Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 143: Immortality Fruit Melted with Ghosts·Eggs of Ghost Pattern Guardian Spirits

Three months later, in a small village twenty miles away from Langcheng, Wang Linchi looked at the fleshy eggs in his hand that were beating like longevity fruit.

This is his result, a ghost that never appeared, but is still incubating.

I thought one month would be enough, but it ended up taking three months, mainly because the repulsion was too great.

He used two longevity fruits to complete it.

Once hatched, the potential will never be lost to those ghosts such as Impermanence and Judges, which are similar to ghosts and gods.

He can't guarantee his strength, but he still dares to have his potential. After all, Wang Linchi is not sure whether he can live long enough to realize his potential. He himself is not sure that he can survive in a troubled world with extraordinary power, let alone an egg. .

"The last step is to make it into a ghost pattern." Wang Linchi sighed, he had no choice but to do it.

Otherwise, he would just wait for this thing to hatch.

But according to his calculations, under normal circumstances without external interference, it would take at least ten years to hatch.

Where can he find it in these ten years?

Therefore, he can only use the special ghost pattern method he created to directly turn it into his own ghost pattern. Then, Wang Linchi can feed it with spiritual power to speed up its hatching.

The specific progress of incubation depends on how much mental power he invests.

Moreover, it is said to be a ghost tattoo, but it is actually more like a living tattoo.

The disadvantage is that it will slow down his cultivation progress, but the advantage is that the guardian spirit ghost pattern can fit him better, and it can also become a part of him by using his arms and fingers.

The growth ability will also be greatly improved, and he can continue to become stronger with Wang Linchi.

It can even indirectly improve Wang Linchi's qualifications and potential to a certain extent. Although there is no way to increase the potential slot in the Soul Aspect and Book of Records, it can increase the cultivation efficiency.

"Fortunately, this thing hasn't grown yet and is as big as an ostrich egg. Otherwise, if it were a complete ghost, I might not be able to get a tattoo."

Wang Linchi completed all the preparations, and then used his thinking force field to forcibly fuse the entire longevity fruit-like flesh egg into his chest through a special ghost pattern method.

The pain kept bursting out, and Wang Linchi stuffed the last longevity fruit into his mouth without hesitation.

For no other reason than because his lifespan was beginning to pass and he needed the longevity fruit to offset it.

With the entrance of the longevity fruit, the pain not only did not slow down, but instead continued to intensify.

"The six-in-one ghost plus the two longevity fruits seem a bit unbearable..."

Wang Linchi felt his body being torn and healed, and then his body began to strengthen.

The good news is that his physique has broken through the black iron level limit state and has reached the orichalcum level just starting state. The bad news is that his physique is still improving and he may not be able to bear it.

He knew that when getting ghost tattoos, a person's physical, mental and other strength components would gradually improve, but that was after the tattoos were done, not when they were tattooed.

The initial suspicion is that he used three longevity fruits and that the ghost was created by himself. The powerful ghost king and zombies added were too strong.

It's normal for his spirit to be low. After all, he hasn't hatched yet, so how can he get the strength to improve? The reason why his body can be improved is because the immortal flesh egg itself is very strong.

"It's done..." Wang Linchi wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Before breaking through the collapse threshold, he successfully completed the ghost tattoo. At this moment, a chaotic face tattoo similar to the longevity fruit is very conspicuous on his chest.

If you look carefully, you can still see that this face is his own. When the facial features on the face change from chaos to his clear appearance, it will be hatched.

Then he opened his own thinking mirror and introduced the situation of the guardian spirit into it, thus connecting to the soul seed.

At the same time, a brand new structure was also opened in the Book of Soul Aspects and Records.

Wang Linchi naturally not only created the guardian spirit, but also used it to modify the book of records, so that the guardian spirit could be completely bound to himself.

【? ? ? ? (Generating)]

[Blessing: Accumulate a ray of blessing every day, forming a blessing effect on oneself. After encountering situations such as turning bad luck into good luck or gaining opportunities, the corresponding blessing will be consumed. The current remaining blessing is: 100]

[Other abilities are being generated...]

Although the guardian spirit has not yet been born, the first ability has already appeared. This is the ability of the fox ghost, but it has been integrated for protection.

Originally, it was not that simple. It required the dedication of the entire family, and the effect could not be just one.

What's more important is that this ability is looming, fading little by little as the guardian spirit hatches. It seems to be a temporary ability that will only be born when it is incubating.

This ability should not be aimed at Wang Linchi, but at the longevity flesh egg itself. Through the blessing of this blessing, it can be supported until it hatches.

Unfortunately, Fuze seemed to have no time to activate, and was turned into a ghost-patterned guardian spirit by Wang Linchi.

One hundred points of blessing should be left by the fox ghost.

"It's a pity to have a temporary ability." Wang Linchi was a little regretful. If he had this ability, he could completely stand still and accumulate enough blessings to directly change his destiny.

But he didn't care either. If he gained it, he would lose his life. The main responsibility of the ghost pattern guardian spirit was to protect his safety, not to add luck to himself.

It's just trivial things.

What's more, even in the form of a fleshy egg, it has such a powerful ability. After hatching, even if it cannot be inherited, it can still obtain similar abilities, or even an enhanced version.

"Another gold-swallowing beast..." Wang Linchi tried to feed the ghost-patterned guardian spirit egg, stuffing 9,000 points of spiritual power from the golden elixir into it. As a result, the hatching progress bar increased by 0.9%, which was equivalent to his It takes a million points of mental energy to go in.

Fortunately, he was using the spiritual power of the golden elixir. As long as he practiced, he could speed up his recovery, and even if the spiritual power in the golden elixir was empty, it would not affect Wang Linchi.

"You have to plan it carefully. You can't just use it all to give ghost-marked guardian spirit eggs."

Wang Linchi can also increase the incubation progress of the ghost-patterned guardian spirit eggs during daily practice without sacrificing his mental power. This progress is also faster than natural incubation, from the original ten years to five years.

"If it weren't for the fact that this process involves absorption and assimilation, and I spent a million mental energy on it, I really wouldn't be able to bear it."

In the process of feeding, he is also in the process of further absorbing and assimilating, making this ghost pattern guardian become a part of himself.

The previous tattooing was the foundation, now it is in-depth, and when it hatches, there is the final fusion, which is the real completion.

The whole process is also investment and appropriation.

"Each time I reserve 3,000 points of mental power. If I recover naturally according to my recovery speed when I am not practicing, I can probably feed about 20,000 points of mental power in a day."

Wang Linchi possesses an epic-level soul seed. Coupled with the "Nine-turn Golden Pill Soul Forging Technique" and the "Tao Fei Nascent Soul Soul Phase Secret Technique", his mental recovery ability is very fast.

Even if you empty out the 10,000 points of spiritual power in the golden elixir and actively absorb and restore it through cultivation, it will only take thirty minutes to recover.

But it is impossible for him to say that he is really in a constant cycle of recovery and consumption, which will hurt himself.

This kind of behavior is similar to taking painkillers when your whole body hurts. It doesn’t mean that you don’t really feel pain after taking it, it’s just that it’s covered up.

What's more, this is much more harmful than taking painkillers. It can seriously damage the mind and body at the same time.

Therefore, even if Wang Linchi wanted to go fast, he couldn't go fast. He had to consider his own body.

On the contrary, it recovers naturally, which is better. It is an automatic adjustment of the body's functions, and it does not have sequelae like taking the initiative to practice to speed up recovery.

He didn't know if other people were in this situation, but Wang Linchi was in this situation anyway.

This conclusion was derived from the data he controlled through the thinking mirror combined with the thinking force field. Wang Linchi came to this conclusion through further deduction.

"I can still afford to wait for fifty days." Wang Linchi had spent almost seven months before without being in a hurry. Now, waiting for another two months is not a big deal.

"It's just that when I regain my consciousness, half the time has passed."

Wang Linchi looked at the time and saw that there were only two hundred and forty-three days left, and only eight months left.

The original three months, plus the year obtained by sacrificing the longevity fruit, resulted in a total of only fifteen months.

There is no way to ask for more.

"I finally found time to study the soul seed energy diversion. I don't know if the remaining eight months will be enough."

"After the ghost pattern guardian spirit is born, I still have to search for resources in this secret realm. I feel that time is a bit tight." Wang Linchi looked at the time it would take to implement his next plan with some distress.

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