Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 144 Arrival! Disaster of the Immortal Tree

"What the hell, luckily I ran fast." Wang Linchi wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and felt the ground shaking, knowing that something big had happened in Langcheng.

Just last night, he received a serious warning from the thinking mirror. The ghost pattern guardian spirit egg Fuze in the Book of Souls and Records dropped significantly, from 100 to 30 points, and 70 points disappeared.

Then he immediately packed up his things and ran away under the cover of night.

It was already dawn, and looking at the location of Langcheng from a distance, it was already occupied by countless bone-shaped branches.

He naturally knew what it was, which was the branch of the Immortal Tree.

It's just that there are some differences from the branches he saw before, that is, these branches have no leaves or fruits. They are bare and look very eye-catching.

He didn't know what happened, but he was sure he had escaped with his life.

"I am using this as a dangerous intuition to turn danger into good fortune."

"Fortunately, I am a smart person and don't think this thing is an opportunity." Wang Linchi felt that even if it was an opportunity, he would not go.

Such a horrific scene is really terrible.

He was just watching from a distance. If he got close to the core area, he might be suppressed and unable to move, but these bone branches would definitely not be inferior to the awakened ones of the Morning Star.

"I don't know who is causing trouble, but it actually attracted an immortal branch."

"It can't be that Xuan Lingtian has not only become chaotic, but has also spread to various secret realms." Wang Linchi couldn't help but guess.

Otherwise, Langcheng would have been peaceful, how could something like this happen.

Coupled with the massacre of Yuancheng not long ago, Wang Linchi would not really believe it if there was no connection.

"What the hell, run away first, I still have eight months."

Wang Linchi had never thought about saving him at all, and his small body was not qualified to fit in.

"When I save four legendary soul seeds, plus my guardian spirit, then I will... be able to protect myself."

It's impossible to kill someone in a big way. Wang Linchi still has a very deep understanding of his own strength. At most, he can kill Mithril-level enemies with certainty.

However, the Mithril level is not the strongest existence in the Great Scenery Court. There are other levels above, such as Fine Gold, Morning Star, etc. It will not be too late for him to become arrogant when he reaches the Sun level.

"The imperial court in this secret realm doesn't know when it will resolve this matter, or is it being delayed and unable to resolve it?"

Wang Linchi quickly thought about whether the awakened ones who came from the Great Jing Dynasty came here to plot the Immortal Tree.

This thing can prolong life. If it can be brought out of the secret realm, it will definitely be a huge benefit, and the court will be tempted.

As for what this secret realm will look like, it has nothing to do with the Dajing court. They are plunderers to begin with.

"But if the Immortal Tree is really taken away, it will be none of the business of the people in the Dajing court." Wang Linchi complained.

The longevity tree will definitely not be without expenses. Just to attract a branch requires people as incense. If you want to raise such a big longevity tree, you need more people.

Royal families, aristocratic families, and sects will definitely not use their own people, but only ordinary people.

When he thought of this, Wang Linchi couldn't help but fall silent.

"The Dajing Imperial Court has developed for so many years. The immortality tree should not be the only thing that needs to be sacrificed such as soul weapons, soul seeds, and soul forging methods."

The dynasty has been standing for an unknown number of years, how could it not exist? He just didn't know it.

Or to put it more simply, the Dajing Dynasty had already raised a lot of people.

"Hiss~ If this is really the case, something may happen this time." Wang Linchi suddenly thought of the descendants of the Demon. He didn't know how many copies of the Demon's inheritance there were, but if one of them fell into the hands of the real powerful, it would not be Sheng Sheng. This kind of aristocratic family has lost its power because of the absence of Chenxingxing, but it is the kind of big aristocratic family that can really interfere in the operation of the Dajing court.

The consequences are unimaginable.

"No wonder the scenery is in chaos."

Afterwards, Wang Linchi sighed, looked at the immortal branches that had calmed down, turned around and ran away.

It was not until dusk that we arrived at a village, which seemed to be somewhat populated.

As a result, before he had even taken two steps, he once again received a reminder from the thinking mirror that his blessings were missing by another 15 strands, which made him twitch in the corner of his eye.

This thing is really too vague. I don’t know if it’s a danger or an opportunity. Anyway, I’ll deduct it for you first.

According to Wang Linchi's estimation, if you deduct a large amount, the probability is a big risk. If you deduct a small amount, it may be a small opportunity. However, this process is continuous deduction. It only allows you to be exposed to opportunities, and then bless you in the process of obtaining them. Deduct it slowly when you get it.

Of course, if you spend all your money and still don’t get it, you’ll have to rely on yourself in the end.

"What a big loss." Wang Linchi's heart was bleeding. He didn't want any chance. This thing was great for predicting danger. He had no shortage of opportunities at this stage.

But it has already been deducted, and now there are only fifteen points left. If he gives up and turns around, he will indeed not continue to deduct, but his loss will be in vain.

"Forget it, just go in." Wang Linchi sighed, since he couldn't stop the loss, he should just get back his money.

When they arrived at the entrance of the village, an old man glanced at him and then stood up with some vigilance: "Young man, where are you from?"

"Coming from Langcheng, I encountered a ghost on the road. I escaped with my life. I walked for a day and a night before arriving in Guicun." Wang Linchi was right to escape, and he was also in a mess, but it didn't last as long as a day and a night, mainly because In order to match the footsteps of ordinary people.

When the other party heard Wang Linchi's words, although he took no further action, his vigilance was half lowered.

Most people are members of the Appearance Association. Wang Linchi's general appearance is very good compared to the Dajing Imperial Court. It is very good to be placed in various ancient secret realms.

"What ghost? It's so scary." The old man asked. He still knew a little about the ghost nests and ghost nests in the surrounding area. After all, he had lived here since he was a child.

"Zombie, a zombie."

"The young master of a certain family in Langcheng was bitten to death. When I..." Wang Linchi opened his mouth.

When the old man heard this, his brows widened. Is this true? It happened three months ago. He went to Langcheng for the market and happened to find out about it.

"It seems that the Wu family hasn't killed this zombie yet. The eldest son of the Wu family is short-lived. Whoever has nothing to do will go to the grave to tease the zombies." The old man also shook his head after hearing this.

"Oh, he went to tease me, but I ended up... Forget it, let's not mention this, uncle, it's getting late, can you let me stay in the village for one night? Although I escaped in embarrassment and lost a lot of money, but I paid One night's room rate is enough." Wang Linchi said.

When the old man heard this, he was also happy. It would be great to send money.

"Okay, okay, I just have an old house vacant. I can just clean it up and let you stay for one night." The other party happily agreed.

"Ah... don't you need to explain this to the village chief?" Wang Linchi asked.

"No, I'm the village chief." The old man said with a smile. Through Wang Linchi's words, he was sure that he was not a bad person, otherwise he would have thrown himself into the village chief's trap.

"That's it, I don't have much money, just take it as a sign." Wang Linchi said and took out the money.

It's true what he said, but it would be a different matter if he really paid less. Wang Linchi paid directly according to the price of staying in the inn.

After the village chief took it, he also smiled happily. In fact, he was satisfied with half the price of the inn. He didn't expect Wang Linchi to be so smart.

He also took a look at Wang Linchi's situation and saw that when he paid for it, he didn't really have much money. After paying for the house, he only had half left.

At this point, it didn't make him think too much. He was obviously too embarrassed to escape and had no time to withdraw the money.

"You are really a waste. Our divine sect has been planning the Immortal Tree for a long time, but you are lucky enough to do it for me. You are wanted for the incident in Yuancheng." A man wearing the clothes of a bishop of the black dragon lineage of the Dragon Worship Cult , with a cold tone in his tone.

The person on the side was sweating profusely. He was the fine gold-level awakened person whose layout was destroyed by Wang Linchi. He pretended to be in the secret realm. He was actually the black dragon envoy of the Black Dragon Vein of the Dragon Worship Sect.

"I originally set up a node in Yuancheng, but it was destroyed by someone. I suspect it may be King Hades." The black dragon envoy said quickly.

Only then did the Black Dragon Bishop's tone soften.

"Forget it, you deserve to be punished for what happened in Langcheng." The Black Dragon Bishop said. He is an Awakener of the Morning Star, so he can easily control the fine gold-level Black Dragon.

"We have already extracted part of the roots of the Immortal Tree. Now we need to expand as quickly as possible. We need to get it as soon as possible before the natives and the court can react."

Bishop Black Dragon continued to give instructions.

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