Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 140 If you take advantage of others, you have to run away quickly!

"My temper is a bit grumpy~"

Wang Linchi watched as the Yaksha ghost, whose wings, hands and feet were bound, and its mouth was gagged, was struggling on the ground.

The Yaksha ghost was first coaxed by the powerful ghost king that he wanted to get rid of the mandrill together, but he was fooled into coming over, and then he came within the range of Wang Linchi's unreasonable attack, and was knocked unconscious by one of his shots.

When I woke up again, I was tied up.

There seems to be a difference between the Yaksha ghosts. The one he has is just the flying Yaksha ghost, and there is another kind called the patrolling Yaksha ghost. Although it cannot fly, it lives in the water.

"By the way, do you know Naga?" Wang Linchi suddenly asked.

This made the flying yaksha ghost also stunned and shook his head.

"That's such a shame. I wish you knew him."

Among the eight groups of devas and dragons in Buddhism, there are one heavenly being, two dragon beings, three yaksha ghosts, four gandharvas, five asuras, six garudas, seven kinnaras, and eight mahoragas.

This is a protector composed of eight kinds of Shinto monsters.

He had seen the Dragon Naga Naga in the previous secret realm, and he even had a Naga scale on his body, which was regarded as a kind of heavenly material and earthly treasure.

He didn't steal it, it was a gift given to him by Naga. If it weren't for Wang Linchi, it would not have returned to Buddhism.

"It's a pity. It would be nice if you knew each other." Wang Linchi felt a little regretful.

If he knew this, Wang Linchi would directly recite to him the "Buddha Vairocana Buddha's Great Initiation Light Mantra" to see if he could directly transform into a Dharma protector, and then let the Yaksha ghosts catch the speeding ghosts. The efficiency is definitely no problem.

In this way, he can have a guardian spirit and a protector god, which is doubled.

"By the way, don't be angry first. I gave you a Three Corpse Brain Pill. It's in your head. You can feel its power for a while, and then we should be able to communicate calmly." Wang Linchi reminded.

The Yasha ghost was confused at first, and then his eyes widened, apparently aware of the ulterior motives implanted in his mind by Wang Linchi.

"You feel it? Can you calm down and talk to me now?" Wang Linchi asked.

Forced by the bomb in his mind, Yaksha Ghost nodded and said yes.

Wang Linchi's Three Corpse Brain Pill is not very obscure, but you can feel it if you calm down and look for it. Its main function is to intimidate and control. Otherwise, if you don't know its power, you won't care.

As for being lifted by someone, that doesn't matter. He can't defeat those who can lift it, and he can't lift those who can't be beaten. What's more, if it is lifted directly, once the three zombie brain pills are out of the mental environment, they will explode on the spot. Don't try to take advantage of it.

The Yasha Ghost was quickly released. The other party looked at Wang Linchi's team and was a little at a loss for a moment.

The powerful ghost king, five strange ghosts, fox ghosts, plus a yaksha ghost like myself, there are more ghosts than people.

I also understood in my heart that this person was deliberately controlling them, and there must be some conspiracy.

"Did you know that the Five Strange Ghosts sent a ghost pattern method to Yuancheng specifically for arresting Yaksha ghosts?" Wang Linchi continued to ask.

The Yaksha ghost was also startled and looked at the Wuqi ghost fiercely. However, due to Wang Linchi's presence, he did not dare to take action. He could only say: "It must have been the mandrill. He has wanted to kill me for a long time."

"Of course I know it's a mandrill. I'm asking you, do you know who sent it?" Wang Linchi was speechless. You still need to explain.

Wuqi Gui didn't know at all, he had also tortured him.

The reason is naturally that the five strange ghosts have a low status. Although they are strange in themselves, their strength is really not that good, so they are more used as errands, messengers and other tasks.

They only need to enter Yuancheng and wait at the designated location without contact.

Naturally, Wang Linchi was not going to investigate, what if he was caught.

What is in Yuancheng has nothing to do with him, and he is not greedy for it. Anyway, what he wants is very clear and he has already got it.

"I don't know, how could I know this?" Yasha Ghost said a little irritably.

It was already bad for him and now it was even worse.

When Wang Linchi saw the Yaksha ghost like this, he did not continue to ask questions, but scolded him: "Be honest and don't cause trouble for me."

After a few more instructions, he led his people to leave this area and continued towards Langcheng.

In fact, he was still thinking about one thing in his mind, and that was that he seemed to be missing a ghost.

The guardian ghost pattern is based on the five strange ghosts as a medium. The one-eyed ghost with eyes must be together with the core of the fox ghost. Then the remaining four eyeless ghosts can compete with the powerful ghost king, the yaksha ghost and the snake bone woman. Integration, then there is still a vacant position, which is more difficult to do.

Ghosts are actually easy to find, but the problem is that ghost patterns are difficult to find.

What he did was to create a new ghost pattern and stitched new ghosts with the help of the ghost pattern method and the corresponding ghost.

Originally, he thought that if one of the ghosts was left empty, he could use the five strange ghosts, but after thinking about it again, he couldn't bear to leave it empty.

‘We can only go to Langcheng to take a look. ’

'I always feel that the original blessings of the fox ghost are coming to an end, and I don't know if I can continue to have smooth sailing. ’

Wang Linchi actually had a hunch that the explosion of luck he had after leaving Yuancheng might disappear. Although the fox ghost's blessing ability could not be effective on Wang Linchi, it could be effective on the fox ghost himself.

And the fox ghost was helping Wang Linchi. Every time he came and went, Wang Linchi received indirect blessings.

'Except for the snake-bone woman, the ghosts around Langcheng are all very unpopular. They are either headless ghosts or big-headed ghosts...'

The headless ghost in this secret realm is not the headless ghost in the previous secret realm. There is a difference between the two.

Headless ghosts are the incarnations of people whose bodies are incomplete after death. Therefore, headless ghosts do not harm people. They just want you to help them find the incomplete parts.

The big-headed ghost is even weirder, a gentle ghost.

The big-headed ghost has an unusually big head, which is as big as three heads of an average person at least. Because it carries the big head on its head, it walks slowly. It holds the big head with its hands as it walks.

They can't even bother walking, let alone harm people.

In fact, the most common ghosts are ghosts from underworld, tomb ghosts, wronged ghosts and evil ghosts.

Among them, ghost ghosts are the souls of people after death. These ghosts are true to their duties, lose the memory of their previous lives, and wait for reincarnation. Grave ghosts are the enhanced version of ghost ghosts, and wronged ghosts are the version of ghost ghosts who died because of injustice. The three are different. It will harm people.

As for Li Gui, he is the darkened version of Ghost.

For example, there are basically not many other types of ghosts based on the ghost ghosts and the other three versions of ghosts, and most of them are in the wilderness.

"It's so difficult to only reggae..." Wang Linchi is still very persistent in reggae, but unfortunately not only is there no news, but there is also no law to regulate reggae.

He asked several ghosts around, but there were no clues.

Not only did I ask about reggae, but I also didn’t know anything about soul-holding ghosts or supernatural ghosts.

In the end, it was natural to let it go.

The main reason is that the ghosts in the secret realm are similar to people, and the information is relatively secluded. The powerful ghost king can know about the yaksha ghosts and mandrills because they are nearby. If they are further away, they will not know about them.

The fox ghosts are even worse. We only know about the powerful ghost king and his ghost village, but no matter how many there are, we don't know.

Therefore, Wang Linchi could only take one step at a time, wait until he arrived in Langcheng, and then slowly inquire around. If it didn't work, he could just pinch his nose to identify the five strange ghosts. Maybe he could get an extra eye from his guardian spirit.

"Yucheng is still here, how long has it been? King Dali Ghost is really a waste."

In a mansion in Yuancheng, a man wearing completely inconsistent with local clothes suddenly appeared. This scene was not seen by anyone.

After the other party saw that Yuancheng was still prosperous, he couldn't help but snorted coldly, and was very dissatisfied with the progress of the powerful ghost king.

"Forget it, in five days Mandrill should send someone to send the Yaksha ghost over, and it won't be too late for me to kill the entire Yuancheng myself."

Then I counted the time again, and my mood calmed down a lot.

"I just have to prepare the blood sacrifice in advance, otherwise even if I get the Yasha Ghost, I won't be able to turn it into my summons."

He seemed to have experienced it several times before, so he was comfortable with it.

"It just happened to be able to complete the task. I didn't expect that the task this time was to ask me to hold an longevity banquet in Yuancheng."

"We still need to find an longevity fruit to use as a positioning. I hope the powerful ghost king hasn't eaten the longevity fruit yet, otherwise, it will be really difficult to deal with."

The Fruit of Immortality is not difficult for him. After all, he is a fine gold level awakener, and the highest strength in this area is only orichalcum level to mithril level.

Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for him to come near this area. He came in at a huge cost.

The last time he was able to come was because he was still at the Mithril level at that time. Now that he has broken through, he can enter this area normally without paying the price. He will only be placed in an area that matches the strength of his Adamantine level awakener.

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