Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 141 Outside the city, the Snake Bone Woman guards the zombie grave

Outside Langcheng, Wang Linchi found a remote place where no one was still sheltered from the wind and pitched his tent.

It's not that he doesn't want to enter the city, the main reason is that he has brought so many ghosts with him and it is really difficult to enter, especially the five strange ghosts, who are weak and stupid at the same time, so there is really no way.

As for putting it outside and then he goes in by himself?

This is impossible. What if the Yaksha ghost and the powerful ghost take action and kill both the fox ghost and the five strange ghosts? What should he do?

Forget about the five strange ghosts, they can still be found anyway, but the fox ghost is still the Baojiaxian version. If you want to find another one willing to cooperate with him like this, the chance is basically zero.

He controlled the Yaksha ghost and the powerful ghost king, but this control was a threat, rather than truly controlling their bodies and minds.

Therefore, in order not to take risks, he would hang out outside the city for a while.

Fortunately, the snake-bone woman is also outside the city.

"Assign a task. You two beat the snake-bone woman to death. Don't beat her to death or maim her and bring her back to me intact." Wang Linchi gave the order directly to the powerful ghost king and the yaksha ghost.

The two ghosts felt very unhappy when they heard Wang Linchi's tone. Unfortunately, due to the Three Corpses Brain Worm Pill in their minds, they could only agree dully.

Why do it yourself if you can let the captives do it?

Even if he was so loud and angry, he still didn't know what these two ghosts were thinking, and he wanted to tear him alive and swallow them alive.

So the original favorability level is a negative number and cannot be improved, so why bother to increase it? As long as you can control it.

There is no need for guinea pigs to invest non-research emotions.

Then, one person and a group of ghosts quickly arrived at the location of Snake Bone Woman.

This is a large community of tombs, where people from Langcheng are buried here if nothing else goes wrong.

It would be easier if there was an accident. There is a mass grave next door. Just wrap the body in a straw mat and throw it down. Anyway, there will be wild dogs or other animals or even ghosts to help deal with it.

"Wait a minute, how can anyone get there first?" After arriving at the place, Wang Linchi discovered that a group of people had already started fighting with Snake Bone Woman.

"We also invited a ranger here, but this ranger's strength seems to be limited. Compared with the Snake Bone Woman, there is a huge difference."

Wang Linchi looked at the ranger not far away, holding a heavy hammer and constantly circling the snake bone woman's two big snakes, one green and one red. There was also a nervous young man in brocade clothes and a number of servants around him. .

It seems that the young master hired the ranger to deal with the snake-bone woman.

"Interesting, it seems that the target should be the man in the grave." Wang Linchi thought about this.

It is unlikely that he has the same purpose as Snake Bone Po. If he had not obtained the royal family's secret method of restraining Snake Bone Po, he would have chosen this ghost. Otherwise, if he replaced it with the normal method of restraining Snake Bone Po, it would be useless. Part of the ability is to guard the tomb, and you have to guard the tomb of your husband. It’s okay for a woman, but if it’s a man...

However, it is not excluded that this young master wants his wife to guard his grave. After all, people's hearts are strange and anything is possible.

"Jie~ Do you want me to take action? The ranger will be at a disadvantage." The Yasha ghost laughed and licked his lips, as if he wanted to eat people.

"Have you been so charitable lately? Are you ready to become a Buddha?" Wang Linchi complained.

"He and you are of the same race, you don't plan to save him?" Yasha Ghost was a little surprised.

Wang Linchi looked at Yaksha Ghost like he was an idiot. This look made Yaksha Ghost feel that he was insulted and even his ideas failed.

The next moment, the red snake controlled by Snake Bone Woman bit the ranger's throat, and then pulled it, and a large amount of blood spurted out.

The ranger instinctively threw the hammer and covered his throat. As a result, the green snake also came up to kill him, and the snake bone woman followed closely behind.

The fate is self-evident, he was killed on the spot.

Wang Linchi was not too surprised when he saw this. The ranger was originally at a disadvantage, so it would be surprising if he could win.

It’s not like everyone is a protagonist or a genius, able to explode, leapfrog and kill by force, or defeat the strong with the weak. When they are at a disadvantage, most of them die.

After the death of the ranger, the young man in rich clothes also ran away with a look of horror on his face, and naturally the servants also hurriedly left.

Seeing this, Wang Linchi became more serious.

Save people? Impossible. If the other party brings people to dig graves, he must not be a good person.

Wang Linchi is also not a good person, and after saving others by himself, he expressed his unwillingness to help.

Before the young man in gorgeous clothes ran very far, he was caught up by the Snake Bone Woman and hacked to death on the spot. Looking at it, the hatred value was very high.

As for the other servants, they were also caught up by the red and green snakes. One of them took a bite and died of the poison in less than a minute.

After killing these people, Snake Bone Woman took back the two red and green snakes and returned to continue guarding her husband's tomb.

As a result, before even taking a break, the Yasha ghost took the lead and launched a surprise attack from the air.

The powerful ghost king also followed suit and launched an offensive without hesitation.

Wang Linchi began to touch the corpse. He felt that this young man in rich clothes must have come here for something, in case he took it with him.

Not to mention, I actually dug out a book.

"Zombie arrest method? Zombies can also be considered ghosts?" Wang Linchi found a ghost pattern method and quickly checked it. The main content was for zombies.

"Oh, ghouls." Wang Linchi quickly identified that the zombies in this secret realm were ghouls, which were different from the zombies in his concept.

The zombies in this secret realm are similar to corpses. There is no rot on their bodies, and their whole bodies are soft and covered with long hair.

"This thing is so rubbish, it's of no use." Wang Linchi was very disgusted, mainly because he had a powerful ghost king, and zombies really couldn't be put on the stage.

It would be okay if it were replaced by Drought Demon.

That's right, drought demons and zombies are actually not the same species.

Drought demons are transformed by dead people within a hundred days after death. The bodies of the dead people who become drought demons do not rot, no grass grows on their graves, and water seeps from the tomb. Drought demon ghosts will carry water to their homes at night.

Both are ghouls, but the species is different.

Just like the yaksha ghosts are divided into flying yakshas and patrolling yakshas.

And it's not that awesome. There's no such thing as evolving into a rhinoceros, because it doesn't have the ability at all.

It's as weird as the evolution of a human into a birdman.

They are just pure ghosts.

"So, the man in this tomb turned into a zombie?" Wang Linchi suddenly thought of this.

Among ghouls, zombies are one of the simpler types of artificial ghosts, and they have extremely strong strength and body. As long as they find a suitable place, they can be produced at a relatively low cost.

"Then how this kid knew that is very problematic." Wang Linchi narrowed his eyes.

There are zombies in a tomb protected by a snake-bone woman. Do you think you can predict the future? This is too outrageous.

The most likely possibility is that this zombie was deliberately created by the young man's family, but the appearance of the snake-bone woman was unexpected.

"Zombies are a bit bad, but it depends on what kind of zombie they are."

For example, the Corpse King was born with great potential.

However, the possibility that the zombie in this tomb is the Corpse King is extremely low.

After a few minutes of fighting, Snake Bone Woman was pinned down by the powerful ghost king, and the green and red snakes were also held in the hands of the Yasha ghost, and they were easily subdued.

"You five, go dig the grave for me." Wang Linchi directed the five strange ghosts to start.

When the Snake Bone Woman heard this, she struggled and roared crazily, but it had no effect. The power of the Strong Ghost King was not something that the Snake Bone Woman could resist.

The weakness of the Five Strange Ghosts is compared to those of the powerful Ghost King, Yaksha Ghost, etc. They are also very strong ghosts when compared to humans.

During the excavation process, Snake Bone Woman went crazy.

"Madam, you don't want your husband's body to be exhumed and humiliated." Wang Linchi did not approach Snake Bone Woman, but stood some distance away and said with a smile.

Standing close, he was afraid something would happen.

As soon as these words came out, the powerful ghost king and the yaksha ghost looked at each other, wondering if there was something wrong with these words.

Fortunately, they didn't think too much about it, because the tomb had been dug up and even the coffin had been opened.

A big furry rice dumpling pretended to be a corpse, but Wang Linchi kicked it down and lay back in the coffin.

"No intelligence, that's right. Most corpses have this kind of virtue."

"But obviously he has become a zombie, so how can he still stay in the tomb instead of jumping out to kill people and suck blood?" Wang Linchi was a little confused.

Then he looked at Snake Bone Woman. He suspected that Snake Bone Woman had the ability to seal, and while guarding the tomb, she would not let the corpses in the tomb come out.

"It has to be tied up. This thing can't understand human speech." Wang Linchi looked at the zombie who got up again, and gave him another kick to make him lie back down.

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