ghost into a ghost pattern, but five ghosts.

What's even more bizarre is the way these five strange ghosts kill.

The five ghosts come to the place where people sleep and smell the people's scent with their noses. Instead of rushing forward, one smells them one by one in order. After the fifth ghost smells it, that person will die. The five strange ghosts do not harm good people, nor evil people, but only harm people who are neither good nor evil, and have no fortune or fortune.

This means that we only target poor ordinary people.

Just thinking about it makes me sick.

In addition to two ghost pattern books, he also found an longevity fruit, which shocked him.

It stands to reason that when a ghost obtains the longevity fruit, he must take it as soon as possible. For the ghost, it can not only extend his life, but also make him stronger and improve himself.

"Where did you get this longevity fruit?" On the way, Wang Linchi took stock and asked the powerful ghost king.

The powerful ghost king was as wilted as an eggplant beaten by frost.

After all, Wang Linchi not only failed to keep his promise, but also enslaved him, showing no integrity at all.

It was only when he heard Wang Linchi say this that he looked up in surprise: "You alone know the longevity fruit?!"

Most of the longevity banquets are held by ghost kings, and even rangers cannot enter. Unless, like Chen Wen, he can gather more than thirty rangers, and the ghost king who holds the longevity banquet is of average strength, he can win.

"Are you a member of the royal family? No wonder you can take out so many things at will." Before Wang Linchi could answer, the powerful ghost king made up his mind.

After all, the only people who can recognize the longevity fruit are probably the royal family of the imperial court.

Even if the other rangers knew about the longevity fruit, they still couldn't recognize it because they had never seen it before.

"Why are you talking so much? Tell me where it comes from." Wang Linchi glanced at it and said.

"I don't know, but I'm sure it's a person. He gave me this longevity fruit and the qualifications to hold the longevity banquet, on the condition that I slaughter Yuancheng."

"It's just that Yuancheng has part of the court's power. I can't take action by force. I can only use the jealous woman to draw a defense map for me as an indirect method." Dali Ghost King said honestly.

The qualification for the longevity banquet is actually to calculate when the longevity fruits on the branches of the longevity tree will mature in the area, so as to facilitate the longevity guide to draw the branches down.

As for the jealous Fujinshen's drawing of the defense map of Yuancheng, it was also very simple. The Yuanhe River ran through the entire Yuancheng and had tributaries in addition to the main vein. It was not difficult to draw it.

"Human? Didn't you eat him?" Wang Linchi was a little confused.

In the case of the powerful ghost king, eating people means eating and drinking water. How can one person control him?

Even if you are given the longevity fruit and the right to host a banquet, why not just keep the person here? Then you can get more words out of him.

"I can't beat him. That person seems to be someone from outside the territory. The power he uses is very strange. I am no match for him at all." The powerful ghost king did not hide it.

‘Awakened One? There is something in Yuancheng that is worthy of being laid out here by the Awakened Ones. ’ Wang Linchi also became wary.

Fortunately, he ran fast, otherwise he might have fallen when the other party arrived.

He can easily subdue the powerful ghost king, make him obedient, and obtain the longevity fruit. At least he has the strength of peak mithril level or even fine gold level.

It's true that Wang Linchi is at the Black Iron level, but with his mental strength, he can definitely be considered as half of the Mithril level. It's a bit difficult to handle the powerful Ghost King. He also needs to give him the Three Corpse Brain Worm Pill, but the opponent is like that. Being able to do it easily is enough to show your strength.

"Then why don't you eat this longevity fruit, for fear of causing problems?" Wang Linchi changed the topic again.

"It is used as one of the qualifications for holding a banquet. For the first time to hold a banquet in a place where the longevity tree has not descended, in addition to the longevity guide, an longevity fruit is also needed as a positioning."

What the powerful ghost king said was really beyond Wang Linchi's expectation.

However, this involves another problem. The original longevity banquet definitely did not have the longevity fruit as one of the qualifications for the banquet. At most, it only had the date. How did it succeed in positioning it?

‘If you think about it, it’s scary to think that the water in large secret realms is so deep. ’ Wang Linchi didn’t continue to guess. It would be useless if he guessed it. It had nothing to do with him anyway.

"Okay, then do you know where the Five Strange Ghosts are?"

Wang Linchi asked again.

"There is one in my ghost village..." The powerful ghost king only said half of what he said, and the other half was naturally blown to death by you.

"Gan!" Wang Linchi cursed.

Of course, the Five Strange Ghosts are used for observation and research. He has the Five Strange Ghost Techniques in his hand. Such a special ghost pattern technique must be studied carefully.

‘There are a lot of experiments on hand. ’

There are only four projects to study ghost patterns, namely fox ghost, powerful ghost king, snake bone woman and five strange ghosts.

In addition, there is really no time to do the diversion of soul seed energy and the advancement of legendary soul seeds. These two require a stable environment and take too long.

Therefore, he could only find some way to make himself stronger first and save his life.

After all, the Soul Seed has no way to directly enhance his strength, but more of an indirect strength and a foundation for the future.

And once he leaves such a secret realm, he will most likely have to face Xuan Lingtian who is in a state of chaos. Even if he is unlucky, it will affect the secret realm he is in before he leaves.

That's why Wang Linchi temporarily shelved plans related to soul seeds and chose to improve his combat power to save his life and not to make excuses.

Life is gone, indirect strength and future heritage are of no use.

"Then where should we go next?" Fox Ghost asked.

With the Juhu Ghost Technique, it didn't matter to him. Anyway, he tried his best and did whatever he wanted.

"Go to Langcheng first, catch the snake-bone woman, and look for the Five Strange Ghosts on the way." Wang Linchi chose Langcheng, which was far away from him, because he was not going to Langcheng originally.

However, after there was a plan by the awakened person in Yuancheng, Wang Linchi did not intend to stay nearby and stayed far away to avoid being affected.

You can also find the Five Strange Ghosts on the way.

"If you are looking for the Five Strange Ghosts, go north. I happen to know that a hundred miles further north, there is a Rotten Peach Mountain. There happens to be Five Strange Ghosts under the command of a mandrill on the mountain." The powerful ghost king spoke at the right time.

"Do you have a grudge against Mandrill?" Wang Linchi asked.

"I don't have any grudges, I just want to see him carefree and uncomfortable. If you happen to be in need, you can give him a ride." Dali Ghost King said that he was miserable and could not let others have an easy time.

"You are quite sincere, but it's more because you want to get rid of me." Wang Linchi knew what the Ghost King was thinking, and he estimated that the mandrill was not weak, and might be stronger than the Ghost King.

That's why Wang Linchi was encouraged to go.

As for whether there are five strange ghosts, we still have to find out.

Wang Linchi looked at the map again. To go to Langcheng, you don't need to pass through Langtaoshan, but you can just turn around and walk half a day longer.

The main reason was that after he mastered the Juwuqi ghost method, he had a bold idea in his mind.

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